The three of them found the car that had been parked in the distance and boarded it to return.

Bai Wei took the lead in the driver's seat, and in the previous hunting operations, Feng Yue contributed the most. At this time, Bai Wei wanted him to take a break.

"Are we going to continue to hunt zombies tomorrow?"

Today's experience has brought a great impact to Xiaohong.

Thinking of doing something like that for almost a day today, Xiaohong, who was idle at this time, began to shake her legs uncontrollably.

"It's not a question of whether we kill zombies or not, it's a question of whether we kill those zombies or not, we will be killed by zombies.

"With our current strength, we can only hunt these zombies.

Feng Yue's answer made Bai Wei's heart suddenly startled.

"Do you mean that there are monsters that are more powerful than these zombies?"

Bai Wei's questioning made Feng Yue fall silent.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, it's that he doesn't know how to say it.

When the end comes, the red moon is in the sky, and it's not just humans who are affected.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, the only thing the Terran survivors could deal with at present was zombies.

When the corpse king appears in the later stage, even zombies are not so easy to deal with.

If she said it now, it would only make her despair.

"Why don't you speak? It can't really be the same as I thought, right?"

After not seeing Feng Yue's response for a long time, Bai Wei had to ask again.

"All I can say is that what is more terrible than zombies right now is our kind.

Feng Yue's words made Xiaohong, who was sitting in the passenger seat, subconsciously curl up her body.

Bai Wei, who caught a glimpse of in the corner of her eye, thought deeply.

When the end comes, order collapses, and the whole world is reduced to a wasteland.

The Terran survivors who have lost their restraints, the evil, selfishness, and meanness in their hearts are infinitely magnified.

Xiaohong is one of the surviving victims.

If it weren't for the luck of meeting herself and Feng Yue, it is estimated that she would have been tortured by those bastards by now.

And judging from the current situation, it will be difficult for the post-apocalyptic world to return to normal in a short period of time.

As time goes on, those who survive will surely become struggling.

Because of the appearance of zombies, food will definitely become more and more scarce.

Thinking of Bai Wei here, she was also secretly glad in her heart. Fortunately, on the second day of the apocalypse, he met Feng Yue and was sheltered by him.

If he hadn't listened to his father's explanation and continued to stay in the city, his fate could have been imagined.

If you don't become a zombie, you will become a victim like Xiaohong.

Either way, it's not something you can accept.

"Feng Yue, if I can, I want to save more people.

Bai Wei opened her mouth and said to Feng Yue. At the same time, it is also said to yourself.

"I said, you don't need to tell me what you want to do. If you can, I'll help you, and if you can't, don't count on me.

"Besides, what you just said is more powerful than zombies. I can tell you, except for survivors like us.

Speaking of this, Feng Yue also paused in his words.

"If you come across animals and insects, it's best to avoid them. Feng

Yue's words fell, and the car braked suddenly. Sitting in the back row, he suddenly hit his head on the back of the chair in the front row.

Rubbing his aching head, before he could raise his head, Feng Yue complained to Bai Wei.

"Why are you so excited?"

I shouldn't have talked to her while she was driving.

"We're blocked!" However

, Bai Wei's answer made Feng Yue no longer care about whose fault it was.

Looking up at the front of the car, there were several burly men in ragged clothes standing there.

"What are you going to do?" Bai

Wei rolled down the window and poked her head into the other party's question.

Seeing Xiaohong shrunk in the chair and trembling, Feng Yue immediately snorted coldly: "You are not an ordinary person now, are you afraid of a ball?"

Hearing him say this, Xiaohong stabilized her mind and grabbed the short knife placed at her feet.

"We also escaped from the city, but some of us are injured, I wonder if you can help us?"

the man said, not forgetting to point to a ruin on the side.

"Our companions, just like you, are all women, and they are all waiting there......"

The other party shouted and shouted to kill without coming up, which made Bai Wei's vigilance lower a little.

When he heard the other party say that there were still many women, there were several hazy female figures in the ruins on the side.

"Please, help us ......"

Hearing the woman's call for help, Bai Wei turned her head to look at Feng Yue who was sitting in the back row.

"What are we supposed to do now? They don't look like bad people.

Feng Yue glanced at her and reached out to hold the long knife.

"Have you ever seen that bad guy, who carves himself as a bad guy on his face?"

If it weren't for the fact that in the previous life, I knew how powerful she was.

Feng Yue really can't imagine how a person like her can survive for so long in the last days?

She doesn't have the ability to see at night, so she can't see the few men hiding in the ruins, but she can see it clearly.

In the ruins on the side, there are indeed women, but they are definitely not what Bai Wei saw.

Just a few of them are like this, and they still ask for help from others? If they don't bully others, they can already be regarded as showing great mercy.

When the women stood up and called for help, they were obviously being held against a knife behind them.

Seeing a man with a long knife walking down from the car, and several people who stopped the car, their expressions suddenly became nervous.

"Sick gown? still holding such a big knife, it can't be a nervous disease, right

?" "How can there be so many neuropathies? Regardless of whether he is sick or not, how many people are good at stubble who can live until now?"

In the whispers of the two, Feng Yue, Bai Wei, and Xiaohong walked out of the car one after another.

After seeing that there were only two women and one man on the other side, the expressions on the faces of the few people blocking the road were obviously a lot more relaxed.

"Great! I see that this brother is wearing a hospital gown, you should be a doctor, right?"

"You come with me, our friend is really seriously injured......"

Seeing that the man turned his head, Feng Yue suddenly accelerated, and when he was two meters away, the edge of the long knife in his hand had already touched the man's neck.

"Let all of you come out! Now that you've decided to be a bad guy, what's there to pretend?"

Feeling the cold chill emanating from the knife, the man's eyes were suddenly filled with fear.

"Big brother, don't shake your hands! We are really not bad people......"

At this distance, the man could already clearly see the line of red letters on the clothes on Feng Yue's chest.

Before he finished speaking, he exclaimed.

"Huh, you're the patient number of Tianwu Psychiatric Hospital, so you can't really be a psychopath, right?"


Feng Yue didn't speak, and answered his question directly with a knife.

looked at a big living person who was fine just now, and because he asked him if he was a psychopath, he was killed by Feng Yue on the spot.

Xiaohong was suddenly frightened and trembled, and Bai Wei on the side was even more angry.

"Feng Yue, are you crazy? He just asked you, do you need to kill him?"

Feng Yue didn't explain, after killing the man, his figure flashed, and he immediately stopped in front of the other person.

"What the hell is the purpose?

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