As Dean Zou spoke on the stage, it was obvious that the experts and scholars below did not have the heart to listen.

Today's series of news, the impact on the big guys is indeed a bit big, understandable.

Don't say it's them, even Dean Zou himself is very shocked!

Kong Bai became an academician and the deputy director of the academic committee of Zhonghai University of Science and Technology of the Longke Academy, and he was aware of these decisions during the formulation process, and to a certain extent, promoted the rapid making of these decisions.

Because, after all, the vast majority of academicians do not know Kong Bai as a person, nor do they know much about his academic ability and contributions, and need Dean Zou to do relevant explanation and explanation work alone.

There are now about a thousand academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Dragon Kingdom, and everyone is a big treasure that cannot be ignored by the country, and everyone needs him to do it personally, patiently and meticulously persuade him.

After hearing about Kong Bai's amazing abilities and achievements, many academicians had no objection to electing him as an academician.

However, there are also many people who put forward other opinions or conditions

: the most important opinion is:

criticize Dean Zou for not doing things authentically, why is such an amazing genius-like figure hidden and not let them know? Are they unworthy?

Now it's good, the names are the first time I've heard of them, people, that's even more unseen, and then suddenly, fell from the sky, unexpectedly, caught off guard told them that there is such a demon-like character!

One of the academicians, after listening to what Dean Zou said, was angry on the spot!

"What? Xiao Zhou?

"Is it that I'm older, and you don't take me seriously when you see that I can't make any big contributions?"

"Such a major scientific research achievement, and such a powerful genius, don't you tell me to introduce me?"

"He's busy, I'm going to see him, right?"

"I don't care, I don't have an opinion pushing academician!"

"Have they all come up with feasible continuous nuclear fusion, not to academicians, is it still the Dragon Kingdom?"

"But, man, I must meet! And it's necessary to see you soon!

"I have long felt that the Zhonghai side is not normal, and several of my students, disciples, apprentices and grandchildren have inexplicably disappeared, and then vaguely know that it is Zhonghai!"

"I knew you were the ghost!"

"I know the importance of secrecy, so I didn't call you a single call, and I didn't ask a word!"

"However, this matter is what you Xiao Zou did not do right!"

"In this way, I won't stay here anymore, the project at hand has come to an end!"

"In the future, I will stay in Zhonghai, don't you want to establish a dragon science academy Zhonghai University of Science and Technology?"

"My condition is: place me in the Zhonghai University of Science and Technology of the Dragon Science Institute!"

"I'll go see the genius when I'm okay in the future, hahaha!"

The other academician had a good attitude, silently listened to Academician Zou's story, sighed leisurely, and said:

"This little hole is called Kong Bai, right?"

"Push him as an academician, of course I am in favor with both hands!"

"People have made such a big contribution, don't push academicians?"

"You think it's in a novel? That's not nonsense!

"But Xiao Zou, I have a few words, blocked in my heart, don't vomit or be unhappy!"

"You have the right to do good deeds, show kindness, and listen to my old man's words!"

"My old fellow, now in your Xiao Zou, there really is nothing to hope for!"

"I have only done two of the key projects in the academy, ministry and country this year!"

"This person, as soon as he gets older, his eyes are not good, and his brain is not easy to use!"

"So, Xiao Zou, you didn't take me seriously, I can completely understand!"

"I also know my ability, it's not as good as it is every day!"

"You don't let me know these things, that's for my good!"

"I'm afraid that I know too much, mentally unstable, not conducive to old age life!"

"Isn't it? You still say no?

"Is my secret level not high enough?" Or is my identity unworthy?

"I don't care, what, Zhonghai University of Science and Technology of the Dragon Science Institute, just leave me a professor's position!"

"Also, arrange for us to meet as soon as possible!"

In the end, it evolved into anger, and he didn't wait for Dean Zou to finish speaking, so he hung up the phone!

Almost all academicians have no opinion on the election of Kong Bai as an academician!

Instead, he has an opinion about Zou Min, the dean of the Dragon Science Institute!

The conditions put forward are all similar, and they all require to see Kong Bai!

Some of them have some connections with science and engineering related majors, and they all propose to teach at the Zhonghai University of Science and Technology of the Longke Institute!

Said to be closer to the genius, so as not to be kept in the dark by Dean Zou all day!

Dean Zou sighed silently in his heart while speaking absentmindedly on the stage!

What kind of monster will the future Zhonghai University of Technology of the Dragon Science Academy be!

At that time, Dean Zou occasionally heard a few young people joking there, saying, "As soon as the Great Demon King comes out, he will dominate the rivers and lakes!" In

my heart, I still laughed at those little characters: too young, no points to speak!

"Alas! It turns out that he is too naïve!

"Listen to Academician Li, Academician Situ of Dihua University in the imperial capital once said a word!"

"Say where Kong Bai is, where is the center of the physics community in the Dragon Kingdom."

"It seems that it is not an exaggeration at all, there is not the slightest exaggeration!"

"On the contrary, I feel that Academician Situ is not accurate enough!"

"If this situation continues to evolve, Zhonghai will not only be the center of physics!"

"Those experts and technical backbones in optoelectronics, microelectronics, and aerodynamics, aren't they all in Zhonghai now!"

"And those related enterprises are moving towards Zhonghai at an extremely rapid speed!"

"Great Devil, this really seems to be 'ruling the rivers and lakes'!"

"And that Academy of Sciences No. 801, when did you call for instructions?"

"Why don't you have any impression at all?"

Dean Zou was in the audience at that time, and when he heard about the No. 801 Academy of Sciences, he was a little confused!

He didn't get a trace of the wind, and suddenly, hearing such a major and special arrangement, he was also a little puzzled.

Next to him just now sat Academician Li.

Academician Li was also stunned for a while, and then, he went to Dean Zou!

"Your boy is capable?"

"Such a major news, why don't you talk to me beforehand?"

Dean Zou couldn't answer this question, and it was just time for him to speak, so he took this opportunity to quickly slip away.

Still not skilled enough! In this way, he was also grabbed by Academician Li's sleeve and added:

"I don't care, Academy of Sciences No. 801, I want to occupy a position in it first!"

Dean Zou was distracted while speaking, and he also mispronounced several places, and he didn't care about him, and then read!

Anyway, no one below listened to it, and they themselves were confused!

Dean Zou pondered,

"When did I call for instructions?"

"That one can not be wrong with a single word! He said that he hit, that is, hit!


"Please tell me about that artificial intelligence! I finally understood when I had called!

"It turned out to be that artificial intelligence! It seems that he still underestimated the importance he attached to this technology!

"The establishment of an Academy of Sciences specifically for one person seems a bit exaggerated to outsiders!"

"However, if the computing power is enough

..." "Who can say accurately, whether an artificial intelligence can withstand a group of scientists..."

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