The voice was a little dull, as if it came from the chest, enveloped in a crust.

Han Bin was ready to teach Ji Yu a lesson, but after this voice sounded, Ji Yu shrank back like a cockroach meeting a sheep.

The original obscene and arrogant expression on his face was directly suffocated and replaced with a flattering smile.

"Hehe, big brother, why are you here, I'm a newcomer who teaches you a lesson, so I won't bother you. "

The person who came is none other than Yoshiyu's eldest brother, one of the two major prison schools, the one headed by orcs.

The man who came was none other than the orc who was the leader, Kanna.

As an orc, his muscles swelled to an exaggerated degree, and his exuberant hair contained terrifying power, especially the eyes unique to orcs, which exuded a dangerous light.

His gaze swept over Ji Yu's body, and Ji Yu's body trembled violently.

When his boss looks like this, it means that he is going to take over this matter, which means that he must leave here.

Reluctantly licked the corners of his mouth and glanced at Han Bin.

It's a pity that such a good-looking little guy is, but if his eldest brother wants to get started, then he will definitely not be able to interfere.

As for the purpose of his eldest brother's coming here, he also knew it, after all, he had been in prison for so long, and everyone wanted to find an opportunity to release the desire in his chest.

Big brother is naturally no exception.

As orcs, they clearly know how strong the desire for "love" is in their bodies.

The people around him suddenly looked at Han Bin with a pitiful gaze, if Kana wanted to make a move on that good-looking little guy, the little guy was afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

Others know this, and the old man naturally knows this.

Getting up from the ground, he didn't hesitate to come to Han Bin's side, although he didn't know why things turned out like today, but at this time he had to stand up.

He is not stupid, an existence like Han Bin can clearly see the difference, perhaps, this will be a turn of fate.

"Brother Kanna, you see that this little guy is a newcomer, if there is anything you don't understand to offend your place, I will go back and teach this newcomer well, you don't have to bother to move this hand, how good. The

old man put his posture to the lowest.

Obviously, he looks older, but he looks grovelling.

Karna frowned.

As Ji Yu thought, the purpose of Kanna's coming here was very simple, from the moment Han Bin appeared, his eyes were attracted by Han Bin.

Then I wanted to come over and extinguish the anger.

But that doesn't mean he wants to provoke the old guys.

A year ago, Khanna might not have cared about these things, but now.

The strength of the mad woman has not yet been figured out, although the old man did not join the side of the woman, but if it is excessive, the woman will still meddle in this matter.

At that time, it will be more than worth the loss.

"Old fellow, go farther, this is none of your business, and I don't want to have anything to do with you here.

Karna glanced at the old man with some disgust.

He actually doesn't like to deal with this group of old human guys, they are different from orcs, if there is any conflict and battle between orcs, everything is based on strength.

But this group of old human guys is different.

They can't do it physically, they have powerful mouths, and when it comes to reasoning, it's the last thing Cana wants to see.

But the old man obviously wouldn't leave Han Bin here alone, not only did he not retreat, but took a step forward, and just as he was about to speak, Kana interrupted him one step ahead of him.

Cana's eyes were slightly reddened, and his brow was tightly locked.

"Don't think that you guys can get an inch by having a crazy woman standing behind you, tell you, grind and chirp here, and I'll kill you all.

After this threat, the old man's words were directly choked back into his mouth, and his face turned red.

The orcs on the side also gathered around the old man at the signal of Kanna.

The old man could only look at Han Bin anxiously now, although he thought of many ways to save Han Bin, but these were all based on a certain physical foundation.

But, fifty years later, he is no longer the sturdy young man he used to be.

Although Kana didn't want to provoke that woman, it didn't mean that he was afraid of that woman, he really had to run into it, and it wasn't certain who was strong and who was weak.

Kanna walked towards Han Bin with his steps, his breathing already getting heavy.

I don't know if I was angry with the old man or seduced by Han Bin.

Kanna's height is about two meters two, and compared to Han Bin's small body, he looks like a giant.

However, large size does not mean that strength is also strong.

Han Bin's cold gaze met Kana's red eyes.

Kana's macho man's heart was melted directly by Han Bin's cute appearance.

It's good-looking, it's so good-looking.

Such a touching little guy is unseen even on his own planet.

Just as Kana stretched out his hand to grab Han Bin, a beautiful female voice sounded on the side, and when this female voice sounded, the old man also breathed a long sigh of relief.

This person comes, and the matter is solved.

"I said, isn't it a bit of a break in the rules for you to move my people like this?

Karna's brow furrowed, and he looked to the side.

The owner of the voice is none other than another leader in the cosmic prison, the woman in black robes.

"Your people, as far as I know, this little guy should have only come today, are you a little vexatious? "

Kanna is not afraid of the woman in the black robe, after all, the people standing behind him are his own brothers, if he is cowardly here, then how can he mix in this prison.

In the prison, Kanna and the woman in the black robe determined a convention, that is, the personnel under the jurisdiction of both sides cannot violate each other, the old man, Kanna can not understand, but this little guy, it is not within the jurisdiction of the convention.

The black-robed woman was also strong, and a cold voice came from under the black-robed again.

"What's the new arrival, this person is my person, you can't move. The

old man's eyes widened slightly, and he looked at the black-robed woman in surprise.

He spoke for Han Bin because he had contact with Han Bin and saw that Han Bin was not simple, but it was a little unexpected that the woman in the black robe actually did this step for Han Bin.

Her words are not as simple as they appear to be.

Kanna's eyes turned cold after the black-robed woman said this, and she stared dangerously at the black-robed woman opposite.

"This sentence is not something you can say casually, so what do you mean that the covenant has been ruined?"

When Kanna's last word fell, all the people around him who belonged to Kanna's forces stepped forward and stared at the black-robed woman tightly.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

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