"It's almost time, get ready for a space jump. "

A huge spatial crack appeared in front of the spaceship, and the mid-term dispatch had reached the planet where the target was located, and the spacecraft had completed its location.

The spaceship began to move towards the rift in space, and the target, the cosmic crystallization!


The angry middle leaf of the drunken dream is dismissive, not to mention this existence that has no even human nature.

However, there was something about this inferior creature that attracted him.

In particular, the pair of jewel-like cat eyes deeply attracted the attention of Zhongye.

The soul of this lower creature may be unexpectedly delicious, and the middle leaves come to interest.

The partners who used to fight together just became dead in their own eyes, and to be honest, Han Bin couldn't accept it.

After being reborn, Han Bin, who regarded himself as invincible, did not feel that there would be casualties where he was, and joining the planetary protection organization was also to be able to protect the people around him.

But Drunken Dream died so tragically in front of him.

This anger is not only towards the middle leaves, but also anger at oneself.

He was a little too arrogant!

When Han Bin was thinking, Zhongye would not stand in place, and almost instantly moved in front of Han Bin.

His hands stretched out, as if he had pinched those dead souls in his hands before, and grabbed towards Han Bin.

Because he couldn't wait to taste Han Bin's soul, the speed of his attack this time was almost doubled compared to before.

However, in front of Han Bin, who has a talent of 100 billion, this little bit of speed is still a little insufficient.

Han Bin's little head was raised slightly, and a pair of good-looking eyes seemed to be plain and unrippling.

The terrifying speed of the middle leaf was like a turtle crawling in his eyes, and without hesitation, Han Bin stretched out his little paw and headed towards the middle leaf point.


the terrifying power exploded instantly, and Zhongye's original body exploded directly, smashing on the ground on the opposite side, the ground cracked, and Zhongye's body was directly embedded in it.

Han Bin's gaze was firmly fixed on the deep pit in the distance.

His punch controlled the force, which would seriously injure Nakaha, but it would definitely not kill him with one blow.

A moment later, an embarrassed figure in the pit slowly crawled out, its deeply sunken pupils vibrating violently.

His body has been tempered by the most elite substances in the universe, and its hardness has far exceeded that of most rare minerals, even hard diamonds, he can shatter them.

Not only is the epidermis of the body strengthened, but the inside of the body has also been conceived by countless drugs, and it has a strong recovery ability.

But after the blow of the little creature, he could feel that his body had been greatly traumatized.

It's the one that can't be repaired.

Their race has three hearts, and these three hearts are not just as simple as two more hearts.

Each heart is capable of withstanding a fatal injury.

In other words, now there are only two hearts left in his body.

Han Bin's small punch just now, not only the speed but also the strength was far beyond Zhongye's perception range, there was no way to dodge, there was no way to dodge!

"Ahem!" Zhongye

half-knelt on the spot and spit out a few pieces of broken heart.

Normally, at this time, the injuries in the body have recovered, but now the feeling of pain still lingers in the body.

Han Bin on the other side didn't seem to let him go, and after he appeared, a terrifying purple-black light roared towards Zhongye with destructive energy.

The deeply sunken eyeballs in the middle leaf retracted violently, and he didn't dare to slack off, and hurriedly waved his fist towards the air in front of him.

The blow was so powerful that it almost threw his arm into a dislocation.


A crack just the size of a purple-black light appeared.

Midleaf exhaled a long breath.

But the joy in my heart didn't appear long before I was stunned by the next scene.

Spatial rift ......

How is this possible!

The spatial crack is the force that appears after tearing the space, and in that area, all energy and matter will be affected by the spatial crack and be teleported to another place.

Tear the spatial rift apart, how is this possible.

But here in Han Bin, nothing is impossible, and Zhongye didn't have time to think about it at all, and was swallowed by that terrifying purple-black light.

The purple-black light lasted for a full minute, and after a minute, the already charred mid-leaf got up from the ground, and at this time he no longer had the same aura as before.

That inferior animal

! Why is it so strong!

