Under Bai Wei's guidance, several people went to several places one after another.

However, the results were very unsatisfactory.

Either polluted or burned by fire. The only place where there was food was stored was still blistered.

It seems that the only gain today is to obtain a second-order crystal nucleus.

As for food, I can only go elsewhere and find a way.

After returning to the camp, Tie Zhu, Ah Shui, and Xiao Mu had already swallowed the fifth first-order crystal nucleus under Feng Yue's arrangement.

With the swallowing of the first-order crystal nucleus, the three of them could also clearly feel that their strength had been improved.

However, what they didn't know was that the first-order crystal nuclei that Feng Yue gave them were actually selected from the crystal nuclei they handed in.

But this did not affect their gratitude to Feng Yue.

If Feng Yue didn't tell them the three methods, I was afraid that they would die, and they didn't know that the awakened could continue to improve their strength.

"Have you decided to accept a few of them?"

When no one was around, Bai Wei found Feng Yue.

"Now that we've formed a new team, they're too weak. "

What happened to everyone today made Feng Yue realize that he shouldn't limit their strength improvement.

But if the number of rats is more today, I am afraid that the only people who can come back alive today are himself and Bai Wei.

Among the three of them, the ones who can be regarded as combat power now are actually two people, Tiezhu and Xiaomu. As for Ah Shui, who can only get some water out, it's just a burden.

His only role now is to provide some water for everyone.

"Why don't you wear the clothes I found for you?"

Bai Wei's thinking jumped too fast. Just now he was still talking about the three of them in Tiezhu, but as soon as the words changed, they pulled on the clothes, which made Feng Yue stunned for a moment.

"I forgot to change it, let's wear it tomorrow!" Hearing

him say this, Bai Wei grinned.

"Xiaohong, a few of them boiled water today, I think you should take a shower, it's stinky.

Hearing her say this, Feng Yue also subconsciously raised his arm and sniffed it. The taste, indeed, is a little weird.

The blood stains on the clothes have turned black. If you don't wash it, it is estimated that the slurry will be grinded out.

was said to be stinky by a woman to her face, which made Feng Yue's face a little embarrassed.

"Got it! I'll go back to the shower now.

After returning to the room and getting the new clothes that Bai Wei had chosen for him, Feng Yue didn't forget to pick out nine first-order crystal nuclei from the bag containing the crystal nucleus.

When passing through the cafeteria, I called out to several people in the iron pillar.

"Each of you has three pills, and every hour you swallow one.

For his arrangement, Tie Zhu and the others were grateful to Dade for patting him on the back.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, but who doesn't like to listen to good words?

After pretending to be angry and kicking a few people, Feng Yue, who was in a good mood, walked towards the bathroom.

Lying comfortably in the iron pool full of warm water, Feng Yue's expression also became comfortable.

I have to say that there is a woman around here, and the feeling of not having a woman, he is just different.

In the previous life, I didn't take a bath for half a year, and no one would say that I smelled.

After all, everyone is busy with their lives, who

is still in the mood to care about the irrelevant question of whether to take a bath or not? Moreover, in terms of his identity in his previous life, it is already very good to be alive and have a full stomach, where is he still in the mood to care about this?

Taking a bath or something, it is only those who dominate the party, and those high-level people who have lived in safety for a long time, will have the treatment.

This time, it is simply wonderful that he has such an opportunity!

Despite this, Feng Yue still knows it well in his heart.

All of this is temporary. If you can't keep it, you will still become the same as in the previous life.


! It should be even more miserable than

the previous life! After all, the self in the previous life, for those big people, was just an insignificant little minion, dispensable.

Even if the safety of his place is destroyed, he will be alive.

And now, he is the leader of the safe place in front of him.

Once there is a crisis in safety, the first person to be killed is yourself.

Shoot the man first and shoot the horse, and capture the thief first and capture the king.

In order to keep what is in front of you, you must ensure that you are strong at all times and will not die in the hands of others or mutants.

Today, he has already swallowed the first second-order crystal nucleus, and he still needs five second-order crystal nuclei to become a second-order awakened person.

Although those zombies now only have first-order strength, Feng Yue is not in a hurry.

In a week at most, the first zombies to enter the second order will appear.

After tomorrow, there will be three more first-order awakened people under his command.

Counting himself and Bai Wei, his small team now will have five first-order awakened people.

When the time comes, when you deal with those second-order zombies, you can be regarded as having the power to fight back.

When Feng Yue appeared in brand-new clothes, everyone in the courtyard was stunned for a moment.

"Damn! Brother Feng took a shower here, and with the new clothes carefully selected by the eldest sister for him, it was like a different person. Handsome! so handsome!"

"The ancients honestly didn't deceive me, and sure enough, people rely on clothes and horses to rely on saddles, so Brother Feng looks like this...... Tut-tut...... "

Seeing that Tie Zhu and Xiao Mu actually grabbed ahead of him and patted Brother Feng's ass, Ah Shui suddenly became anxious.

"Roll the calf, will you two talk?"

"Our brother Feng is naturally handsome, and he didn't dress up before, just to prevent a few of us from having low self-esteem......"

Hearing Ah Shui say this, Tie Zhu and Xiao Mu were also angry.

Seeing a few people like this, Xiaohong also pushed Bai Wei beside her.

"Sister Xiaowei, Brother Feng is dressed up like this by you, it's like a frog turned into a prince, it's so handsome!"

Hearing this, the trio of iron, wood, and water immediately looked at Xiaohong in unison.

The woman's side...... This is an opponent

!"It's handsome! It seems that I still have some eye for picking clothes."

Seeing a few people like this, Bai Wei also covered her mouth and chuckled lightly on the side.

"Okay, you're all full, there's nothing to do! make fun of me?" Seeing

that even Xiaohong was brought by a few of them to learn to pat on the back, Feng Yue was also speechless.

"Help, help......"

Just when a few people didn't know how to answer, a shout suddenly sounded outside the camp.

"Brother Feng, it seems that someone is shouting for help?"

"Go and take a look!"

Hearing him say this, everyone immediately ran towards the drawbridge at the door.

By the light of the light lamp at the door, everyone soon found a middle-aged man covered in blood and carrying a pig-killing knife in his hand.

Not far from him, there were still a few broken zombies.

"Brother Feng, it's a living person, do you want to let it in?"

Tie Zhu turned his head and asked Feng Yue.

Seeing that Feng Yue was just looking outside and didn't speak, Bai Wei hurriedly opened his mouth to stop him.

"Wait, first ask him what he does?"

However, before Tie Zhu could speak, Feng Yue directly interrupted him.

"It's too late, let him in first. A

few of them couldn't see it, but Feng Yue could see it clearly, just a few hundred meters behind, a group of zombies were rushing towards here.

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