Han Bin's terrifying strength directly conquered Youyue after it was displayed, and it was already a sure thing to cooperate with Han Bin.

The Nether Warriors are simple, and if you have the strength, you can decide everything.

Dark Moon and Kalas were putting the finishing touches on the battle, they hadn't seen each other for over fifty years, and there were many details that needed to be tweaked slightly.

Han Bin was called aside by the black-robed woman.

I don't know what this woman wants to do when she calls herself over, Han Bin blinked and looked at the black-robed woman with big eyes.

"You, are you a Mengyue Star person?"

Because of guessing Han Bin's identity, the black-robed woman even used your honorific title.

"Meow?" (What Mengyue Star people, I'm from Blue Star.)

Han Bin's puzzled head looked at the black-robed woman who was also puzzled with puzzled eyes with a puzzled expression.

The black-robed woman racked her brains to think about the names of those super civilization planets in the universe, but none of them were called Blue Stars.

Could it be that this is a newly promoted super civilization planet?

In the world of the black-robed woman, an existence like Han Bin would only appear on a super civilization planet, and she could never have imagined that the so-called Blue Star was not a super civilization planet, but a low civilization planet in a small corner of the universe.


Jados stood in the middle of his super-luxurious room, his gaze falling through the window into the huge city below.

When science and technology, combat effectiveness, etc. are developed to this level, they can control everything on the planet freely, and the weather is naturally included in the controllable range.

The department that controls the weather recently doesn't know what's going on and has been controlling the weather on cloudy days.

The heavy gray clouds pressed against the sky, giving Jados a very oppressive feeling.

It was as if something was about to erupt, and the clouds were now as calm as if they were before the storm.

This kind of weather is very uncomfortable to look at.

"What's going on with these guys, didn't they say it's okay not to let it be cloudy. "

Cloudy days have a bad meaning for Jados, after all, the guy who appears on a cloudy day symbolizes misfortune.

Just as he was about to call in the weather officer, a guard in silver armor rushed in recklessly.

"No, Lord Jia is not good, ahem......"

The guard stood in place panting, one hand propping up the door panel.

Jados frowned and looked at the guards who had recklessly barged in, he had a clear rule before, in his room, no one was allowed to be so reckless and rude.

Including himself.

After all, the Jiazhan clan is a noble race, and etiquette is a quality that a noble race must have.

"Oh no! the Nether Warriors, the Nether Warriors are back!"

Haven't these guys been beaten and disappeared on the primeval star, just because those remnants have something to be afraid of, it would be good to fight back.

As if he knew what Jadoth was thinking, the guard added, "No, it's different!" "

This group of Nether Warriors seems to have received some guidance, our tactics against them have no effect at all, the city gate on the west side has been lost, the golden warriors have suffered heavy losses, and the city gates in several other directions are almost unable to hold on." After

these words were spoken, the expression on Jadoth's face froze.

After the tactics against the Nether Warrior Clan were studied, the Armor Warrior Clan instantly turned over and pressed the Nether Warrior Clan, pressing them out of breath.

The biggest reliance is on this tactic.

But now, the Wraither seem to have found a way to target their tactics.

Jadoth didn't think the Nether Warriors would come up with a solution based on their intelligence, after all, those reckless men who could only fight didn't know anything like tactics.

It looks like someone is working with this bunch of guys.

The frown on Jadoth's face stretched, and a disdainful smile came out.

The combat power of the Nether Warriors is indeed above that of the Nether Warriors, and now that the tactics have been broken, it is very difficult for the Warriors to defeat the Nether Warriors.


After so many years, Jados's cultivation has reached an unprecedented height.

"Youyue, Youyue, I didn't expect you to dare to come here again, that's good, let you see what absolute strength is. "

Go, meet the enemy!"


The sky over the city, which had been quiet and peaceful, was filled with the smoke of battle, and of course, the Nether Warriors who entered the city did not kill everyone, and all the old and weak women and children were dispersed to a safe place.

The warriors of the armor clan who were broken out of the war method were scattered very quickly, and before they even had time to resist, they were controlled by the Nether warriors, and it can be said that almost all the current cities are the territory of the Nether warriors.

For so many years, the Nether Warriors have been gathering strength, and their combat power is extremely terrifying.

And the Jia Zhan clan is in a state of peace all year round, except for bullying and bullying the weak, when the real battle breaks out, the flaws are quickly exposed.

Youyue's figure floated in the top of the city, looking coldly into the distance.

There, a figure covered in a shining light appeared.

It is the patriarch of the Jiazhan clan and the strongest diamond warrior in all generations, Jadoth.

Of course, it's also Youyue's old rival.

"Youyue, I didn't expect that after so many years, there would be that courage to come back here, it seems that it was really not a good choice for my subordinates to let you go back then.

Jia Duosi intervened and looked at Youyue opposite, with the expression on his face that only shows when he sees an old friend, looking at Youyue.

"Cut, don't come to this set. Youyue replied unceremoniously and directly, Jia Duosi on the other side is a real hypocrite, and it was this guy who calculated in the first place, and the Nether Warrior clan will end up like this.

"I still want to catch up with you, it seems that I don't have this opportunity, so if you kneel down and beg me for mercy, I can be merciful and spare you Nether warriors a way to live.

Jadoth said to Youyue with a "bitter mouth" as he glanced at the city below.

Most of the city has been taken over by the Nethermen, and the matter is worse than the previous guard had said.

But, with your own presence, there won't be much of a problem.

"Without this set, you should be the one who asks for mercy. The power on Youyue's body rose, the black mist began to spread around, and the rotten aura of the Netherworld Power began to emanate, and said, "Don't grind, just start fighting."

Jadoth's expression also retracted, and his face changed to a cold look.

"You're really not giving up. "

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