As for the question of who is better, Ye Xiaoye or the poisonous spider, due to the pressure of the poisonous spider not to take him to eat delicious food, Han Bin had to admit that the poisonous spider is better.

Looking at the poisonous spider with an arrogant and victorious face, Han Bin thought secretly.

Wait until I've eaten well and then I'll fight with you.

Han Bin didn't feel like he was losing, but retreated tactically.

The sharpshooter and the little mantis on the side listened tremblingly, and the big guys quarreled, but they still didn't participate.

Just as they were arguing to an end, the sound of an iron sheet falling on the ground caught their attention, and everyone looked away.

I saw that the upper end of the body of robot 0-17 who fell to the ground, the piece of iron sheet had been lifted, and the piece of iron sheet that had fallen on the ground earlier was this piece.

And a mini robot 0-17 was very embarrassed to show half of his body there, he wanted to sneak away, who knew that he used too much force, and the iron sheet on the top flew out directly.

Han Bin, who had just failed the debate, was in a very unhappy mood, so he walked directly towards the mini robot 0-17 over there.

Approaching it, Robot 0-17 flipped outside in a bit of a panic.

Now he is not the robot 0-17, and he is still the consciousness of the Devouring Resentment King who controls the body of the robot 0-17.

"Meow!" (I'm telling you, it's better not to run around, or you'll look good.) Robot

0-17 is equipped with a cat language translator, so what Han Bin said can still be easily understood.

A humiliating anger suddenly appeared from the bottom of his heart, and robot 0-17 stared at Han Bin opposite with a pair of eyes.

Threaten! This despicable animal is nakedly threatening itself!

Before he could make any moves, he saw Han Bin on the opposite side suddenly greet the robot 0-17 with a paw, and Han Bin didn't stop this paw.

When the claws landed on the ground, the whole volcano began to tremble violently, as if there had been an earthquake.

Soon, a crack suddenly appeared next to robot 0-17, and the ground that was originally integrated suddenly cracked to both sides, not just cracking, but beside it, forming a large rift valley that was thousands of meters long.

The sound of swallowing saliva sounded here, if it weren't for the fact that robot 0-17 didn't have the ability to swallow saliva, I'm afraid that he would be the one who swallowed the most now.

Han Bin's move was to completely dispel his idea of escaping.

What kind of monster is this, why is there such a terrifying existence on this low-civilization planet, it is not the first time that the Devouring Resentment King has asked himself this question.

When the seal was just lifted, he was destroyed by Han Bin's sneak attack on his body, which is understandable, after all, his strength has not yet recovered; but after coming to the crater, he has absorbed a lot of energy, but he still can't withstand Han Bin's move;

In the impression of devouring the King of Resentment, only the Emperor of Resentment can reach the level of Han Bin.

But the Emperor of Resentment was born on a super civilization planet, why is this lowly creature on a low civilization planet?

The King of Resentment can't figure it out, and he can't figure it out.

After all, the protagonist doesn't need a reason to hang up.

Turning his head and looking at the three people with different expressions behind him, Han Bin was puzzled.

"Meow?" (What's wrong with you?)

I don't know why, the poisonous spider always feels that Han Bin's hand is not just to intimidate and devour the King of Resentment, but also to intimidate himself, after all, he forced Han Bin to submit just now because of coercion and temptation.

No, this little perverted cat shouldn't be so stingy.

The poisonous spider's puzzled look Han Bin can still understand, after all, this mother-in-law doesn't have a good mind all day long, but the two people on the side are crying there Han Bin is completely stunned.

What's wrong with these two guys?

Actually, it's very simple, these two people were moved by Han Bin's behavior.

Hadn't they been humiliated in this way by the Devouring Resentment King before, and every time the chain fell on the two of them, he didn't kill them.

And Han Bin looked like a special cow existence, and he created a big rift valley with one blow, who can change it?

But it was because of such a big guy, because the two of them were insulted by the King of Resentment before, so now they are also helping the two of them insult back in the same way.

is obviously a big guy, but he is so close to the people, which makes the little mantis and the sharpshooter not moved.

Of course, if Han Bin knew what these two people were thinking, he would definitely say that you thought too much, how would he know what was going on before he hadn't come here yet.

He just "simply" wanted to intimidate and devour the King of Resentment.

"Little perverted cat, what's next. The poisonous spider came to the wreckage of robot 0-17 and picked up the mini robot 0-17 that was standing obediently, and asked Han Bin.

"Meow!" (Go back to the base and eat something delicious!)

"Well, big guy, we may not be able to keep up with your speed, or you go back first, we're here waiting for the base's aircraft to come. Shen Jian said after considering the name of Han Bin.

Han Bin waved his little paw and shook his head.

"Meow!" (Don't bother, look at me.)

Then, with a wave of his little paws, in the shocked eyes of the two, he flew directly with a few people.

This is an ability that Han Bin has added to additionally, which can control gravity and magnetic fields, so as to achieve an effect similar to flight, and the speed is not slow, and he relied on this hand when he came from the organization base before.

"Meow!" (Sit down, get ready to go!)


With Han Bin going to solve the problem of devouring the King of Resentment, Dr. Bai was still very relieved.

What happened at the door before was also transmitted to Dr. Bai's computer through the cloud transmission system of robot 0-17.

Dr. Bai is best at calculus and reasoning, but in Han Bin's case, he can't get a result no matter how much he calculates and reasons.

It's as if Han Bin himself is like a mystery, and there is no way to deduce it, but fortunately, it is now certain that Han Bin will not cause harm to the planetary protection organization.

What kind of situation is it, you may have to wait for 0-2 to come back before it can be launched.

In Dr. Bai's mind, the appearance of a middle-aged man slowly emerged, and this person was much better at deducing a person's future than himself.

Do the math, it should be almost time for this person to come back.

Rubbing his aching forehead, Dr. Bai leaned back in the chair behind him.

Originally, in the predetermined plan, it would take a certain amount of time for the alien dark organization to come to Earth, but everything was advanced a lot after Han Bin appeared, and I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Fortunately, some troubles were also solved smoothly.

"Doctor, tea.

Ye Xiaoye dragged a cup of tea and gently placed it on the edge of Dr. Bai's chair.

"Thank you. "

Dr. Bai's only leisure time is to drink a cup of tea at this moment, and all the headaches can be relieved to a certain extent.

Looking at Ye Xiaoye, who was sorting out the documents on the side, Dr. Bai was inevitably stunned for a while.

In fact, Dr. Bai didn't particularly need an assistant, but in Ye Xiaoye's body, he seemed to see his daughter, and that back was so similar.

It's a pity -

alas, Dr. Bai shook his head and sighed softly, in the last days, even if he is as highly intelligent as him, there is no way to solve it.


The chains were torn from the hard walls, and in a basement without any light, a figure was half-kneeling on the ground, his eyes in the dark staring at the photograph in front of him.

A monstrous hatred appeared in her eyes.

In the photo ahead, there is a middle-aged man with a smile on his face, and a little girl who is following the middle-aged man.

The little girl was the one who was half-kneeling on the ground.

A cold and hoarse voice sounded in the basement, as if it had used all the strength and hatred of all the body to squeeze the words out of his throat.

"Wait for me to get out!Kill you!".

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