The mutant dogs that tracked down were outnumbered after all.

Looking at the zombie dog that stood up again from the group of corpses, everyone on the wall suddenly felt a surge in their stomachs.

"Do you want to do this? It's rare to have a good meal, and the result will show us this?"

"No! I must not vomit, I eat mutant dogs, not zombie dogs......"

The performance of the Tie Zhu was different, but the bearded man was full of anger.

"These bastards! I haven't eaten enough yet, and they've infected those mutant dogs.

"Such a big number of mutant dogs, it's enough for us to eat for several days, it's a waste!" Bai

Wei, who was gnawing on bones while walking, just climbed onto the top of the wall, and saw several people holding on to the wall, holding back the iron pillar and not spitting.

Puzzled, he was stunned on the spot.

Seeing this, the bearded man's eyelids jumped wildly.

"Big sister, you must not waste it!" Bai

Wei swallowed, becoming more and more puzzled.

"What waste? what are you inexplicably nervous?"

There was a roar of zombies from below, it was a third-order zombie, crushed by a huge zombie dog.

When several people heard the reputation, Bai Wei immediately made a "whoosh", squatted on the wall and vomited wildly.

"Damn!" Tie

Zhu's expressions changed, and they couldn't help but vomit wildly.

Feng Yue glanced at everyone, and immediately covered his nose and ran to the side.

"Ah Shui, you hurry up and clean it up!" Between

the words, Feng Yue had already run down the wall and went out to face the corpses.

If you don't deal with those zombie dogs, something will happen sooner or later.

Seeing that Feng Yue, who ran down the defensive wall, launched an attack on the corpses.

The bearded man immediately roared angrily, and rushed under the wall with his broadsword.

"Damn zombies, still Lao Tzu dog meat!" I

don't know if it was because they were too angry, and the people who followed the bearded man to run down the defensive wall actually attacked the corpses without their lives.

Those zombie dogs, although they were not infected by zombies, attacked very quickly.

But because he has just been corpsed, his current actions are not even comparable to some high-level zombies in the corpse group.

Feng Yue saw the opportunity, and after using the vines to pull the zombie dog in front of him, without saying a word, it was three knives.

This is also the main reason why he wants to kill the zombie dog first.

Compared to those humanoid zombies, zombie dogs will move faster once they grow.

Coupled with the fact that they possess three heads, they are almost impossible to kill easily.

Under Feng Yue's purposeful killing, those zombie dogs that were corpsed were quickly cleaned up.

Looking at the corpses that still didn't want to disperse, Feng Yue skillfully used the earth-based abilities he had in his previous life.

"Bound to the ground!"

As his words fell, everyone soon found that the zombies huddled together seemed to be shackled under their feet, unable to move at all except for struggling in place.

"Arrow rain meteor!" "Endless

arrows, sweeping through the corpses.

Wait until the sound of "boom, boom ......" in the air will no longer sound.

The group of corpses that stood in front of everyone no longer had a head to stand.

Looking at the zombie remains all over the ground, the bearded people also had their eyes shining.

It turned out that the commander was so strong, and the reason why he kept these zombies before was not that he couldn't kill them, but that he didn't want to kill them.

"What are you looking at me doing?Hurry up and clean it up and collect the crystal nucleus!" Hearing

Feng Yue's words, the bearded man and the others reacted.

Now is not the time to be in a daze, after answering his call, he hurriedly beckoned people to dissect on the spot.

The group of corpses facing the gate was completely wiped out.

But the zombies in other places are still gathered in piles.

The appearance of mutant dogs is just a signal.

It is estimated that it will not be long before more variants emerge.

In order to prevent any more mutants from approaching the camp and being infected and necrogenized by the corpses stranded here, it's time to get rid of the disgusting zombies here.

However, after Feng Yue killed batches of zombies one after another, something unexpected happened to him.

The third-order zombies in other positions, after discovering that he was approaching, would immediately take the corpses away from him, and would not give him a chance to make a move at all.

"Zombies will also be afraid?"

Such a strange behavior quickly attracted Bai Wei's attention.

After realizing that as soon as Feng Yue approached, those corpses would quickly retreat.

Bai Wei quickly ran over and asked Feng Yue with surprise in her eyes.

"It's not surprising that high-level zombies have begun to give birth to spiritual intelligence, and they will be afraid.

Feng Yue glanced at her and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Bai

Wei didn't know why he suddenly laughed, and his expression immediately became nervous.

This guy can't be sick, right?"

didn't you say before that you didn't dare to eat it? I just saw you running out with a big bone.

Hearing him say this, Bai Wei's face suddenly turned cold.

"I'm hungry, can't I?"

a floral fragrance wafted in, dispelling the rancid smell around everyone.

The corpses wandering around the side followed back a little farther away.

Everyone looked up and saw Bai Xiaoyu running towards him, and they suddenly felt relieved.

"You say, the commander's sister, why do you want to have the surname Bai instead of following the commander's surname Feng?"

Tie Zhu glared at the bearded man: "I want to know?

The arrival of Bai Xiaoyu greatly increased the safety factor of everyone who collected crystal nuclei.

Looking at the corpses that voluntarily stayed away, everyone who was busy collecting crystal nuclei was also relieved.

"Now we don't have to guard against those zombies sneaking up on us, everyone hurry up!"

"My sister must also be a powerful awakener, and the abilities she has should be wood-based, right?"

"yes! I think so too. Look at those zombies, now as soon as they see the commander and the commander's sister approaching, they will immediately retreat...... "

Looking at those corpses that are far away, Feng Yue knows that if he wants to kill them in pieces, it will not be as easy as it was just now.

Those third-order zombies already have the ability to perceive danger.

Looking at the people who were busy collecting crystal nuclei, Feng Yue also sighed helplessly.

As the third-order realm of the watershed of strength, it is difficult for many people to improve after reaching the third-order.

Among them, apart from Bai Wei, who he already knew, he didn't know if there would be other high-level awakened people.

Fourth-order zombies have not appeared yet, in order to ensure that they have enough strength in front of these people.

Before they advanced to the fourth order, they could only stop at the second order realm.

But the fourth-order zombies, even if they appeared, how could they be so easy to kill? When everything recovers,

it is the time for the fourth-order zombies to appear.

His eyes swept over Bai Xiaoyu in front of him, and it seemed that when the time came, he would have to rely on her ability.

"Giggles, look at me?"

Bai Xiaoyu's speech ability is still so worrying.

I'm really afraid that one day she will misunderstand because she is not clear about her expression.

Looking at Bai Xiaoyu, who was full of doubts, Feng Yue grinned.

"It's okay, my brother got you something to eat. "

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