After this shout, the Emperor of Resentment in the far universe slowly closed his eyes, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

But the power exerted on everyone has not dissipated, and they will still be under the impression of this power.

The Revelator is comparatively more relaxed.

The power exerted by the Emperor of Resentment in his voice was telekinesis.

Strictly speaking, it is not imposed, but between gestures, the telekinesis will be released following the actions of the Emperor of Resentment.

It has reached the level of telekinetic ability that does not need to be actively mobilized and automatically released.

And such an opponent can be regarded as terrifying.

Even if he is as strong as the Revelator, he feels that the Emperor of Resentment in the sky is not easy to deal with, because his own strength is telekinesis, and he knows that the ability of telekinesis is terrifying, especially the effect on living beings, which is even more terrifying.

It's like the people who are embarrassed on the beach now, and the attack of mental power hits the depths of people's consciousness, and there is no way to prevent and resist.

Even if he has the blessing of Lao Bai's mental power, if he wants to do it in one sentence, so many people's combat effectiveness is almost paralyzed.

It's even

more difficult to fight against the Emperor of Resentment, not to mention whether or not you can defeat the Emperor of Resentment, first of all, how to restrain the influence of mental power on the living form is a problem.

If this problem is not solved, the Emperor of Resentment doesn't even need to make a move, and a few more words can make the opponent die directly on the spot.

But as far as the Revelator knows, unless the living body dies, the mind will definitely work.

It's not a joke, how can a dead man fight?


! It doesn't seem to be necessarily! The

Revelator's eyes lit up, and Dr. Bai on the side had also studied telekinesis, so the two of them thought of a piece at the same time.

Looking back at a certain direction on the beach behind him, there was a man standing in place staring blankly at the potion in his hand, completely unaffected by the words of the Emperor of Resentment before.


of them expected that zombies, the sin that destroyed the planet, would be able to play such an important role at this time.

Zombies are no longer human beings in a sense, and all the physiological characteristics that their living beings should have disappeared.

But they can still move, and they can eat instinctively.

And Bai Shu is the king of the zombies!

The most suitable candidate to fight the Emperor of Resentment came out like this.

The two did not hesitate and hurried to Bai Shu's side.

It's just that I'm afraid that what Dr. Bai did before made Bai Shu conclude an agreement with the organization, and he is unwilling to make a move.

Dr. Bai was still too embarrassed to talk to Bai Shu, so the task of negotiation was left to the Revelator.

"Little book

, I ......" but before the revelator could speak, he was directly interrupted by Bai Shu and said: "Uncle Qi, I know what you have to say, I will stand up at this time, rest assured, I am still a member of the organization, if the organization is willing to admit my words." In

fact, Bai Shu's feelings are very complicated, she hates what Dr. Bai did before, and she loves her own organization on the other.

After all, it was designed by herself, even if she turned into a zombie, she didn't want to see her base destroyed here.

Dr. Bai's account and base are two different things, one yard is one yard.

And at this time, she must be willing to stand up.

The Revelator doesn't like to be interrupted by others, but Bai Shu's interruption made him feel full of emotion.

"Admit it! How can you not admit it, who dares not to admit it!" The Revelator finished the sentence with a gritted word, and then continued: "Time is pressing, you and I, uh, Lao Bai and I will use telekinesis to establish a telekinetic connection in your body, and you can use our telekinetic ability through this telekinetic connection for a short time." "

The battle plan is very simple, which is to bless the dual telekinetic abilities of the Revelator and Dr. Bai on Bai Shu's body.

At the same time as he said this, the Revelator stretched out his hand, and Bai Shu did not hesitate and directly put his hand up.

The moment the two hands touched, a mysterious feeling spread throughout Bai Shu's body, and she only felt that all the perceptual abilities of her body had improved.

The most obvious manifestation is that the smell of human flesh around is obviously aggravated.

Ahem -

there is also a mysterious power wandering in her mind, she can feel it, that mysterious power, very strong.

It should be telekinesis.

The palms of the hands parted, and a transparent ripple appeared between the white book and the revelator, and this ripple was used to connect the telekinetic lines between the two.

Relying on this line of telekinesis, Bai Shu was able to possess the ability of telekinesis.

Not daring to be too much on the beach, Bai Shu directly used his telekinesis to fly into the air, firstly, time was pressing, the longer the Emperor of Resentment existed, the higher the uncertainty about this planet, and secondly, the surrounding aroma was about to make her unable to restrain herself.

In the apocalyptic expectation, Dr. Bai's worried eyes, Bai Shu rushed into space at an extremely fast speed with the blessing of his telekinesis.

Because of the protection of telekinesis, the vacuum environment did not cause much damage to her body, and she was not a living person, and she did not need oxygen to support the normal functioning of her body.

When you enter space, you can feel the size of the resentment emperor in front of you.

If it were to be replaced by a life form that didn't know how to think, when facing the Emperor of Resentment at such a close distance, I was afraid that the courage to fight would not be able to be raised.

But for Bai Shu, this is just a very large piece of meat.

I don't know how it tastes.

Thinking of this, Bai Shu couldn't help but lick his lips.

Before he became a zombie, Bai Shu still had a lot of interests, food, architecture, music, etc., but now, it seems that only "food" is left.

After Bai Shu entered space, the resentful emperor on the other side opened his eyes with a feeling.

The gray-gold light swept across the white book, and it was the gaze of the Emperor of Resentment.

The sight is plain and quaint.

Nothing can bring the mood swings of the resentful emperor, and the emperor will not be disturbed by the actions of his humble subjects.

Such a person who does not follow the rules will either submit him or he will be obliterated from it.

And the white book on the other side is also an arrogant person.

The supreme eyes of the Emperor of Resentment made Bai Shu very unhappy, she is also the king, the king of the zombies!

When the king faces the emperor, it is a bloody storm after all.

"Surrender, or die.

The Emperor of Resentment moved his mouth slightly, and the voice like a bell sounded again, of course, it also automatically carried the effect of telekinesis.

With the blessing of the inanimate body and the dual telekinesis, this telekinesis has a greater impact on the White Book than nothing.

Bai Shu smiled and shook his head, since he became a zombie king, he hadn't heard such a "funny" joke for a long time.

"Are you kidding?"

This rhetorical question directly showed Bai Shu's attitude, and the scene instantly became tense.

The resentful emperor's gaze fell on Bai Shu's body, as if he wanted to see through Bai Shu directly.

At the same time, the white book has also been labeled as a rebel.

"Then die. "

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