At dawn, Feng Yue appeared on the other side of the mountain with rhubarb.

Ahead, the ruins of the city.

At this distance, you can vaguely see the zombies wandering among the ruins.

Killing the blue-headed Heavenly Dragon allowed Feng Yue to obtain a fifth-order crystal nucleus.

He only needed to obtain three more fifth-order crystal nuclei, and he could successfully step into the fifth-order realm and reach the strength he had in his previous life.

It's just that at this time, the number of fifth-order creatures is still very rare.

Yesterday, I was able to meet one in the mountains by accident, which is already relatively lucky.

Rhubarb followed behind Feng Yue, stopping and stopping from time to time, looking a little out of shape.

"Call you so greedy, other weasels are all not moving, and moving is like flying. You're good, it's hard to walk. Hearing

Feng Yue say this, Rhubarb didn't squeak, and raised his forelimbs, just kept moving.

Looking at it like this, Feng Yue didn't want to say more.

In the ruins of the city ahead, zombies have appeared.

I haven't met a zombie for so long, I hope my luck is good enough, and I can meet a corpse general who has reached the strength of the fifth order!

Because of the rhubarb, Feng Yue didn't go fast.

But even so, the distance is here, even if you walk slowly, there is a moment to go.

Looking at the zombies standing in the ruins, not knowing what they were thinking.

Rhubarb also tilted his triangular head, looking at the zombies in confusion, and then at Feng Yue.

"That's a Terran mutant, and if you get hurt by them, I won't hesitate to kill you.

Hearing him say this, Rhubarb was immediately frightened.


A fart sound suddenly made Feng Yue frown.

"Rhubarb, your uncle! "

Actually, it doesn't want to fart, it's just that it is frightened by Feng Yue, and when it is nervous, it is a little uncontrollable.

Seeing Feng Yue hurriedly running away to the side, Rhubarb also kicked his calf and chased after him.

The zombies nearby, who were originally relatively quiet, rushed over with a roar almost at the same time as the fart sounded.

Looking at those zombies who were obviously missing arms and legs, and even half of their heads were broken, they could still burst out at such an astonishing speed.

Da Huang suddenly trembled with fright, Feng Yue said just now that if he was injured by those zombies, he would kill himself without hesitation.


Oops! I can't think about it, I get nervous when I think about it, and I fart when I'm nervous."

Listening to the rhubarb behind him, Feng Yue was also speechless.

"Nima, you think you're a fart, don't you?"

Rhubarb's fart sound successfully attracted the attention of the surrounding zombies.

Less than ten minutes after entering the ruins, Feng Yue was already followed by a group of zombies.

In desperation, Feng Yue had no choice but to stop it.


there was a thud, and a high wall rose to the ground.

The ten-meter-high earthen wall appeared, finally stopping the pursuit of those zombies.

Looking at the rhubarb that collapsed to the ground, Feng Yue really wanted to step on it to death.

seemed to feel his murderous intention, Rhubarb, who was lying on the ground, sat up like an electric shock, and faced Feng Yue, just repeatedly.

Looking at it like this, Feng Yue was also angry and funny.

Reaching out and taking out a crystal nucleus in his arms, he threw it over, and said coldly.

"Swallow this, you give me a little attention. "

Feng Yue didn't have much food on his body.

Water is better to say, that is, it is a matter of moving thoughts. But if you can't eat enough, no matter how much water you drink, it's useless.

Seeing the rhubarb lying on the side, Feng Yue immediately glanced at it again.

"Rhubarb, go find something to eat and come back!" Hearing

him say this, Rhubarb, who had just gotten the benefits, immediately got into the ruins with great joy.


Just after Rhubarb left, there were already zombies that bypassed the high wall and chased after Feng Yue from elsewhere.

"It's endless!" Feng

Yue snorted coldly, he didn't kill them just now, and he really thought that he couldn't beat them.

Raising his hand, a wave of arrows went directly at the corpses.

"Poof, poof, poof......"

Feng Yue was sure that those arrows had hit the target.

However, even the zombie with arrows stuck in its head still swayed and continued to move forward, and it did not look like it was completely dead at all.

Such a scene made Feng Yue frown suddenly.

It seems that these zombies have mutated again, and even if you attack their heads, you can't make them completely dead.

The vines were sacrificed, and the corpses were surrounded in an instant, and Feng Yue didn't talk nonsense, and stepped forward with a knife, which was to chop.

As their heads were cut off, the zombies were completely motionless.

Among this group of zombies, there is no powerful existence, and the highest strength is the third order.

Under a combined attack by Feng Yue, it was quickly eliminated.

Seeing the appearance of a rhubarb with a piece of meat in his mouth, Feng Yue beckoned to it.

"If you're cheap, the crystal nucleus left by these zombies will be yours.

Although Rhubarb didn't understand what he meant by these words, he understood that he seemed to have picked up a bargain, and even bared his teeth at Feng Yue.

Gotta look like a fool, you still have to do it yourself.

Eventually, among the corpses all over the ground, two crystal nuclei were found. An ordinary one, a third-order one.

According to what Feng Yue said before, they were all given rhubarb.

After solving the corpse group, Feng Yue entered the ruins again.

Expecting Rhubarb to find food, it is estimated that it will take a while.

As for the piece of meat it brought back, Feng Yue didn't dare to eat it.

It's been so long since the end of the world, and a lot of vegetation has grown in the ruins.

If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to get something out.

In an underground supermarket, Feng Yue found a lot of food, but after killing the zombies trapped inside, he found that there was a lot of food, but it was no longer edible.

Looking up, I looked at a small building not far away.

Feng Yue left the underground supermarket, and if there was no harvest, he could only hunt some mutant seeds.

There are many corpses wandering around.


Just as Feng Yue led Rhubarb to approach the small building, an explosion suddenly came from afar.

Rhubarb, who was walking against the root of the wall, was so frightened that he stuck to the wall and didn't dare to move for half a minute.

Feng Yue raised his head and glanced in the direction where the explosion sounded. A few figures are running frantically towards this side.

Behind those people, there are hordes of zombies.

There is no doubt that this hut has become the best cover in the eyes of those few people.

After all, it is the only building in this ruin that is still well preserved.

Those people obviously didn't expect that there were other survivors here besides them.

Seeing Feng Yue, who was standing on the edge of the small building with a long knife, the person in the lead hurriedly shouted.

"Don't stand stupidly, hurry up and defend! Don't you see so many zombies behind?"

The people behind were urging the people in front of them.

"Don't talk!Run!".

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