Xi Zhe also didn't expect that someone would dare to rush directly to him and punch him, but without any defense, he was directly blown away by a punch, fell to the ground and rolled several times.

Somewhat embarrassed, he got up from the ground and stared at Kalas across from him with furious eyes.

"Grandma's! Beat, beat me to death!"

At first, the guards were able to stabilize the situation, but as the emotions exploded, more and more prisoners joined the fighting team, and gradually it began to become a one-sided situation for the guards.

Because of the high-tech weapons, this group of guards has developed the Xi of relying on those weapons, and their own fighting skills and combat experience are almost equal to none.

But the sudden outburst knocked the group to the ground before they even had time to use their weapons.

Coupled with Han Bin's covert intervention, the situation is almost tilted towards the cosmic prison inmates.

Soon, the battle spread to the entire cosmic prison, and the screams of the prison guards could be heard everywhere, and everything was in chaos.

The black-robed woman was also forced to join the fight, and of course, there was no choice in the crowd to reveal her ability to use her original abilities.

Her attention has been focused on the guy who shows up in battle from time to time.

The aura on his body is really dangerous.

At the same time, the woman's sixth sense told her that the small figure should have a connection with the man who was standing on the platform before.

Are these two people in a group?

So what are they doing this for? The

prisoners who had been imprisoned for countless years all burst out at this moment, and they could see things everywhere in the prison.

And the most of them are because of the rule that low-civilization planets can't shoot at high-civilization planets.

Because of this rule, countless wives have been separated and imprisoned in this prison, and they have too many grievances squeezed in their hearts to be released.

And this riot, in fact, many people know that after a period of time, people from the super civilization planet will come to suppress it.

And after the crackdown, it really means that this group of guys is sentenced to life imprisonment.

But, as Kalas said, in this cosmic prison, life imprisonment has actually been declared, and there is no difference for this group of guys.

Then take advantage of this time to vent the anger in their hearts, they need such an opportunity so much.

The prison is full of smashing figures, but the author of all this has re-entered the crowd in a different way, and it is not the same at all.

The situation of the space prison was quickly notified to the nearest super civilization planet, and after some time, a huge spaceship came to the edge of the space prison.

At this time, the cosmic prison was completely occupied by prisoners, and the people on the spaceship looked over from a distance, and the entire cosmic prison was emitting black smoke.

Standing at the very top of the spaceship, a man in gold armor looked coldly at the cosmic prison below.

And behind him, there were countless warriors in silver armor.

The armor on their bodies exuded a cold light, and everyone's eyes were unified to look at the golden-armored man in the front, where the gold-armored man's words were the highest order.

Only when he gives the order can they act.

"Suppress!" a

strong voice spat out from the golden-armored man's mouth, and the silver-armored warriors behind him all rushed down after the order was issued.

Uniform, obviously a team of thousands of people, at this moment, it is like the same person.

After the Silver Armor Warrior arrived at the Cosmic Prison, the situation was brought under control in an instant.

At first, there were still people who resisted, but after some people recognized the identity of this group of troops, they all squatted in place and chose to surrender.

This army is the top army of the super civilization planet on the side, not to mention them now, even if they recover their strength, they may not be able to beat that group of guys.

The originally noisy cosmic prison instantly became quiet, and on the spaceship of the cosmic prison, there were a group of prisoners with all kinds of tying.

It took almost no effort to clean up this group of people, and as for the inventory of this group of people, there was not much need for them, after all, the lives of this group of people were as worthless as mustard.

It's something that's carved into the bones.

It was such arrogance that they didn't find the two who were hiding in the corner.

It was Kalas and Han Bin, while Han Bin was invisible, Han Bin also helped Kalas complete his invisibility, and the two were lurking in this corner, waiting for the time to leave.

If there is a riot of this magnitude in the cosmic prison, this group of prisoners will definitely be closed and imprisoned for life when they return.

Moving from one prison to another is not necessary, although it has little impact.

In Karas's plan, the prisons on the super-civilized planet would not be of much use, and their purpose was only to obtain vehicles and go to the super-civilized planet.

According to Karas's memories and collation, there is only one controlling race on this planet, the Armor Clan.

Brass warriors are the second, silver warriors are highest, gold warriors are higher, and the tallest is diamond warriors.

As for the rest of the other races, they were suppressed by the First War clan in the most marginal position and could not turn over.

It can be said that the Jiazhan clan is the only one.

In such a situation, it is easy for rebellious psychology to breed.

One of the most rebellious is the Nether Warriors.

Originally, the Nether Warriors and the Armor Clan shared the territory of the super civilization planet, but hundreds of years ago, the Armor Warrior Clan used some small means to completely defeat the Ghost Warrior Clan and became the overlord of the super civilization planet.

It can be said that the two clans have had a grudge for a long time, and over the years, the Nether Warrior clan has not disappeared, but has been planning and preparing something.

Kalas guessed how to bring down the Armor Clan.

So it's very clear who they want to work with.

The Nether Warriors.

If you want to conquer a super civilization planet, it doesn't mean that you can do it with absolute strength, how to convince the people on the planet is the most important thing.

The Nether Warriors had a high reputation on this super civilization planet from the very beginning, and with their hands, they were able to control the super civilization planet.

This was the first step in Karas's plan to change the rules of the universe.

Kalas didn't know why he trembled violently when he thought about doing this, and he was still refusing at first, but now he actually felt that this thing was crazy and a little exciting.

And then put your heart and soul into it.

With a flame in his eyes, his next goal was clear.

Find the Nether Warriors!

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