These experts, in the first building, can be regarded as an eye-opener, and they secretly feel that the money of the Great Demon King is worth it!

Many of the batteries studied inside, taken outside, are amazing scientific research results, but in the introduction of these experimenters and managers, it seems to be an understatement, a common thing!

Before leaving, a laboratory staff member sighed deeply, saying that the headquarters was still very dissatisfied with their research progress recently, and asked them to speed up the progress of the experiment and improve the research efficiency as much as possible!

Then, the experimenter, in the stunned eyes of the experts, turned around and silently bowed his head to work, very much like the first lesson of their magic cave at that time, and the loneliness at the end of class was inside.

Later, under the leadership of the manager, the experts visited other laboratories, many of which were conducting research on electrochemistry and materials science.

In the introduction, experts learned that the research work of these laboratories has achieved great results, and the performance of many batteries has been improved dozens of times compared with the current batteries!

However, from the faces of those experimenters and managers, they did not feel the joy after success, but a stressful look!

Walking to several laboratories set up in another building, the manager signaled the experts to stop and

not go in, and then said: "Experts, let's not go in and visit in detail!"

"In this building, there are a total of 3 large laboratories, mainly for experimental work related to biological batteries, I will give you a brief introduction here!"

"Biological batteries, there is no unified, standard definition yet!"

"There are three main directions for our research!"

"The first is the traditional biofuel cell, which is relatively simple!"

"In fact, through fermentation, biogas or other combustible gas is produced, and then thermoelectric conversion is carried out to generate electricity."

"For example, batteries that use waste organic matter such as wheat straw, corn cobs, leaves, and garbage as 'fuel' to generate electricity."

"It is not only low cost, but also noiseless, simple structure, reliable work, does not release toxic waste, does not pollute the environment, is well controlled, and is not easy to fire and explosion."

"The disadvantage is that the equipment is bulky, not easy to carry, and the thermoelectric conversion process needs to lose a lot of energy!"

"However, this battery, in some remote mountainous areas and difficult conditions, has very good application prospects!"

"At present, we are doing research mainly on how to improve the efficiency and quality of biodegradation and improve the power of power generation!"

"The second is the bioelectrode fuel cell!"

"This is also very simple, for example, everyone knows, if you insert zinc rods and copper rods on apples, there will be weak current, this is the principle!"

"Of course, the research we do is much more complex and precise, and the electrode materials are also very novel, and some major breakthroughs have been made in this regard!"

"This kind of battery is relatively the first, with the advantages of easy carrying, simple operation, no need for thermoelectric conversion equipment, sufficient raw materials, and a wide range of applications!"

"But the disadvantage is that the power generation efficiency is not very high, and regular maintenance is required!"

"The application prospects of this battery are also very extensive: for example, field surgery, offshore work, etc."

"The most noteworthy thing is that this battery, in cosmonautics, is very promising!"

"As we all know, when manned spacecraft travel in space, especially deep space away from the sun, in a closed environment for a long time, biological batteries are essential to achieve the maximum utilization of materials in the spacecraft. Biological batteries release electrical energy to realize the circulation of matter in the spacecraft, which can give the spacecraft the ability to fly deeper into space.

"There's a third one, which is the new concept of biobatteries."

"This battery uses enzymes to degrade natural biological products such as lactic acid, release electrons, and through special design, expand the contact area, improve conversion efficiency, and efficiently capture electrons."

"The biological batteries we are currently working on can be recombined as needed, have high energy density, are portable, and can be reassembled in both seawater and freshwater environments, which can be applied to most application scenarios."

"For example, in modern military activities, warfighters are equipped with a lot of electronic equipment and need to carry heavy batteries with them to meet their power needs."

"And these high-energy batteries have a certain danger, once hit or bumped, it is easy to cause indirect damage to combatants!"

"The biological battery we developed can provide a more secure and relatively sufficient power supply." The impact of this project on national defense and society is very positive.

"The disadvantage is that it is very expensive, very expensive!"

"The main direction of our next research is to improve the efficiency of this battery power generation while striving to reduce costs!"

"These three laboratories, which have the characteristics of biological laboratories, are more or less engaged in bacterial and microbial research."

"So, experts, let's just take a look outside, don't go in!"

After visiting the three biological battery laboratories, the manager took experts to the "super battery" test site located in the old shipyard building area for a visit.

Walking to the first test site, the manager stopped and began to introduce:

"What you see now is the test site of ordinary chemical batteries."

"What is being tested now is Mr. Kong's latest new high-energy D-type battery, which is the No. 1 battery we first saw!"

"Don't look at them as the size of a traditional No. 1 battery, but the performance is very different!"

"Now the No. 1 carbon battery that can be seen on the market, under a stable current of 100 mA, can continue to discharge 5000 mA, that is, the best, alkaline battery, can reach 16000 mA, that is, the best performance."

"Now the new No. 1 battery we have developed is no longer the same structure as before, and the positive and negative electrode materials inside are different from traditional alkaline batteries!"

"Dear experts, please see, these new high-energy D-type batteries that are currently being tested can test the battery capacity under a stable current of 500 mA, which has exceeded 1 million mAh!"

"This performance, at least more than 60 times the performance of the current traditional No. 1 battery, can be said to be a historic breakthrough!"

"However, there are still problems such as thermal management imbalance and stability!"

"Simply put, it is easy to burn or even explode under the condition of high current!"

"Moreover, Mr. Kong is also very dissatisfied with the degree of this performance improvement!"

"His goal is to break through 2 million mAh and meet civilian-grade safety standards!"

"Moreover, in an insulated environment, stored for five years, the remaining electricity can reach more than 80%!"

"In addition, Mr. Kong also put forward many other high standard requirements!"

"He is also continuing to conduct research on new materials to achieve these goals!"

"I heard from the laboratory that there seems to be some major breakthrough, electrochemical and stability tests are underway, and if successful, Mr. Kong's hundredfold goal is just around the corner


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