Looking at Han Bin, who was hiccuping and approaching him, Zhongye actually fell to the ground in fear and fell to the ground.

When he came to Zhongye's side, Han Bin, who was only about thirty centimeters tall, looked at Zhongye condescendingly, as if Zhongye was his captive.

Han Bin's good-looking eyes looked at Zhongye with an extremely indifferent gaze.

"Meow. (You seem to enjoy invading other people's planets.)

"Meow. (You seem to like piling up other people's lives out of power.)

"Meow. (You pretentious guys seem to really like to call others a low-civilization planet

) "Meow!" (And you guys never seem to take other people's lives as their lives!)


The terrifying energy fluctuations exploded in Han Bin's body, and the middle leaf who was directly pressed did not dare to raise his head.

He, he's going to be out of breath!

And what Han Bin said, he can't understand in the middle of the century, low civilization, those backward planets are humble in the rules of the universe, and they are trampled on by others.

Only the strength of the planet is everything.

Chen Jian looked at Han Bin who exuded domineering with a shocked look in his eyes, originally he thought that it was a joke for this group of people to protect themselves and to seek revenge from Zhongye, but now it seems.

No joke.

From beginning to end, Han Bin crushed Zhongye.

Poisonous spiders, Bai Shu and others went to the side to clean up the corpses of the members of the organization.

Han Bin's action was nothing for them, although the death of the organization members during the battle was already Xi for them, and they had learned to suppress that anger in their hearts.

But for Han Bin, it seems that all this is still difficult to accept.

They can all see that Han Bin is really angry, this should be the first time they have known Han Bin for so long and have seen this little guy fried.

Indeed, Han Bin has never seen many dead people, and those who have been killed are enemies, and those people should be killed in Han Bin's world.

So much so that after the death of the people around him, he will have such a big reaction.

A roar and cracking sound sounded in the air, and a huge spatial rift appeared out of thin air, and a huge spaceship was slowly poking out of the crack.

"Ahahahaha! Reinforcements are coming, you just wait to die! No matter how strong you are, you still can't keep this planet!"

He was so aggrieved that not only did he fail to complete his mission here, but he also lost two hearts.

There is no possibility of going back to be reused, he can't be better, and this planet will be buried with him.

The spaceship is equipped with heavy artillery capable of destroying a planet, die, then die together.

Looking at the spaceship that covered the sky in the air, Han Bin's body slowly flew towards the air.

In this world, there seem to be too many people who don't care about the life at the bottom.

The previous Tianpan planners, the extraterrestrial dark combination later, the resentful clan, the resentful emperor, and then the current group of guys.

In their world, life on low-civilization planets is as if it is not life, just a stepping stone on their way to becoming stronger.

And this, it seems, is some kind of bullshit cosmic rule.

And no one will be able to rewrite the rules of the universe for this bullshit.

The muzzle of the cannon on the spaceship was already aimed at Han Bin, and the people who might be on the spaceship didn't know why such a low-level animal flew into the air.

Han Bin's anger from the beginning gradually calmed down.

He still doesn't seem to have a lot to do.

It's not that he doesn't have the ability, it's that he doesn't have the heart to do it.

The energy had already begun to gather at the muzzle of the cannon, and in the next second, the cannonball that was enough to destroy the planet was about to shoot towards Han Bin.

At this moment, Han Bin completely understood why he would add 100 billion points to himself when he was reborn.

He has a sacred mission in him.

He is the last savior of this absurd universe.

Boom! The

huge energy shot towards Han Bin, and Han Bin's small body stood at the end of the terrifying ray, and his limbs slowly stretched out.

Speaking out seems to determine a person's life, and those above can suppress those below to breathe.

The unstrong and the powerful.

Low civilization planet and high civilization planet.

The upper one seems to be able to control the fate of the lower, and no one can break such a rule.

Han Bin knew the feeling of being incapable, because in the previous life, he was just a person who was framed and died.

And such bullshit rules.

No one can stand up, so he, Han Bin, will stand up

! The rules will be rewritten by him!


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