There are two forms of becoming zombies at the beginning of the apocalyptic outbreak, the first is to be directly infected by the zombie virus and become a zombie, and the second is the secondary infection after being attacked by zombies.

And in the first one, there is another relatively rare one, which is the latent infection period, and it will not directly mutate into a zombie when attacked by zombies.

On the surface, it is immune to the zombie virus, but in fact, the zombie virus has accumulated to a certain extent in the body, and when it breaks out and mutates into zombies, it will become a very terrifying zombie.

And when Bai Shu found out that it was the latent infection period, the virus accumulation in her body had reached a terrifying level, coupled with the fact that Bai Shu was a level 0 member, when the zombie virus broke out, she would become an extremely terrifying existence.


judging from the current situation, it is no surprise that Bai Shu has become the king of this group of monsters.

In most cases, the zombies that break out during such a latent infection period will enter a state of rage, but their daughter seems to still have their own clear consciousness.

At the beginning, in order to avoid the occurrence of the rampage, Dr. Bai could only reluctantly confine his daughter in a room arranged by him, and the anesthetic reagent in it was also prepared with enough doses, and he was ready to wait for himself to study the antibodies to the zombie virus before releasing his daughter.

But what he didn't expect was that his daughter actually broke through the shackles he had set, and even returned to his base and robbed the dark ten.

White Book's scarlet eyes were in tears.

As a Level 0 member of the Planet Protection Organization, how could she not understand how much harm she would bring to the planet if she turned into a zombie.

But she hated, she hated that her father, who had kept her secret from herself, had imprisoned herself in that dark room without any light and filled with the smell of narcotics.

If it weren't for the accidental destruction of the machine that sprayed anesthetic, she didn't know how long she would have fallen asleep.

Dr. Bai knew that it was too late to say anything, and a thousand words had converged into three words at this time.

"I'm sorry. "

You!" The moment these three words came out, Bai Shu's arm slammed into force, and his eyes stared at Dr. Bai opposite.

What is the use of saying sorry to yourself now!

However, when he saw Dr. Bai's face flushed from suffocation, Bai Shu's heart softened again, and he could only throw Dr. Bai to the ground.

Dr. Bai greedily absorbed oxygen, and never took his eyes off his daughter.

"I'm sorry, I originally thought I'd go to you after the antidote was developed, but ......"

Dr. Bai still has the appearance of the third-in-command of the base, staying on the side like a child who has done something wrong.

In that dark room, Bai Shu thought of countless ways to kill Dr. Bai, but with Dr. Bai's apology now, Bai Shu's hard and cold heart suddenly softened again.

There are too many things to consider in this position of her father, and she knows it, she is angry that her father locked himself up quietly.

But at the end of the day, it's still a relative.

"There's no next time.

Bai Shu's voice was cold and hoarse, but the moment it fell on Dr. Bai's ears, Dr. Bai's eyes lit up suddenly.

What he feared most was that his daughter would not forgive him, but now it seemed that he had been forgiven by Bai Shu.

"Don't be too happy, forgive you not so easily. Bai

Shu naturally wouldn't forgive his father so easily, maybe when the hatred rises again, it may not be necessary to kill him again, but now this killing intent is gone for the time being.

This is naturally a good thing for Dr. Bai, and although he has not yet forgiven, it is a good start.

Just when everyone thought that the ending was happy and everyone was happy, a test tube shot out from a distance, and it pierced Bai Shu's neck at a very fast speed, and before he could react, the liquid in the test tube had all been injected into Bai Shu's body.

After the liquid entered, Bai Shu's scarlet eyes suddenly wrinkled.

In her body, there was a violent force that drove her consciousness.

"Scientist!" The poisonous spider had sharp eyes, and suddenly saw a flashing figure in the dense forest, and chased after it directly, but when she entered the dense forest, only the transmitter on the ground remained, and the person was gone.

This scientist is the code name, and that person is also a member of the Planet Conservancy.

