"Good evening, audience!"

"Good evening!"

"Today is Friday, May 11, and the 11th of April in the lunar calendar, welcome to today's "Seven O'Clock News" program."

"Today's "Seven O'Clock News" program takes about 50 minutes!"

"The main contents of today's "Seven O'Clock News" program are..." "The

state attaches great importance to the development of higher education, and has recently made a series of important arrangements. The continuous improvement of China's higher education system and the ability to adapt to social and economic development have been continuously enhanced, and the foundation of talents has been consolidated for building a strong country with human resources and promoting the modernization of the industrial system. "

The Ministry of Education has decided to massively expand higher education enrollment from next year. This expansion mainly involves related majors in science and engineering. It is planned that in the next few years, the enrollment of related majors will double from the current scale level!

"By the decision of the National Academy of Sciences of the Dragon Kingdom, the Zhonghai University of Science and Technology will be established in Zhonghai. The university will offer 13 categories such as chemistry, mathematics, physics, 45 professional science disciplines, 30 categories such as mechanics, energy and power, and machinery, and 205 professional engineering disciplines.

"After the completion of the university, it will become the science and engineering college with the most complete professional categories and the largest enrollment in China."

"By the decision of the National Academy of Sciences of Longguo, 68 state-level laboratories will be built in Zhonghai as soon as possible, and the research scope of these laboratories will involve physics, chemistry, nuclear energy and many other fields."

"After the completion of this project, it will become an international first-class scientific research platform for basic research in China, which will greatly enhance China's comprehensive strength in basic scientific research and applied basic research and other related fields."

"With the approval of the relevant state departments, a national high-tech industrial park on Magic Island will be established in Zhonghai City."

"Magic Island Industrial Park will be built into a benchmark for the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters in China Overseas and even the whole country, a demonstration area for the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of manufacturing, the main engine of innovation and development, and a first-class national high-tech zone in China."

"The scientific researchers of China Shipping Haidong Shipbuilding Industry Group have successively made breakthroughs in a number of important technologies after years of self-reliance, hard work, tireless and hard research."

"At present, the scientific researchers of the group are carrying out a series of research work on the site of the former Zhonghai Haidong Shipyard to design and build China's latest aircraft carrier."

Takeshita was in his fourth temporary residence, carefully watching the content of the news of the Dragon Kingdom, and his brows were wrinkled into a Sichuan character.

"Now the people of the Dragon Kingdom are going to make a big splash and concentrate their resources and forces in Zhonghai?"

"Why are they so urgent and ostentatious?"

"This is not in line with the consistent style of the people of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Also, it turns out that they are in that old factory area, researching the design and building of aircraft carriers!"

"And it is estimated that it is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!"

"No wonder the old shipyard also built a storage warehouse dedicated to storing nuclear materials and nuclear materials!"

"No wonder the scale of the work site is so large, and the field defense is airtight!"

"So that's it!"

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom are really tricky!"

"They deliberately and mysteriously, luring intelligence officers from many countries to investigate!"

"As a result, the multinational elite operatives, led by the beautiful country, were so stupid and plunged headlong into the trap laid by others in advance!"

"It's really stupid!"

"For the sake of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, more than 200 elite intelligence officers were buried!"

"It seems that the beautiful country is really going downhill!"

"Put an idiot in charge of their intelligence department!"

At this moment, Takeshita was inexplicably shocked!

Just about to react, I only felt a pain in my neck!

He didn't care to see what hit him, so he quickly turned around and ran towards the window.

After running a few steps, Takeshita felt like the sky was spinning!

After a while, he passed out....

At the same time, similar scenes frequently occur in various dark corners of Zhonghai.

The Special Operations Department of the Dragon Kingdom quickly obtained a lot of valuable information from the interrogation of those prisoners.

And according to the clues he had, a large-scale "rodent extermination" operation came to Zhonghai.

During the operation, many "moles" who colluded internally and externally were captured, and the intelligence officers lurking inside by the enemy were captured....


Beautiful country, the familiar glass-walled skyscraper, a room on the twenty-sixth floor.

Tony and John sat on either side of the desk, but switched places.

John sat in the main seat of his desk, his face revealing irrepressible joy.

