"Meow?" (No, maybe it's just a coincidence that the expiration date is up, this, the alien civilization is here because of this, wouldn't it be too mysterious.)

Seeing that the people around him turned their eyes to himself, Han Bin meowed suspiciously.

Originally, Han Bin thought that he needed a robot 0-17 to translate it, but to his surprise, Dr. Bai actually understood it directly.

"No, all the things recorded on this piece of metal have happened without exception, even the smallest things on it, not to mention the whole side of the back. Dr. Bai was very sure about this, and at the same time looked at Han Bin's surprised expression and explained.

"You're wondering why I can understand you, cats and humans have a lot in common, and the different muscles on your face can express different information, and then just guess it, it's very simple. "

Is it simple???

the two people and the cat around them were silent, even if Han Bin added tens of millions of intelligence, he didn't think it was simple.

"You were first brought here by Little Seventeen for testing?" Dr. Bai continued.

Han Bin nodded, there was nothing to hide.

And he didn't know why there was a feeling that Dr. Bai would know even if he hid it.

This man is terrifying.

"You don't need to test, our number we have prepared for you a long time ago, your number is. "

0-0!" The

poisonous spider on the side was directly shocked, this little perverted cat actually received a 0-level evaluation as soon as it came, and it was the only evaluation in the whole organization like 0-0, which stood directly above everyone.

It's not even tested.

"Nothing surprising. Dr. Bai turned his gaze back to metal and said, "This organization was originally built for this little guy, 0-0 No one is suitable except for him."

Being said by Dr. Bai like this, Han Bin was still a little embarrassed.

He plans to slowly climb to 0-1 in the organization little by little, and this time he has a 0-0, cough cough, what are you doing, some people want to question it, he just has this strength.

"There is a small island in the East China Sea where a super mutant top-level witch zombie will appear, and this task has not yet had time to be released, so why don't you three go and complete it.

Dr. Bai looked at the poisonous spider, and Robot 0-17 and Han Bin said.

The poisonous spider's good-looking and delicate face frowned, although this little colored cat had a 0-0 evaluation as soon as it came up, but after all, it had not been tested, and this small path poisonous spider in the East China Sea had also heard of it in the previous mission.

This island is independent of the land, but it is subordinate to the land, and I don't know why all kinds of mutated zombies have gathered on it, so it is not too much to describe that island as a demon and a monster.

The humans who survive on the island are all eager to return to the mainland.

With the promotion of that group of mutant zombies, an extremely terrifying demon zombie was born, and it was not necessary to be afraid that it would threaten the mainland.

Originally, the poisonous spider thought that it would send three 0-level members to solve it, although it is indeed three 0-level now, but the strength of the little colored cat is only Dr. Bai's unilateral judgment, and it has not been confirmed.

If it is a scientific research talent like a doctor, there will be no place for poisonous spiders to cry when the time comes.

That means that the only available combat power at that time is himself and Little Seventeen.

"Don't worry, with this little guy here, it's still very simple to deal with the demon zombies on that island.

"Dr. Bai seems to be very confident in Han Bin, and when he says this, the poisonous spider is not easy to refuse, so he can only respond.

Meow!(I can go on a mission, but you have to arrange a place for my people to live and something daily!)

Han Bin is naturally willing to go out on a mission, after all, he came here to achieve his own purpose, but he also has to ensure that Ye Xiaoye has a stable residence.

Dr. Bai nodded and said to Han Bin: "Don't worry, her residence will be arranged, it just so happens that I also lack an assistant, if the little guy is willing, he can stay by my side to help with things." It

can be said that Dr. Bai's arrangements were very thoughtful, providing Ye Xiaoye with a place to live and a job, so that the sense of uneasiness in his heart was not so strong.

Han Bin was relieved.

And Ye Xiaoye, who was holding Han Bin, thanked Dr. Bai for the work he provided, and glanced at Han Bin with emotion, his cat was still thinking about himself at this time.

Before the others left, Dr. Bai also explained to them.

"What I said here today must not be passed on, just know it. "

Because the time for the outbreak of the demon woman zombie is very short now, and the East China Sea is also some distance away from here, so the three of them are ready to set off immediately.

Robot 0-17 has also been replaced with a new set of equipment, which is the third generation of equipment after Dr. Bai has improved and strengthened.

"Little color cat, little seventeen can fly, I have a flying machine, do you want to be on little seventeen's back or in my sister's arms. Coming

to the outside without the doctor, the poisonous spider returned to the appearance of liking to laugh and tease Han Bin.

Wow, this is a scoring question, okay.

Han Bin jumped into the arms of the poisonous spider without any hesitation, and now there is no Ye Xiaoye who can hold it, so he can only settle here at the poisonous spider.

The poisonous spider's flying machine is very large, more than enough to accommodate the next cat and a person, and after a few regular clicks on the keyboard, the poisonous spider flies straight up, and any speed is extremely fast in one direction.

The robot behind him also quickly followed, and with the blessing of new equipment, he was also extremely fast.

And on the island where they arrived, the demon zombie stood on the highest peak, holding the flesh and blood in her hands and sending it to her mouth, she was the master of this island, and she didn't care what would happen afterward.

The other mutant zombies trembled and stayed at the feet of the demon zombies, like licking dogs, respectfully serving delicacies made of flesh and blood.

Mutant zombies are different from ordinary zombies, their abilities have been improved on the basis of zombies, and a certain consciousness has been born, although that consciousness is nothing to humans, but it is definitely terrifying.

The demon zombie is a zombie born after the second mutation on top of the mutated zombie, and the consciousness can almost reach the level of humans, while also retaining the madness of zombies.

Her gaze swept over the mutated zombies below, and she took the flesh and blood food from the hands of the diligent zombies with disdain.

What they saw as good food was nothing more than crude, palatable in her eyes.

Her gaze was on the continent far away.

Better food awaited her in that bigger place.

Being the king of this island is no longer able to satisfy her desires.

She wants to use this as a medium

to become the new king of the vast continent

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