Strictly speaking, a member of the former Planet Conservancy.

More than half a year ago, this scientist stole a large amount of rare metals from the organization base and defected directly, and until now, he is still on the bounty list of the organization mission department.

His number is not low, 0-10, but the word defection must be added before the number.

Damn, what the hell is this defector coming back at this time.


At this time, Bai Shu's eyes have been completely devoured by the desire to eat blood, and Bai Shu at this time has completely entered a state of rage, and the zombies that were originally controlled on the beach have entered a state of crazy attack again after Bai Shu screamed.


Bai Shu slammed his attack forward, and a figure flashed by, rescuing Dr. Bai from Bai Shu's men.

It's a drunken dream.

Drunken Dream felt the terrifying power of the outbreak of the white book in the outside world, and also rushed out of the base.

The zombie riot made everyone who had already taken precautions a little panicked, but fortunately, the poisonous spider came back in time to calm the scene.

In the face of Bai Shu, it is extremely difficult for Dr. Bai to be as calm as before, and at this time, the only one who can hold up the scene at this time is the poisonous spider.

"All Level 3 and Level 2 personnel focus on dealing with ordinary zombies and low-level mutant zombies, Level 1 personnel give priority to dealing with high-level mutant zombies, and then clean up the ordinary zombies after they are resolved, all Level 0 members and I will control Bai Shu!" "Bai

Shu's current situation is very bad, and his blood-devouring appearance must not allow him to enter the area of low-level personnel.

It is very difficult for the poisonous spider to restrain the white book alone, so she called all the level 0 members, but for the white book who is now in a berserk state, the poisonous spider cannot guarantee whether these people can be called to restrain the white book.

But, whether it's for his sisters or everyone in the organization, he can only bite the bullet now.

Where did Han Bin's little perverted cat die, why didn't he come back!


The battle on the beach was in full swing, and more than a thousand meters above it, a flying machine slowly suspended here.

And the person sitting in the flying machine was the figure that flashed in the dense forest before.

Rebels 0-10 scientists.

The scientist's eyes were fiery as he stared at the screen of the monitor on the aircraft, with an extremely frantic expression on his face, that potion was one of the most important parts of the ultimate potion he had studied.

When used alone, it can make zombies enter a berserk state, and the ability of zombies will be greatly enhanced, thus transforming to another terrifying height.

And the source of this potion is the essence substance refined from the zombies, and each zombie can only refine a very rare point.

The scientist who deals with zombie corpses all day long has entered a kind of mental madness.

Originally, he thought that it would be good to find a high-level mutant zombie and give it a try, but he didn't expect that this zombie king would give him the best chance to be tested.

Looking at the white book who fell into a state of madness, with many enemies, the experiment proved that

his potion was successful! The success of this part of the potion also means that his ultimate potion will no longer have any mistakes, as long as he takes that potion, he will become the most terrifying existence in this world, no, the most terrifying existence in this universe!

At that time, whether it is physical appearance or mental level, he will transform to another level.

The previous door incident, as well as those things that Qin Hao called a god, he had secretly paid attention to and understood.

If that Qin Hao's level could be regarded as a god, after he took the ultimate potion, he would be the existence of the God Slaughter.

Starting the spacecraft, the scientist can't wait to get back to his institute.

As for the life or death of the people below, it doesn't have much to do with him, after all, no strong person cares about the insignificance of these ants.

And on the bottom of the sea by the beach, the venomous spider's longing figure is looking for its prey at the bottom of the sea.

Han Bin, who ate the iron plate squid before, was not addicted at all, and with his powerful physical ability after the terror was added, the current Han Bin has dived to a place about twenty or thirty thousand meters underwater.

And the distance is constantly increasing.

I have long heard that there is a huge king octopus in the deep sea of the ocean, and such a huge octopus must be delicious to make teppanyaki.

King Takoyaki Teppanyaki

! I'm coming!

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