Dr. Bai guessed correctly, the poisonous spider did take the medicine.

But there is no wrong medicine, but the right medicine can no longer be right.

The poisonous spider had never experienced this kind of energy and venom blending together, and her body would be damaged when she used her venom ability.

But now, after the liquid medicine given by Han Bin entered her body, it not only greatly increased the energy in her body, but also perfectly solved the problem of venom damage to the body.

Although Han Bin said that these are time-limited, that is, they are only effective for a period of time, but during this period of time, the poisonous spider can let itself fly without any scruples.

Therefore, the poisonous spider with an already arrogant personality completely let go of itself.

The old lady wants to fight ten, she is borrowing from a certain movie that was very popular before the end of the world, and it is right to shout it with special momentum, and it is also in line with her mood now.

Naturally, the alien dark organization and others also noticed the poisonous spiders rushing up, and they frowned.

People from low-civilization planets just like to be stupid, but they don't have much ability but they are better than anyone else.

Just thought that the people on the side had gone to solve the poisonous spider, but before he could shout, an extremely thick dark green poisonous mist was released from the poisonous spider's body, and the spread speed was extremely fast, and all nine people were swallowed up with just one face.

Dark frowned.

In this green poisonous mist, his perception was actually affected, originally he could clearly determine the location of the eight people around him, but now he could only vaguely feel a general direction.

Although this poisonous fog did not cause harm to him, the feeling of being blindfolded was still very uncomfortable.

Control your body to fly upwards, trying to get out of the range of this poisonous mist.

It stands to reason that things can be completed in just a moment, but the dark one has been flying upwards for a long time and is still in the range of the poisonous mist.

The scope of this poisonous fog spread so widely

? She was not afraid of accidentally hurting their own people?

Soon, Dark One denied this idea.

It's not that the scope of the poisonous fog is spreading, but that this poisonous fog is tracking its own flight trajectory.

To maintain this level of poisonous fog, and to complete the tracking and control of the poisonous fog in it, is another person who exceeds the expectations of the dark one.

Originally, the original plan was to directly solve the person who imprisoned the Devouring King of Resentment with a single shot of Red Storm, but before the Red Storm could break out, it was easily dissolved by others.

The unexpected appearance of people one after another gave the dark one the illusion that he was not coming from a low-civilization planet, but a hidden high-civilization planet.

But when they all arrived here, he would never give up if he didn't find the Devouring Resentment King, this was the closest he had ever been to the Resentment Emperor.


other eight people in the poisonous fog encountered a situation similar to the dark one, lurking in the poisonous mist, a pair of strange green eyes were staring closely at all directions in the green mist.

It's a poisonous spider.

She's pinpointing the location of every enemy.

It wasn't a joke to say that they were going to fight ten, and the poisonous spider was really calculating how to kill these guys at once.

The poisonous mist emitted from her body, and in the poisonous mist, she could clearly perceive the location of each enemy, and to a certain extent, the space shrouded in the poisonous fog was the domain of the poisonous spider.

Somewhat similar to the sluggish force field of the previous Dark Ten.

But using this poisonous mist realm is extremely harmful to the body, and it is also with Han Bin's medicinal strength that the poisonous spider rarely uses this special ability.

Slowly closing her eyes, she seemed to enter the perspective of God, observing the movements of every "prey" in the poisonous fog.


green light flickered in the dark green fog, and the figure of the poisonous spider swooped forward.

At the same time, his hands flicked forward, and the green spider silk stirred the surrounding fog, and instantly waved forward.

The other party didn't even have time to scream, and died on the sharp silk line of the poisonous spider.


death of a member of the alien dark organization was felt by others, and no one thought that they had just arrived on this planet for a short time, and there were already dead people.


could this be the ability that a low-civilization planet could have?

In the green mist, it was as if they had lost their sight, and even their perception was blocked by the paralyzing poison.

It can be said that the eyes are black, and the hands are green.

The death of some members has made them a little restless, and their nerves are highly tense, ready to use absolute dark matter defenses at any time to stop the killing opportunities from the black mist.

Black lines began to appear on the body, and blackening was used at the same time.

Although it will lose its lifespan, at this time, it has reached the point where it has to be used.

However, this so-called absolute dark matter defense cannot stop the pace of poisonous spider slaughter, and Han Bin's potion effect not only eliminates the debuff, but also strengthens the poisonous spider.

As for how much it is strengthened.

Anyway, this so-called absolute defense has become like paper paste, and as long as the spider silk is cut, there is no way to stop it.

And the ability of blackening to improve the sensitivity of the facial features is like a joke in the face of the poisonous fog.

The blood mist exploded in the poisonous mist, intertwined with the green poisonous mist, which looked particularly weird.

Fear quickly spread in the hearts of the rest, who had never imagined that such an encounter would occur on such a low-civilization planet.

Two, three!

There are fewer and fewer lives that can be perceived in the green mist, and the leader of the alien dark organization, Dark One, also begins to become restless.

These fools

! They don't know how to use absolute dark matter defense when the opponent attacks! Don't they know how to open the blackening in the poisonous mist to improve their sensory ability

! At this time, they still care about the short life span of a few years, aren't they looking for death!

Secretly scolded directly in the green mist, because just now, the last life except for him was completely gone.

They hadn't even entered someone's organization base, and he was the only one left.

A bunch of fools!

In a situation of extreme rage, the dark one didn't notice that in the green mist behind him, a figure with a strong murderous intent was approaching at high speed.



What happened in the poisonous fog is unknown from the outside.

But they could still see the corpses that fell from the sky.

It's like a dumpling, it falls on the surface of the sea, tosses it, and floats on the surface of the sea.

Eight fell in succession, and the time before and after was only less than a minute, which means that in such a short time, there was only one left of that group of menacing guys.

The members on the beach were already idle and began to chat.

"I thought it was so powerful, those guys, it's a spaceship cannon, and the sun is the background picture, so that's it. "This is a disdainful statement.

"What's not powerful, this shows that the poison queen is strong, okay! Crush it directly! It is worthy of my goddess" This is the speech of the poisonous spider fan.

"Cut, I'll do it too!" was the hard-mouthed statement.


In short, no matter who speaks, this time the matter can be solved by the poisonous spider alone, and the ending is always good.

Others don't know, but Bai Shu knows the reason why his sister suddenly became so brave.

The good-looking cat on the side who has begun to purr is the reason why his sister has become stronger.


hard, Shirasho tried to twist his head in other directions.

Having become a zombie, she has a deadly love and thirst for flesh.

Especially the energy-rich flesh and blood, which has a strong attraction to the White Book.

Even if Han Bin's flesh didn't break the skin, it was exuding a sweet smell.

Bai Shu couldn't help licking his tongue, it must be delicious!

Han Bin, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly exploded his hairs and looked around vigilantly.

Just now, an extremely bad feeling stimulated his body.


felt that this spaceship invasion was over and began to relax, but the Apocalypse and Dr. Bai, who were closest to the Green Mist Battlefield, still looked at Green Mist and focused their attention.

Just now, a figure with flames spraying from the soles of his feet rushed directly into the green mist.

It's Robot 0-17.

If it was really robots 0-17 who went in, it wouldn't be anything, they went in to help.

But now in the body of robot 0-17, there is another soul living - the Devouring Resentment King.

Both the Apocalypse and the White Doctor looked at the green mist, and just after the Devouring Resentful King entered, a bad feeling appeared in their hearts.

It's a special intuition that comes with a lot of experience.

Possibly, something will happen!

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