In an office on the top floor of a building in Zhonghai.

Minister Ding was happily talking on the phone:

"How did you get last night?"

"How many were caught?"

"So much? 222 people? And how many died?

"Good, good, good!"

"Do we have any losses?"

"Hahaha! You really play video games!

"I didn't even get a call last night, so I knew it must have gone well!"

"This artificial intelligence of Mr. Kong is called 'Dabai', right?"

"It's really powerful..." "

I will definitely give Mr. Kong and Dabai credit!" Hahaha! Hanging

up the phone, Minister Ding said to Director Li across the desk:

"Old Li, last night there was a big fish caught in the old shipyard!"

"Captured alive, plus a few dead, a total of 222!"

"Look at the number, 222, they're really '2' home! Hahaha!

"Let's organize together and secretly transport these prisoners away as soon as possible!"

"I also need to understand the details immediately, and hurry up to the north to post the jet!"

Lao Li on the other side was also extremely excited!

"Minister Ding, this is a rare victory on the intelligence battlefield!"

"Without spending a single soldier, easily sweep away the elite forces deployed by the enemy in Zhonghai!"

"I'll ask Li Shen to quickly write a situation report!"

"This battle, fought beautifully!"

"It is estimated that in the future, those guys, hearing the words 'Zhonghai', will tremble!"

Minister Ding was happy, and sighed a little

: "I didn't sleep well last night, and when I look at my mobile phone, I'm afraid of some accident!"

"Now that the big thing is settled, my heart will be steady!"

"Also, that big white is really powerful!"

"Not only can unmanned strikes be carried out, but countermeasures and suggestions can be made in time according to the situation on the battlefield!"

"If it weren't for her advice, our victory would have been more than a quarter less!"

"Moreover, Dabai also suggested that we continue to act as if nothing happened, and continue to maintain a sense of mystery!"

"So, none of the moles that made trouble last night were caught, and the strongholds around the old shipyard didn't move!"

"It is to make the enemy confused, maybe there will be a new gain!"

"Li Shen, they have already arranged armed police soldiers, quietly clinging to the roots of the wall, and gathering those prisoners together!"

"Next, we secretly transport them all away, and this matter will be complete!"

"We must pry open their mouths, thoroughly understand their intelligence networks, and let's give them a catch!"

After that, Minister Ding couldn't sit still anymore, stood up excitedly, and said while strolling around:

"I have a hunch that the meaning of Dabai is no worse than nuclear fusion!"

"Our future form of war is about to change dramatically!"

"Just like Mr. Kong said, whoever dares to blow up the stab in the future, let's play video games with him!"

"I can't wait to see that scene right away!"

Director Li listened to Minister Ding's words, sighed, and leisurely poured a basin of cool water on Minister Ding's hood:

"Don't forget, without a 1-nanometer lithography machine, you really can only think about it!"

Minister Ding froze there all of a sudden, and the smile on his face didn't have time to put it away!

"No, we must increase our efforts to mobilize the strength of the whole country to support Zhonghai for the Great Demon King to drive!"

"We must mass-produce 1-nanometer chips as soon as possible!"

"Now there is no need to be afraid of their infiltration and sabotage!"

"By the way, and that improved jet engine!"

"At that time, the engineer of HNA still told me that the engine is very advanced!"

"However, it may not be able to exert its true power at all."

"The thrust is too great, the driver must not be able to withstand such a large acceleration!"

"Only now have I figured out that this thing is not for people at all!"

"That's for drones!"

"I suggested to them to first come up with a few small engines and put them on the drone to try!"

"I heard that the progress is going smoothly, and the material problems are all solved!"

"And that high-precision machine tool, it's almost there, it will be assembled in a few days!"

"By the way, Kong Bai, the big devil, still attached a small UAV design scheme to the engine's data, and the HNA Institute was still very strange at that time."

"They calculated theoretically, most likely no slower than hypersonic missiles!"

