Located in the Kong Bai office of the old shipyard.

Kong Bai and his party entered this office, two offices to be exact, and were opened through it.

Entering the office through the corner door on the far left, you are greeted by a large wall of screens, centered on a circle of desks and chairs arranged in the shape of a "back", with about 30 seats.

There is an all-in-one computer on each table, and there is a keyboard, mouse, headset, etc. next to the computer, as well as some other office supplies, which does not seem crowded and cluttered.

On the innermost side, there are two rows of desks and chairs, which are facing the direction of the door, divided into two rows, one row is six tables, a total of twelve tables.

Looking back, the back is also a screen wall, and the opposite screen wall forms a mutual echo.

Kong Bai nodded, very satisfied, and continued to walk towards the office inside through the corner door on the left.

The office inside, too, is like the outside, with two screen walls.

Just entered the door, there was a large sofa with a coffee table in the middle with some cups and tea sets, as well as a plate of fruit, a snack box and so on.

Looking further inside, there are huge "tables" with rows of three, two rows in total, six, black glass panels.

Enough space is reserved between these "tables".

Next to each table, there is also a machine similar to the tilting touch inquiry machine in the mall.

In front of each "table", a vertical intelligent conference board is also placed.

These machines, none of them are turned on, the screen is black.

Further inside, there are two rows of desks and chairs, arranged like the outside, also divided into two rows, one row is six tables.

Looking up, the ceiling is full of various cameras, probes and other instruments.

The whole office, simple, generous, full of technology, the key is the space layout is reasonable!

There's plenty of room to spare, but it feels crammed.

Kong Bai was very satisfied, nodded, and said to Zhou Xiaomi with a smile:

"Sister Xiaomi, Brother Qiao is very capable, we have dug up a treasure!"

"Such a talent, you must not let him run!"

"Do everything you can, by any means! Leave him!

Zhou Xiaomi nodded and replied with a grin:

"Don't worry, Mr. Kong!"

"Fall in the palm of your hand, still want to run?"

"Don't talk about the door, the windows are welded to death with iron bars!"

Kong Bai nodded with a smile and said

, "Well, this time it is indeed a little scary!"

"But there is no way, the time is too tight!"

"Also, I need Brother Qiao's help to select some technology and civilian personnel to fill this office."

"I'll report my plan to you first!"

"Regarding the arrangement of confidentiality matters for these personnel, please inform Brother Li and let him discuss it with Brother Qiao!"

"Also, in the future, Brother Qiao will be my office director, and he can act on behalf of my will..." Speaking

of this, Kong Bai pondered for a while and said:

"Sister Xiaomi, give Brother Qiao the position of general manager of your Demon King Guard Company!"

"Give him a position on the surface so that he can run errands outside."

"The chairman is still yours, and you will hand it over to him when it is convenient in the future!"

Zhou Xiaomi hurriedly said, or the chairman will also give it to him, she really can't do such words

, Kong Bai waved his hand and said, step by step, no hurry!

Then, let Zhou Xiaomi call Qiao Changsheng up, now there is no time for him to think about life!

After a while, Qiao Changsheng walked in dejectedly.

Kong Bai pretended not to see anything, so he directly said:

"Brother Qiao, I am really very satisfied with your work!"

"From now on, you will be my chief of staff and concurrently serve as the general manager of the Demon King Guard Company!"

"I'll rely on Brother Qiao more in the future!"

"We are short on time now, so we won't give you time to celebrate!"

"Now, there are a few things to start doing!"

"First, help me select a group of office

personnel, and demand: ""Scientific research personnel are the mainstay, and a few civilian personnel are also needed, and the current 'Demon Cave' little monsters are all counted in it."

"Specific personnel, you and Li Shen will look at it!"

"Second, you help me do a good job, the docking work arrangement with the pilot project headquarters, the only requirement, high efficiency and high quality!"

"Third, the headquarters is required to make a plan for the corresponding instruction transmission and connection mechanism!"

"According to Old Master Wang, those who come are masters, let's not interfere with the specific arrangements, let them watch and do it themselves!"

"Fourth, all experimental project personnel are required to set their posts and staff, familiarize themselves with their job responsibilities, positions, laboratory environment, and equipment as soon as possible, and make job rotation arrangements 24 hours a day!"

"Fifth, starting tomorrow, the entire pilot project will be officially launched!"

"If there is anything you haven't prepared yet, do it as you go; If there is anything inappropriate, change it as you go!

"That's all, you hurry up and implement it!"

"Also, all devices turn on!"

"I'm going to start preparing for the experiment!"

Qiao Changsheng wrote it down one by one, took out his mobile phone, dialed a call, said "turn it all on", and hung up.

Qiao Changsheng was just about to leave, but was stopped by Kong Bai again.

"Brother Qiao, wait a minute."

"Finally, confirm that these data servers, intelligent computing centers and supercomputing centers are all networked separately according to requirements?"

Qiao Changsheng nodded and said: "

All according to your requirements, the network only uses the physical connection method, connected to the equipment related to the experimental project, and removes all wireless network functions!"

Kong Bai nodded and said, "

That's good, that's good!" Don't be careless!

"In case I run out, I can't help it!"

Qiao Changsheng and Zhou Xiaomi looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

The two of them listened to Kong Bai's inexplicable words, and they were both a question mark:

"What is going to run out?" What is there no way?

"What the hell is Kong Bai talking about?"

Qiao Changsheng was not in a hurry to leave, curiosity was great!

Just wait there and see what Kong Bai means!

Soon, all the equipment in the entire office lit up, including those 6 "desks"!

It turned out that it was not an ordinary table, but a desktop touch screen all-in-one, and the screen size was large.

But these devices are all in the Linux system interface, and no other system is installed.

Kong Bai waited for a few minutes to make sure that the equipment was operating normally, and asked Qiao Changsheng to confirm that the three centers were also running smoothly before cautiously inserting a mobile hard disk into a computer on his desk.

Zhou Xiaomi and Qiao Changsheng were standing behind Kong Bai, curiously watching his operation.

Qiao Changsheng knew this blue-labeled mobile hard drive, which contained 600,000 lines of "small programs" that Kong Bai asked him to organize and write.

Kong Bai opened the mobile hard disk logo, there was only one folder inside, and continued to open, which was densely packed with various program files named with numbers and letters.

Kong Bai found an executable file and hesitated for several seconds before confirming its execution.

And then....

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