The current, which was originally aimed at the arrogant man, flew towards the Level 1 personnel tied to the ground, and accurately cut the rope that tied them.

At the moment when the rope was broken, the white ants and others hurriedly ripped off the cloth stuffed in their mouths, and the group of guys who had turned into zombies on the opposite side were close at hand.

If the drunken dream action had been any more night, they would have been the meat in the mouths of these monsters.

Just as they were about to make a move, the rules of the organization suddenly appeared in their minds, they were still like that, they couldn't make a move on their own organization members, so they were now counted or not members of the organization.

Drunken Dream knew what this group of guys was thinking and spoke.

"This group of guys is no longer human, just do it, don't do it and wait to feed them. "

With drunken dreams, this group of Level 1 personnel will dare to really make a move and fight with that group of monsters.

At this time, Drunken Dream shifted his gaze back to the arrogant man opposite.

This group of Level 1 people must be saved, and what is most lacking in the organization now is the high-level 0-level members, and Level 1 is the most promising existence to become Level 0, which is not many and can no longer withstand attrition.

Although Zuimeng usually doesn't seem to care, in his heart, the organization base is his second home.

Of course, saving that group of Level 1 personnel means missing the best opportunity to kill the arrogant man.


sound of palm clapping sounded, and the arrogant man shook his head with a smile and applauded and looked at the drunken dream.

"It's touching, it's so touching, I missed the best opportunity to kill me in order to save that group of waste, I was just playing with you before, and then, if you want to catch me as easily as you did just now, it's impossible.

Drunken Dream ignored the arrogant man's yin and yang weirdness, but picked up the wine jug in his hand, took a small sip, and then asked a completely irrelevant question.

"Do you know what my favorite drink is? The

arrogant man who asked this question was directly stunned, and his arrogant expression stagnated slightly.

What is the problem, why is the thinking so detached?

Drunken Dream ignored the arrogant man over there, and the tip of his tongue carefully recalled the aroma left by the wine in his mouth, the spicy taste went straight to his throat, spicy from beginning to end, but after this spicy, it was a mellow aftertaste.

It's like a drunken dream's life, after accidentally gaining special abilities, his life is like the beginning of this wine, spicy, flames, just after this flame, he accidentally lost his dearest person, these years of drunken life and dream death, like the last aftertaste of wine.

It's a pity that it's not as sweet as wine.

He didn't drink wine, he drank his life.

"Please take a sip!" Drunken Dream came back to his senses from the intoxication of the smell of wine, and his eyes opened suddenly.

This arrogant man invited him to take a sip of wine, he insulted his most important person before, and he was still a member of the alien dark organization, no matter what, it was impossible for Drunken Dream to invite him to drink this drink.

Drunken Dream can't wait to kill him!

This is Drunken Dream's stunt, another big killer move in addition to his ability to control the wind.

With a flick of the wrist, the wine in the jug instantly swayed out, and under the encouragement of the wind, it floated towards the arrogant man opposite, and the wine roared towards the arrogant man like a wave under the reflection of the light.

The arrogant man naturally doesn't think that the drunken dream will invite him to drink, and after finding out his identity, it's strange that the other side doesn't beat him to death.

Of course, he is not afraid.

Spilling the wine on oneself is as painless as a water fight, and it is not even as deterrent as the previous pinch.

The arrogant man let the liquor fly towards him, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

He hasn't used all his strength yet, and he was just playing with Drunken Dream before.

The self-confidence of the arrogant man is self-digging in the eyes of Drunken Dream, and the opponent he underestimates is a 0-level existence.

There was no zero, it would be simple!

The sound of grinding suddenly sounded in the air, and a ball of sparks appeared without warning, falling into the spray of wine.

At this time, the arrogant man's face changed suddenly.


it's too late to react, the wine is already very close to the arrogant man, and the moment the spark falls into the wine, the terrifying fire instantly engulfs the arrogant man.

Coupled with Drunken Dream's ability to control the wind, with the dual blessing of wind and wine, the flames were like a storm sprayed from the wine jug in Drunken Dream's hand, directly devouring the arrogant man.

As for this Mars, it is naturally not just said that it came, but that Drunken Dream used a very superb skill.

Two high-speed moving air currents in opposite directions rub together to heat up, burn air, produce sparks, and ignite the liquor.

Coupled with the spirits and the wind, the result is a terrifying firestorm killing, which Drunken Dream calls "shochu".

The name is simple, but the power is definitely not to be underestimated.

The firestorm lasted a full minute before disappearing, and the area around the firestorm was already charred black.

And the arrogant man standing in the center of the firestorm still maintains his original standing posture, but the difference is that the surface of the arrogant man is already scorched black.

A heavy smell of burning emanated from around the arrogant man's body.

Zuimeng shook the flask in his hand, took another sip of wine, and turned his head to help the group of Level 1 personnel who were still fighting.

At the beginning of the battle, the white ants and others were still able to suppress the attack of the group of zombies, but as time went by, the abilities of that group of monsters seemed to have become more powerful under the influence of the virus, and they had reached a level no less than level 1.

Although those monsters have lost their minds and cannot use their abilities well, after all, they are superior in numbers, and it is still quite difficult for the white ants and others to deal with.

Drunken Dream raised his feet and was about to leave, when a cracking sound sounded from behind him.

The sound of shattering was just the beginning, and after that, a series of shattering sounds sounded like falling glass beads.

Drunken Dream turned around, only to see that the scorched black on the surface of the arrogant man opposite was cracking one crack after another, exposing the skin inside, and as time passed, the arrogant man's body was completely exposed.

At this time, the arrogant man has changed his appearance greatly.

Drunken Dream narrowed his eyes slightly.

Countless fine lines appeared on the skin exposed to the air, and the lines were eeriely black, setting off the current arrogant man like a demon from hell.

The weirdest thing is the eyes.

The places that were supposed to be the whites of the eyes have all turned eerily black, and the eyeballs, which were supposed to have colors, have become white again.

It's such a pair of weird eyes, staring at the drunken dream that is also looking at himself on the other side.

A tyrannical aura appeared on him, and the trademark arrogant smile crept onto his face again.

"This wine tastes really good. "

Now that we've drunk, let's have some fun!"

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