Although this giant stupid creature in the air looks very bloated, it can actually move at any speed no less than a normal speed plane.

When the huge energy is detected, the entire control center starts to work, controlling the frisbee to move towards the location where the energy appears.

The person in charge of this control center is called Qin Hao, and he is the supreme power holder of this center.

"What is the result of the detection?" Qin

Hao frowned slightly and looked at the staff who were busy.

After the staff pressed a few times on the operating keyboard, a projection blue screen floating in mid-air was pushed to Qin Hao's magic, and the staff still had a strange expression on their faces.

"Report leader, the shape of that energy body is long, very different from what we are looking for, but the energy contained is much higher than we estimated.

Qin Hao also frowned and looked at the simulated picture on the blue screen.

The shape of the energy body, the forehead, is really thin, but it's also really long.

After a while, Qin Hao pushed the blue screen back very firmly, and said: "It is impossible for such a huge energy body on this planet to appear in the second piece, it should be the one we are looking for, it seems that this energy body also has the attribute of deformation." "

Originally, the appearance calculated in the data simulation should be a rectangular square, but now it seems that there is a new property that can be transformed.

"Based on this new size and size, I need to re-estimate the data, and I want to get the final results before I get to the location of the energy burst.

After finishing speaking, Qin Hao turned around and was about to leave.

But not long after leaving, he turned around and came back.

"Also, let that group of so-called foreign experts move for me, eat and drink on the heavenly plate that our country is mainly built, and throw them all down to feed the zombies if you don't do anything.

After saying this, Qin Hao left without looking back.

Only the staff had a wry smile on their faces, how could they not know that the group of "experts" was too lazy to do it, but how could the group of guys and others "invite" them.

The person in charge is embarrassed to wait for himself.

Alas, it really can't be done, so I had to "ask" that group of guys to go down and feed the zombies.

Anyway, it doesn't work on the heavenly disk, and he waits for death there, such an expert can be said to be deeply disgusted by the staff on the heavenly disk.

The huge celestial disk began to move towards the position where the energy was emitted, and when the huge volume floated through the air, it was like a thick dark cloud floating by, giving people an extremely oppressive feeling.

Anyone who lives on the celestial disc can feel the vibration of the celestial disk, which is the manifestation of the celestial disc when it is moving at full speed.

On the celestial disk, it is equipped with high-tech technology to cope with various sky conditions to ensure that the celestial disc can ensure the maximum speed on the way forward.

Of course, the outermost layer of the heavenly disk is also designed with the most advanced aerial protection device to ensure that the people on the heavenly disk can continue to live a normal life in the high-speed progress of the heavenly disk.

Without any worries, the Tianpan can be said to have increased its horsepower, and it only took an hour to reach the place where the energy exploded.

"Dididi, here is the control center controller 0-181, the heavenly disk is close to the target energy object, the target energy release is normal, last, uh, the energy disappears, increase the horsepower of the heavenly disk, move forward quickly! "

"Drip, DRIP, THIS IS CONTROL CENTER OPERATOR 0-181, SKY DISK is close to the target energy, target energy release normal, sustained, uh, energy disappear, increase the power of the sky disk, fast forward! Over ".

The staff in the debriefing were dumbfounded halfway through the report.

No matter what the release of energy is, there will be a recovery process, but this purple light will be cut off, and he has no choice but to hold back what he said and report what happened again halfway through the report.

Fortunately, the speed of the heavenly disk is powerful, and it only took an hour to find the energy body, otherwise this energy would disappear, and it would take a long time to find it.

But what the staff on the celestial disk didn't know was that the source of this energy was originally to attract them to come.

Han Bin glared at the Tianpan with some disgust.

It took more than an hour to grind and chirp this day, although the energy consumed was just a drop in the bucket for Han Bin, but even if he raised his head for more than an hour, he would be tired.

Although Han Bin is not tired, he is bored.

At first, it was a little fresh when I released my breath, but after a long time, it was like taking a sip of water in my mouth when I was a child, and then nourishing it.

Drink water for an hour, and the children will get tired of it.

Jumping back into Ye Xiaoye's arms, what he had to do now was to wait for the Tianpan personnel above to find out and Ye Xiaoye.

Han Bin is too lazy to move, just rest in this soft pillow.

After arriving at the destination, Qin Hao also immediately rushed back to the control center.

"Well, did you estimate the results of the target data? Soon

, a document was transferred from the hands of the staff to Qin Hao's hands.

"The results of this energy estimation are four times that of the previous data estimate, and the final result is four times that of the previous data estimate. Even

Qin Hao, the top person in charge of the control center, couldn't help but tremble slightly.

That means that more scientific research results and ideas can be established, and then the heavenly disk will truly become the sky disk.

And most importantly, the door will be opened,

which will directly lead human civilization to a terrifying level.

"Immediately scan the below, as long as all the energy bodies with high energy are teleported up, and all the life forms in the area below are also teleported up, and all the life forms that come up are scanned for energy detection, yes, no one is missing! This is the highest command. "


the control center of the Tianpan once again entered a tense working state.

After Qin Hao's supreme order was issued, small circular holes opened at the bottom of the heavenly disk, and in the center of the small holes, white pillars of light began to shoot downward.

This is a teleportation pillar released by the Celestial Disk after scanning the lifeforms below, and all lifeforms and objects will enter the Celestial Disk through this teleportation light pillar.

Looking at the pillar of light that descended from the sky and enveloped Ye Xiaoye and Han Bin, Han Bin's eyes opened a gap slightly.

It's finally here.

And Ye Xiaoye seemed a little panicked, exactly the same as the panic of Han Bin who entered the heavenly disk for the first time in the previous life.

After all, as your own royal pillow, you still have to appease it a little.

Han Bin patted Ye Xiaoye's arm gently, and with a little trick, Ye Xiaoye calmed down from that panicked mood.

The pillar of light shrouded, and the things around him became illusory, and in the next second, the figures of Han Bin and Ye Xiaoye flickered and disappeared directly in place.

By the time the things around them became condensed again, Han Bin and Ye Xiaoye had already arrived in a large and closed room.

Sure enough, just like in the previous life, after being shrouded in light and teleported to the heavenly disk, the next thing to accept was the data test of everyone in the heavenly disk.

As far as Han Bin knew, there were two test rooms, one was the energy test room for objects, and the other was the test room for their life forms.


With a familiar feeling in his voice, Han Bin raised his eyebrows and Ye Xiaoye beside him turned to look at the group of people who were really embarrassed and screaming on the ground.

This group of guys was actually teleported up.

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