Han Bin didn't expect that he just went down to catch an octopus, and what happened later.

Bai Shu and Dr. Bai both fell into a coma and were sent to the infirmary by the base's medical staff for observation and treatment, and the poisonous spider was engaged in arranging for the base's internal personnel after a brief recovery.

At present, the most important task is to clean up the sea of flesh and blood on the beach, how to weigh the number of people who go out to do the task and the number of people who clean up the beach, it is a headache for poisonous spiders.

Han Bin had a complete break this time, and returned to Ye Xiaoye's arms.

Ye Xiaoye's task was to monitor the Devouring Resentment King and prevent him from escaping, which could be regarded as giving the Devouring Resentment King a chance to communicate with Han Bin.

Devouring the Resentful King's reputation in the organization is not good, and within a few days of coming in, as long as he meets a member of the organization, he will taunt the low-level creatures of the low-civilization planet.

When he speaks, there is always a sense of arrogance in his tone.

"What kind of planet are you a creature from, in this low-civilization planet, it is impossible to have an existence of your strength, what purpose do you have on this planet. The

Devouring King's series of questions directly made Han Bin laugh.

The tone of his speech made it seem like he was a foreign intruder.

"Meow. (I'm from this planet, believe it or not.)

Han Bin rolled over in Ye Xiaoye's arms and turned his face away from the direction of the Devouring Resentment King.

It's always been a low-civilization planet.,It's a high-minded look.,It's very annoying.。

He won't believe it with such a person no matter what, explaining this problem is a waste of his tongue, with this effort, it is better to sleep a little longer.

Han Bin fell asleep quickly, and after turning around, he enjoyed Ye Xiaoye's soothing, and fell asleep purringly.

Looking at the small figure with his back to him, the eyes of the Devouring King of Resentment grunted.

Although it is said that the creature in front of him has the strength to rival the Emperor of Resentment, he does not have a defense method for the special ability of this race, that is, to seize the house.

If he succeeded in seizing the body of that figure, wouldn't he become the second Emperor of Resentment!Thinking

of this, the eyes that devoured the Emperor of Resentment suddenly became hot, and this thought became stronger and stronger, and it was out of control.

A wisp of gray translucent substance floated out of the body of the mini robot 0-17 and floated towards Han Bin in Ye Xiaoye's arms.

Just like when he first entered the body of robot 0-17, gray matter drilled into Han Bin's body from the back of his head.

After entering Han Bin's body, the Devouring Resentment Emperor entered a completely dark space.

This dark space exists for everyone, this space for ordinary people is pitch black, and people with special abilities have a little bit of light.

An ability corresponds to a point of light, and the size of the point varies with the size of the ability.

Just like the robot 0-17, because the robot 0-17 is equipped with many parts and functions, there are many, many points of light in its dark space.

Its strongest ability is a charged point bombardment, and the corresponding point of light has reached the size of two fists holding each other.

That's a pretty good way to do that.

The venom power of the poisonous spider is estimated to be about three to five times the size of the robot's 0-17 points of light in the estimation of the Devouring Resentment King.

And Han Bin's point of light should be more than five times the size of the poisonous spider.

After all, it was a trick that killed his existence in seconds.

Soon, in this dark world, there was a light that was shining rapidly.

The Devouring Resentment King had already thought of the entire process of seizing the house, first plundering the largest point of light, and by doing so, he would basically be able to control the control of Han Bin's body.

As for the remaining points of light, they were slowly plundered in the days that followed.

The idea is good, the process is great.

But the reality is harsh.

The points of light in other people's worlds appear little by little, but the points of light in Han Bin's dark world all appear at the same time.

So the moment all the points of light appeared, the grand visual shock shocked the Devouring Resentment King directly stunned in place.


had thought that Han Bin's point of light should be very large, and the largest should be about the size of a 100-square-meter house, but he didn't expect that he still far underestimated how perverted Han Bin was.

In Han Bin's dark world, those points of light can no longer be called points of light, and it is more appropriate to describe them as planets.

The Devouring Resentful King suddenly had the illusion that instead of entering the body of a cat, he had returned to the universe.

The largest point of light that can be seen in the line of sight is no less than a red supergiant star, and the scattered points of light around it are like those planets in the universe.

The smallest ones were much larger than the planet they were on now.

Not to mention where you can't see out of sight.


! Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, devouring resentment, the king of resentment for the first time gave birth to a feeling of how small he was, and the word king named after his name suddenly ceased to be an honor.

He hadn't been to the space of the Resentful Emperor, and he didn't have this opportunity.

But now after entering Han Bin's space, he realized how outrageous the strength of this group of strong people was.

What are these abilities and why do they have such a terrifying volume.

The Devouring Resentful King came to the edge of a planet without believing in evil, and reached out to perceive the abilities that these planets represented, and it was with this perception that the Devouring Resentful King was once again stupid in place.

Hair Compliance???

What is this?????

Devouring Resentment King stared blankly at the planet his hand touched, if it was anything powerful, such as a shock wave, an energy cannon and the like, it could be understood, this hair suppleness completely defeated the three views of the Devouring Resentment King.

The Devouring Resentful King Demon stared at him as if he was stunned, and began to shuttle between the planets.

Sexy beard

??charming voice??

super buttocks???

no nail fungus?????


The more I watched, the more the psychological collapse of the King of Resentment became.

Finally, he stood next to the red supergiant, put his hand up tremblingly, and the two big golden characters that popped up in his mind directly flashed stupidly devouring the King of Resentment.


Devouring Resentment King didn't dare to stay in Han Bin's space anymore, and rushed out without hesitation.

After returning to the body of the robot 0-17, he looked at Han Bin who was sleeping in Ye Xiaoye's arms tremblingly, and all the bad thoughts in his heart were dispelled.

Such a monster, what does he take away.

Not to mention taking down the largest ball of light first, even the smallest Devouring Resentful King couldn't take it, and that smallest special ability didn't even have nail fungus.

The Devouring Resentment King had never been so wronged and insulted.

Mom, the creatures of this planet are so scary, I want to go home!!

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