"With such a fast drone, it is simply impossible to control, let alone fight!"

"Now that everything is the truth is revealed, it is really only Dabai that can be controlled!"

"The Great Demon King is terrible!"

"Carefully recall each of his major scientific research achievements, it seems to be imaginary, unrelated!"

"But with the emergence of the artificial intelligence of Dabai, it all strung together!"

"I have a hunch that the strength of the Dragon Kingdom is about to explode, and now it is on the eve of change..."

At six o'clock in the afternoon Eastern Time, it was still the glass-walled skyscraper, the twenty-sixth floor office.

Tony listened to the phone, his face was extremely gloomy, and his right hand holding the earpiece trembled involuntarily.

"Frank, you're a senior operational commander at C.A.I.!"

"From your mouth, you can say such a ridiculous thing!"

"I feel incredible!"

"The first fatal mistake you made!"

"It's just that I don't pay enough attention to the people of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"It was arrogance that blinded your mind and changed the plan of action made in advance!"

"The second fatal mistake is!"

"You lost your mind like a gambler!"

"In that case, what shit rescue operation was carried out!"

"Let our losses increase further!"

"You single-handedly buried almost half of our elite power in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"It also caused huge losses to our allies!"

"If those people are still alive, once they confess, they will paralyze all of our intelligence network in the Dragon Country!"

"We have almost lost the ability to carry out any operations in Zhonghai!"

"It will take at least three to six months to redeploy the deployment!"

"Not to mention, you still don't even know the specific reason for the failure of the operation!"

"Frank, you're a bitch!"

"Just wait for the trial of the military court!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone fiercely, still feeling unsatisfied, and another heavy punch hammered on the table....


Takeshita entered a high-end hotel suite in a happy mood.

I was surprised to find that Matsumoto sat limply on the sofa, his face was colorless, and his eyes were empty.


"What's wrong with you?"

"What happened?"

Matsumoto didn't speak.

After a long time, slowly, his eyes became focused and looked at Takeshita.

Takeshita feels a little scary!

Matsumoto at this time is as if he is not a living person!

The spirit of the whole person has been drained!

Takeshita said hesitantly:

"Matsumoto-kun, didn't yesterday's operation go very well?"

"Those stupid dragon countrymen have been entangled with my hamsters until dawn!"

"I kind of admire their patience and restraint!"

"Moreover, by two o'clock in the morning, they were inexplicably happy!"

"The attitude towards my hamsters is more friendly!"

"Until the end, it didn't stop them from leaving!"

"My mission was successfully completed, and not a single guard force was transferred during this period!"

The more Takeshita spoke, the more excited he became, and he began to dance a little.

Matsumoto stared at him deadly, listening to what he said, before he slowly spoke: "

Takeshita-kun, from now on, you will be the highest intelligence chief of the island country stationed in Zhonghai!"

"I'm about to leave the Dragon Kingdom and return to China to report on my duties..."

"Our action last night failed!"

"We lost a total of 90 excellent agents!"

"Now, our greatest strength in Zhonghai is those hamsters of yours!"

"The rest of the people, all gone..."

Takeshita listened to Matsumoto's words, was taken aback, and stood up "rubbing"!

Loudly questioned

, "Matsumoto, what are you talking about?"

"How could something like this happen?"

"How could it be that no one came back? All 90 Amaterasu warriors are gone?

Matsumoto did not answer Takeshita's question, but continued with his own care:

"I will now convey to you the latest instructions from the headquarters:" "

Please Takeshita-kun stabilize our decline in Zhonghai as soon as possible!"

"The headquarters will send new personnel to replenish our power vacuum in Zhonghai!"

"The headquarters also asked you to try to find out as soon as possible what is inside the

old shipyard..." "But I personally give you a piece of advice, stay away from the old shipyard, there is a devil living there!"

"Oh no! The one who lives in it must be the Great Devil! "

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