The iron pillars who were busy in the market would not have thought of it at all.

Those who moved the supplies here not only did not leave, but stayed in the distance, watching them.

In a hovercar more than a hundred meters away from the market, a guy withdrew his gaze from the market.

With some doubts, he asked his companions beside him, "Boss, why do we need to leave some supplies? Those things are enough for several people to eat for half a month." Hearing

this, the person he called the leader immediately gave him a blank look.

"I can't bear the child can't trap the wolf, there is no bait, you still catch a fart fish!"

"The other party is a person who has left a guard, you stay honest and don't move." If you find out, I'll kill you without them doing anything.

Being reprimanded by him like this, the person who asked him just now was suddenly silent.

In the market that has been cleaned twice, there are not many supplies left.

Tie Zhu and a few people quickly drove away with the remaining supplies.

Seeing the convoy of several people, after disappearing from sight, a few people hiding in the hovering car walked out cautiously.

"Keep up!"

When it was almost dark, the Iron Pillar and the others rushed back to the camp.

Bai Wei and the others, who had already been ready to receive supplies, frowned suddenly after looking at the almost empty vehicle.

"Brother Feng, we went late, and the materials have been discovered by others and taken away.

Tie Zhu's words made Bai Wei and the others suddenly secretly say pity.

"If we knew it was like this, we should have left two people to watch at that time......"

Looking at the depressed few people, Feng Yue could see it more openly.

"Forget it! Anyway, we took half of the supplies, and now the situation outside is so chaotic, if someone stays, maybe they won't even be able to save their lives.

"We didn't find many zombies along the way, so you can imagine that there must be a safe place nearby that is just as safe as we are. When going out in the future, everyone should be careful...... "

Although everyone only brought back less than six truckloads of supplies today, it is enough for everyone to use for a while."

Seeing that Feng Yue didn't say anything, Tie Zhu and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The butcher was right, he not only sold pork, but also cooked good food.

Using the ingredients he had gathered from the market, he was stunned to make a fragrant dinner.

Feng Yue made a decision on the spot, and the butcher didn't have to go out in the future, just stay in the camp and be responsible for cooking.

For such an arrangement, the butcher also patted his chest with a "tom" sound.

"Rest assured, I will live up to expectations, prepare food every day, and strive to make everyone eat at ease, comfortably, and at ease!"

Hearing him say this, Feng Yue couldn't help but think of the words he saw on the door sign of this psychiatric hospital when he first woke up.

As soon as he thought of this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise a smile.

At that time, those people thought they were insane.

"You see, the leaders are laughing. What does this mean? It shows that the food I cook is delicious, butcher, and I will tell you...... "

Listening to the butcher's words, Feng Yue was also speechless, this guy is really a chatter.

Thanks to arranging for him to go to the kitchen, if he takes it with him every day, it is estimated that he will be annoyed to death.

There is food at home, and there is no panic in my heart.

After temporarily solving the food crisis, Feng Yue began to think about his next step.

Calculate the time and distance from those zombies to the second order, it is estimated that it will be a few days.

After beckoning everyone to rest early in the evening, Feng Yue went back to the room.

Go to bed early and wake up early to ensure that you have enough state.

After Tie Zhu put down the dishes and chopsticks, he quietly glanced at Ah Shui and Xiao Mu.

After everyone left the kitchen, Tie Zhu asked the two meaningfully.

"What we did last night made the eldest sister very dissatisfied. Although Brother Feng spared the three of us, there was another mistake when we were collecting materials today. "

So, what should we do now? You two should know it in your hearts, right?"

Seeing his mysterious appearance, Ah Shui and Xiao Mu shook their heads while looking at each other.

"I don't know!"

"Oh, I'll go! You two are like this, I don't know what to say." Look, let's ......"

After finishing in one breath, Tie Zhu glared at the two of them with a serious face.

"Now, do you two understand?"

This time, Ah Shui and Xiao Mu both nodded one after another.

"Understood, understood!"

Except for the people on duty at night, when everyone went back to the house to rest, Tie Zhu used his ability to open a hole in the wall, and took Ah Shui and Xiao Mu to sneak out of the camp quietly.

In the dark corner dozens of meters away from the camp, several figures moved cautiously.

"Chief, it's decided, those people are staying here. If I'm not mistaken, this place was supposed to be a psychiatric hospital. Hearing

the report of his subordinates, the man's brows were also furrowed.

"Tell me the details of what you've discovered.

At the same time as a few people were speaking, the person in charge of the guard hurriedly withdrew.

"Chief, those three guys came out during the day, they couldn't have found us, right?"

Through the light on the high wall, a few people who looked up saw the same guys they had seen in the market during the day, and they appeared outside the high wall sneakily.

"Withdraw!" The

leader, after looking at it for a while, made a decision without hesitation, and those guys looked like they were trapped.

But fortunately, I know where they are hiding, and the next thing is that I need to go back and ask the head of the family to make plans again.

Like yesterday morning, early in the morning, Feng Yue was woken up by Bai Wei's reprimand.

When he went downstairs to ask about the situation, he was speechless.

Iron, wood, and water sneaked out again last night.

And unlike yesterday morning, yesterday they actually ran out to bring back a group of zombies and locked them in a deep pit under the wall ditch.

Facing the novel brain circuits of the three of them, even Feng Yue, who has relived a lifetime.

"From today onwards, you must get my consent before you do something, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." "

The three iron pillars who have already suffered losses twice are also completely dead.

It is said that it is one, two, and no more. If the three of them play like this again, it is estimated that it will be really cool.

Hearing this, he immediately made a guarantee.

After seeing that Feng Yue's face looked good, he spoke weakly and asked him.

"That...... Brother Feng, what are we going to do today?".

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