Tony sat across from him, the seat that was supposed to be John's regular seat.

His face was now ashen, but his tone was still unhurried.

"John, I still want to solemnly remind you not to fall into the trap of the people of the Dragon Country!"

"They are definitely not in that old shipyard, designing and building some nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!"

"They must be conducting some important research there, or carrying out some mysterious experiment!"

"I suggest that you immediately readjust your deployment and restore our intelligence network in Zhonghai as soon as possible!"

"Yesterday you also saw that the Dragon Kingdom has begun to brazenly gather resources and forces to Zhonghai!"

"Just because of Frank's grave dereliction of duty!"

"This prevents us from immediately carrying out any effective infiltration operations!"

"If the situation continues like this, it will be extremely unfavorable for us!"

"Since you have now been appointed as the supreme officer of the C.A.I., I hope you will carefully consider my proposal!"

John listened to Tony's heartfelt words, smiled softly, and said:

"Tony, I appreciate your professionalism!"

"Even if you have been removed from all positions in C.A.I., you will still face an investigation on Capitol Hill!"

"But you are still obstinate and stubborn!"

"We no longer have the ability to carry out any operations in Zhonghai!"

"It's because you stubbornly believe that there is a major threat in that shit old shipyard that you think exists!"

"Now the situation is already obvious, you have been tricked by the people of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"They are using this psychology of yours to deliberately pretend to be mysterious!"

"Lure you to mobilize a large number of people and take risky and pointless actions!"

"Do you know that just an hour ago, the people of the Dragon Kingdom took swift action and completely destroyed all our liaison offices in Zhonghai and the surrounding areas?"

"We have a large number of single-line contact people, arrested during the operation!"

"Just because their superiors were sent by you into the ambush circle of the old shipyard!"

"Our intelligence network in the Dragon Kingdom is completely paralyzed! Thoroughly! The

more John spoke, the more excited he became, and finally he began to roar!

Tony's face turned a little gray again, but there was no hint of concession or compromise.

He stared at John without saying a word, and said slowly:

"John, I am mainly responsible for the failure of this operation!"

"There is no doubt about that!"

"However, I always stand by my point of view!"

"History will finally give me a name!"

After that, he stood up and stretched out his hand, wanting to shake John's hand and say goodbye.

However, John just stared at him with a sneer, ignoring his outstretched hand and not reacting

.... ......

Imperial capital, in a conference room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom.

Several diplomats from the Dragon Country, sitting in the main seats at the conference table, looked at the island diplomats opposite with smiles.

Those island diplomats were obviously headed by a half-bald middle-aged man.

In the center, a diplomat of the Dragon Kingdom wearing glasses coughed lightly and said, "

Dear Mr. Inoue, we have no idea what you are talking about!"

"Could you please describe in detail when, where, and how these so-called 'missing persons' you mentioned entered our territory?"

"How can you be sure that they disappeared near the old shipyard of Zhonghai?"

"Or in other words, what evidence do you have to prove that their disappearance has something to do with us?"

The middle-aged man's face was full of bitterness, and he hesitated for a while and said, "

We have received a commission from their relatives in our country to appeal to your ministry!"

"According to their relatives, they were tricked by some unknown people and smuggled into the Zhonghai region of the Dragon Kingdom through illegal means."

"According to their relatives, they were in touch just the other day."

"Said that I found a job near the old shipyard of Zhonghai!"

"Although their smuggling behavior violates the laws of your country!"

"We also just learned that your country designs and builds aircraft carriers there!"

"Therefore, I guess they must have violated your country's secrecy regulations before they were controlled by your personnel!"

"However, we still hope that your country will return them to us in the spirit of humanitarianism!"

"For this, we are ready to pay a considerable price!"

The last sentence, the middle-aged man said quite solemnly.

The Dragon Kingdom diplomat in the center replied with a smile: "

I'm sorry, Inoue-san!"

"Your accusation that we have no evidence is unacceptable!"

"If you can provide even the slightest bit of evidence or clues, that's fine!"

"But, you have nothing!"

"Therefore, we cannot agree to your above request!"

"They may continue to disappear, if you don't think of something else!"

After speaking, the diplomat of the Dragon Kingdom smiled mysteriously at Mr. Inoue...

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