At dawn, Feng Yue returned to the camp with Tiezhu and Bearded Men and others.

Although it took a long time, the harvest was okay.

With the newly obtained crystal nucleus, Feng Yue couldn't tell the difference between ordinary, first-order, or second-order.

After entering the camp, he went straight to Bai Wei's room.

To his surprise, before the person reached the door of the room, the door had been opened by Bai Wei from the inside.

Looking at Bai Wei, whose eyelids were a little stiff, Feng Yue was also strange.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

Hearing him say this, Bai Wei wanted to cry.

"You got such a dryad and put it in my room, how dare you let me sleep with peace of mind?"

"Her name is Bai Xiaoyu, not a dryad.

Feng Yue glared at her and pushed the door in directly.

The fishy smell on Feng Yue's body was aroused, and Bai Wei also sobered up a lot.

Regarding his appearance, Bai Xiaoyu showed great intimacy.

Looking at her eyes, Feng Yue didn't talk nonsense, and raised the crystal nucleus in his hand, which suddenly made her eyes brighter.

"Let's eat first!

Under the gaze of Feng Yue and Bai Wei, the small half bag of energy crystal nuclei quickly bottomed out.

Seeing Bai Xiaoyu's forehead, a pale red plum blossom mark appeared.

Bai Wei suddenly looked at Feng Yue in disbelief: "No wonder it's so fragrant, she won't be a plum blossom tree demon, right?"

Feng Yue, who saw this scene, was also shocked.

The plum blossom mark on the forehead, ten thousand corpses are not hidden.

This...... This is the valley lord of Plum Blossom Valley in the previous life!

But in this life, he actually changed her name directly.

I thought I was just lucky, and I met a natural treasure that could drive corpses.

As a result, this ...... yourself In

the last year, a valley full of plum blossoms appeared in the Tianwu Mountains.

The surviving humans, after entering the valley, will be sheltered for a month.

Within a month, a certain number of energy crystal nuclei need to be handed in.

After a month, life or death must be left.

In the previous life, I spent a month in the plum blossom valley.

However, the valley lord has always been mysterious, and no one has ever seen it.

Those who have been to the Valley of Plum Blossoms have only heard legends about her.

It is rumored that the valley lord of Plum Blossom Valley has a plum blossom mark on her forehead, and wherever she appears, no matter how hidden the zombies or other mutants, there will be nothing to hide.


Just when Feng Yue and Bai Wei were stunned, Bai Xiaoyu, who was standing in the room, suddenly spoke.

"White ...... Bai Xiaoyu, what are you laughing at?"

The childish laughter made Bai Wei suddenly startled.

As he spoke, an iron knife appeared in his hand.

However, Bai Xiaoyu didn't look at her, just stared at Feng Yue, and spoke again with a serious face.


This time, Bai Wei understood, she wasn't laughing.

Feng Yue looked at Bai Xiaoyu with some excitement, and asked her uncertainly.

"Are you calling my brother?"

Hearing him say this, Bai Xiaoyu immediately nodded.


this, Bai Wei also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought she had successfully transformed, laughed wildly, and was ready to kill

, scared to death!" Feng Yue glared at her,

and then said to Bai Xiaoyu with a smile: "It's brother, it's not a giggle, you remember!"

Bai Xiaoyu opened her mouth, and there was another

"giggle!" Seeing that she was still the same, Feng Yue gave up directly, anyway, he knew that "giggle" was calling himself.

It seems that letting a tree demon learn to speak human words is a long way to go!

Looking at Bai Wei and Bai Xiaoyu in front of him, if he wants to say that he is not excited, Feng Yue himself will not believe it.

One of them was the iron-blooded queen of the previous life, and the other was the lord of the Plum Blossom Valley in the previous life.

Now, they are all by their side, and with the two of them, it is definitely not a problem for them to safely spend the first two years of the early apocalypse.

After all, in the previous life, he was alone and survived for five years.

With their blessings in this life, he will only go further!

Seeing that Bai Xiaoyu successfully transformed into a form, Feng Yue did not stay long. After telling Bai Xiaoyu not to run around, he prepared to go back to his room to sleep.

When he was about to go out, Bai Wei called out to him.

"You change the clothes on your body, if it weren't for Bai Xiaoyu, I wouldn't be able to treat people in this house.

Glancing at her blood-stained clothes, Feng Yue didn't say much, took the clean clothes in her hand and left.

After a busy night, everyone was already tired and sleepy.

Except for the two gatekeepers, almost all the people in the camp were sleeping.

Bai Xiaoyu was idle, so she played everywhere in the camp by herself.

But there was iron everywhere, which made her feel very uncomfortable. Before I knew it, I ran outside the camp.

The gatekeeper already knew that she was Feng Yue's sister, but he told her not to run away, and he didn't stop her.

By the time Feng Yue and the others woke up, it was already afternoon.

"Ha-yawn! yawn......"

Before he could go downstairs, he heard Ah Shui sneezing vigorously in the yard.

Feng Yue, who glanced at the outside curiously, was suddenly attracted by the scene outside.

Outside the camp, rows of plum trees appeared.

A petite figure sat under the plum tree, looking at the sky in a daze.

After a while, Bai Xiaoyu actually planted a circle of plum trees outside the camp.

However, Feng Yue was not only not angry, but was very surprised.

With the defense of those plum trees, the safety factor here will be greatly improved.

"Brother Feng, your sister has made a lot of plum trees outside, I'm ...... I can't stand this nose! Can you ...... Yawned...... "

Feng Yue went downstairs, and Ah Shui came to complain with a sad face.

Before he could finish speaking, Feng Yue gave him a blank look.

"With those plum trees, zombies can't get close to our camp. Do you choose to go out and face the zombies, or do you choose to sneeze inside the camp?"

The plum tree, does it still have the effect of driving away the zombies?

The bearded man on the side showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

"No wonder when we found that plum tree yesterday, there wasn't even a single zombie nearby.

"Now that I think about it, thanks to the plum tree, the leader's sister was able to survive!" The

bearded man's words made everyone's attitude suddenly different.

Tie Zhu patted Ah Shui's shoulder and looked at him with a reproachful expression.

"How good those plum trees are, when there are no zombies, they can be used as greenery, and when there are zombies, they can be used as defense. Such a good thing, we all loved it.

"What? You are allergic, listen, this is your own problem! What does it have to do with plum trees?"

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