
a flame, enveloped in the wind, ignited the surrounding trees.

Through the burning flames, the bearded man finally saw what was walking in front of him.

"Damn! I was tricked by a brute, and I was killed!" looked

at the weasel trembling under the fire.

The bearded man scolded and raised the long knife in his hand, and between words, he was about to slash at the head of the mutated weasel.

"Stop!" Feng

Yue's voice came from the side.

The bearded man who heard the shouting stopped the big knife in his hand.

"Commander, this thing just lied to me! If it weren't for that thunder, I don't know where I was taken by it!" Feng

Yue raised his hand, and the current between his fingers surged, making a series of "crackling" sounds.

The bearded man who saw this scene instantly understood that the thunder just now was made by Feng Yue.

The bearded man, who understood that he already knew about this, immediately stepped aside and said no more.

Seeing Feng Yue step forward with his knife, the mutant weasel, who was originally curled up on the ground, suddenly raised his head, held a pair of front paws, and kept shaking at Feng Yue.

"Twitter, twitter......"

The bearded man who saw this scene was shocked.

"Yo he! I've learned to behave.

"Commander, they all say that this thing is psychic, it looks like this, shouldn't it be a refinement?"

Feng Yue glanced at him and didn't speak.

Turning his head, the weasel in front of him was still waving at himself.

"Do you understand human speech?" the

bearded man immediately laughed as he said this.

Just now he said that it had become a sperm, and he glared at him, but now he is here again to ask people if they can understand people's words,

however, when he saw the weasel, he really nodded and responded.

The bearded man suddenly felt that his whole person was a little bad.

How did he react? Feng Yue ignored it.

After the end of the world, many mutants have given birth to intelligence, and he is not surprised that the weasel in front of him can understand human speech.

If you let the bearded man know, a few years after the end times begin.

Those mutants can not only understand human speech, but even some super-level mutants and alien beasts, and can also speak human words, it is estimated that he can be scared stupid.

The mind-reading technique is activated, directly enveloping the weasel in front of him.

Since it can understand human speech, it is enough to show that it has enough mind.

If you have a mind, you can read your mind.

"Are you scared?"

Facing Feng Yue's inquiry, the weasel nodded again.

At this time, the bearded man was already a little dumbfounded.

From time to time, his eyes wandered back and forth between Feng Yue and the weasel.

More than ten seconds passed, and Feng Yue put away his mind reading technique.

And for the weasel, it was like a long, long time.

"Commander, there seems to be movement over there?"

Just as it was wondering if Feng Yue would kill him, the bearded man's words interrupted its thoughts.

After raising his head humanly and glancing in the direction of the bearded finger, the expression on the weasel's pointed face instantly became frightened.

Feng Yue also turned his head and saw the zombies running towards him.

It is estimated that he was disturbed by the thunder just now, and ran over to follow the sound.

"After I finish dealing with these zombies, I'm talking about you, if you dare to run, I'll kill you immediately!" Hearing

Feng Yue say that it was a zombie that made a movement over there, the bearded man was already very surprised.

It's so dark, I don't know how he saw it clearly

, and now that he threatens a weasel, the bearded man feels that things are no longer as simple as he thinks in his heart.

"It's fucking mysterious! You threaten a weasel, the key is that it really understands......"

"Don't complain, hurry up and deal with those zombies."

Feng Yue spoke, interrupting the bearded man's self-talk.

At the same time, wave your hand to trigger the flames on the side, igniting the nearby vegetation and lighting the beard.

The number of zombies who came after hearing the news was not very large, and they didn't need to be sealed to make a move, and the bearded man was all solved.

Feng Yue stopped the bearded man's move to collect crystal nuclei, but there were only a dozen zombies, and the highest was only one order.

Even if there is a crystal nucleus, it is useless for the current two.

casually extinguished the mountain fire, Feng Yue looked at the weasel who had been staying in place.

"Take us to your place!" Seeing

the weasel obediently leading the way in front, the bearded man was stunned for a moment before quickly following.

Let's just think that weasel is a dog! Otherwise, I'll go crazy.

The appearance of the weasel reminded Feng Yue of something.

Tiansheng City, which is adjacent to Tianwu City, has a master who has created illusions after the end of the world.

Legend has it that the man gained his abilities after slaying an unknown beast in the mountains.

An ordinary person, after suddenly possessing a special ability beyond common sense.

If the mind is not firm enough, it will basically embark on a path of destruction.

With limited cognition, he would consider himself a god.

If it is in peacetime, such a person will be guided by the correct three views and will become a hero in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in the post-apocalyptic wasteland where order collapsed, he suddenly obtained such an ability, which would only magnify the evil in his heart infinitely!

The result was that he could do whatever he wanted!

In the last life, the guy who had the illusion was too arrogant and thought that no one could break the illusion he had arranged.

Doing whatever he wanted, he became more and more perverted, and finally caused public anger, which led to his eventual death.

Now it seems that it is very likely that that person, like himself, has awakened the fusion ability.

It's just that the man, he doesn't know it.

With just one ability, he thinks he is invincible.

Led by the weasel, Feng Yue and the bearded two walked through a forest and climbed a mountain peak.

Looking at the bonfire that appeared in sight, the bearded man's expression was immediately overjoyed.

"Commander, there are people! There are people down there, it's a gathering place!" Feng

Yue nodded, but asked the weasel beside him.

"You confused him before, just to help you kill those people under the mountain through him?"

Seeing the weasel nodding, the bearded man suddenly became angry.

"Damn, you brute, even if you confuse Lao Tzu, you still want me to kill someone?" I slaughtered you

!" "Dang!"

Feng Yue raised his knife and blocked the bearded attack for the weasel.

"You can't do anything to it without my consent. "

Feng Yue figured out one thing just now, the weasel in front of him may be the fierce beast that can create illusions.

As for why it can control the beard, but not itself.

Maybe it's because he has the art of mind reading, and he can crack it.

But if it's it or not? You'll

have to get confirmation from the guy with the fusion ability before you know for sure.

Before the matter was clarified, Feng Yue would definitely not let the bearded man kill it like this.

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