In front of this person, the scientist only feels that any of his thoughts will be seen through.

It's a deep-rooted impression when you're in the base.

This person is also to be numbered above Dr. White, numbered 0-2, codenamed Revelator.

Dr. Bai's ability is super high intelligence, through which he can use an ability similar to telekinesis, and this ability is Dr. Bai's ability to imitate the law of brain fluctuations when a person uses telekinesis ability, so as to produce a telekinesis-like effect.

And the person Dr. Bai imitates is the revelator in front of him.

The ability of the revelator is very simple, there is only one telekinesis, but it is such a telekinesis that makes the revelator sit in the 0-2 position, which shows the horror of telekinesis.

The research done by scientists is absolutely forbidden in the planetary conservation organization, so the moment he saw the apocalypse, the scientist directly stepped forward and grabbed the ultimate potion on the side, wanting to drink it directly.

The presence of the Revelator here means that it will definitely do it to itself.

Drinking the ultimate potion is the only chance to defeat the Revelator.

But unfortunately, the Apocalypse saw the scientist's intention first, and with just a look, the beaker held in the scientist's hand burst directly, and the ultimate potion inside flowed down the scientist's hand towards the ground.


The scientist scolded viciously in his heart.

The ability of telekinesis is so buggy, you only need to control your mind to be able to attack, and there is no way to prevent it in advance.

The Apocalypse looked at the liquid in the scientist's hand and said thoughtfully: "Using the genes of zombies to debug the potion, you can come up with this method, you are indeed a genius, but unfortunately, the road has gone astray."

"The road has gone astray?" This sentence seemed to stimulate the scientist, and the scientist's emotions became excited, and said: "Tell me, what kind of road is the right way! The human body itself is a huge potential pool, and the appearance of zombies gives us a chance to open our own potential pool!"

The revelator quietly looked at the emotional scientist, and the scientist stretched out a hand to the revelator and then shouted: " People like you, who are born with great strength, can naturally say that I have taken the wrong path, and do not use your hypocrisy to falsely accuse me! You are not worthy!

" The Revelator shook his head lightly and smiled: "Sure enough, convincing you monsters is not what I am good at, since you said that your so-called potion can open your potential pool, then let me see, the other hand has been in the pocket because there is a spare potion, don't hide it, let me see how powerful your potion is."

Although the scientist was still angry, he was still startled by the words of the Revelator.

Is it completely seen through?

Yes, he does have another ultimate potion in his pocket, but the ingredients in this potion are not an improved version, which means that there is a certain probability that he will enter a berserk state after taking it.

And now the Apocalypse is obviously not going to give him a chance to escape, and the Planetary Protection Organization has always been extremely strict with those who betray the Order.

Their motto is that you can quit, but you must not betray.

"You forced me!" the scientist gritted his teeth, took out the potion in his pocket and drank it down.

Now he has no way out, okay, since you want to see, let you see the fruits of my life.

The potion began to work the moment it entered the scientist's body, and the terrifying energy scurried through the scientist's body, and his physical body began to rise after the energy burst.

As if taking a growth potion, the scientist's clothes were torn by the fast-growing flesh, and in a short time, the entire room was crowded with fast-growing flesh, and the Apocalypse came into mid-air.

In mid-air, you can clearly see the whole process of the scientist's growth, and it is not until the scientist's height reaches 100 meters that the whole growth process completely stops.

Horrific muscles are found all over the body, and around the body, due to the excessive growth of the bones in the body, an armor-like exoskeleton has been formed.

The scientist is now a giant, and a casual exhalation can bring a gust of wind.

On that huge face, the brows were tightly locked.

A violent consciousness in his brain was constantly pounding his nerves, and the effect of the potion far exceeded his expectations, as did the shock of this violent force.

The Revelator looked at the figure that looked like a hill not far away.

I have to say that scientists are real geniuses, relying on the genes of a group of living dead people to develop the potential of the human body to this extent, if there is no betrayal of the organization and the direction of research of the sword, it is worth cultivating.

"Oh my God, it's so big!" Suddenly,

an exclamating voice rang out beneath the Revelator.

And he also knew that the person who came was a member of the planet conservation organization.

The Revelator was not surprised, if the Planet Conservation Organization hadn't sent someone over, the organization would have to be put in order.

The people who came were the little mantis and Han Bin who came all the way.

Han Bin looked at the hundred-meter-high body, as well as the terrifying indescribable object like a coiling dragon, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, well, it's weird and disgusting.

And the voice of the previous emotion was made by the little mantis.

"Reporting number. The Revelator slowly flew to the side of the man and the cat, and said.

Only then did a person and a cat notice the person on the side, and the eyes of the little mantis lit up in an instant.

God, the Revelator is here.

Hurriedly stood upright and said very seriously: "Number 0-22, code name Little Mantis!"

This is a legendary figure in the organization, how can Little Mantis not be excited.

"This level of mission organization sent you alone?" The Apocalypse frowned slightly, knowing that the scientist was already numbered 0-10 when he defected to the organization, and only sent a 0-22 one, isn't it a bit to underestimate the scientist.

Subconsciously, the revelator thought that Han Bin was just a pet raised by the little praying mantis.

(Little Mantis: How dare I.)

The little mantis hurriedly waved his hand, he knew that the revelator had ignored the cat god in his arms, and quickly explained: "No, no, the revelator, there is it."

The little mantis cautiously pointed to Han Bin in his arms, and saw that Han Bin was not dissatisfied with his actions.

The Revelator raised an eyebrow.

A cat actually became a member of the organization, and was able to participate in such a level of battle, what did Lao Bai think, how, relying on the cat's super high appearance to kill the enemy?

But all the doubts were completely shattered after Han Bin said his number.

"Meow. (Nos. 0-0)

It's not just pretending, it's super pretending.

Han Bin knows that the person who can make the little mantis so respectful should not have a low status in the organization, but no matter how high he is, he can have his own high?

This is the self-confidence that comes from the number 0-0.

Sure enough, after the revelator heard Han Bin's number, the calm expression on his face couldn't hold back, and it directly turned into astonishment.


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