Whenever the five super civilization planets gather together for a meeting, it means that something big is going to happen in the universe.

And when the five-star conference was held before, it was Grandma Cat who went to contact people from other planets, so it was not too troublesome for Grandma Cat.

The maturity of space jumping technology has caused other planetary leaders to come to Mengyue Star for the first time.

"Old lady cat, this meeting was held a little suddenly, and I didn't even have time to prepare some special products before I rushed over. "

In the space jump station of Mengyue Star, a somewhat elderly person walked out.

Different from the old state of the cat's grandmother, this old man seems to be full of energy, and he walks with the wind.

The name of the person is Renault, and he is the supreme owner of the super civilization planet Reka.

Following Renault, a somewhat rich man also came out of the jumping station.

"Hahaha, you haven't seen you for a long time. As

soon as this man appeared, everyone's eyes were drawn to the huge belly, which was a bit rude, but it was too big.

The person who came was Fuyue Forest of Dolin Star, because the food on Dolin Star was abundant and delicious, and it seemed that the people on Dolin Star were all like this with a big belly.

The next one to emerge from space was the Dark Moon.

The appearance of Youyue surprised a few bigwigs present, after all, it was all Fei Duosi of the Jiazhan clan before.

It's not surprising to think of the grievances between the primeval Star Armor clan and the Nether warrior clan.

The space jump station lit up again, and this time, everyone's eyes fell firmly on the position in front of them.

In the eyes of everyone, a middle-aged man slowly walked out of the door.

The identity of a man is not simple, and all kinds of titles hang on his body so that he is the focus of the audience when he appears.

The leader of the first super civilization planet, the leader of Helicob, the patriarch of one of the strongest races in the universe, and the strongest sealing ability in the universe - the Boundary Gate.

The eyes of the boundary gate are deep, and there seem to be all kinds of mysterious lines flowing rapidly in them.

That's a unique ability of the Sect Family, the Seal.

Nodding his head at everyone present in response, after the appearance of the boundary gate, his position became the most central position.

Obviously, the planet they came to was Mengyue Star, but it seemed like they were all guests, and the only owner was the Boundary Gate.

This is the unique aura that belongs to the Boundary Gate.

"Now that everyone is here, a few of you are invited. "

The conference room has been prepared in advance, and everyone is familiar with it except for Yuyue, who is coming to the meeting for the first time.

By the time they were all seated in the conference room, everyone's eyes were on the front position.

That position is usually the one with the highest authority, or where the meeting sponsor sits.

And this location is usually for cats or boundary gates.

But now in that position, there was a small figure sitting cross-legged, and beside it, Cat Xiaoya and Kalas stood separately, like two guards.

While everyone was guessing Han Bin's identity, Youyue's pupils retracted violently.

How many days have passed?!

I still remember that a few days ago, Han Bin just helped him win the right to speak from the Taikoo Star, and now how long has it been since that time

? Three days, four days?

This already has the right to be able to hold a five-star conference?

! This made Youyue's estimation of Han Bin's strength in her heart refreshed to a new height.

Han Bin's eyes like deep sapphires swept over everyone's bodies, and then spat out something that shocked everyone.

"Meow!" (the rules of this universe are about to change!)

didn't give them time to think, Han Bin opened his mouth and continued: "Meow." (I'm not asking for your opinion, but I'm telling you that the unfairness of the rules of this universe has reached the point where it must be rectified.)

The attitude is tough, as if this universe is his.

The short-tempered Renault was about to stand up and teach this guy who spoke wildly a lesson, but was preempted by the others.

From the moment he entered this room, the eyes of the boundary gate did not move away from Han Bin's body.

In Han Bin's body, there is a very familiar feeling.

It stands to reason that this feeling should not have happened to him.

"These questions are easy to say, as long as you can convince me, don't say that you want to change the rules of the universe, even if you destroy this universe, I will accompany you. Jiemen

is also a person with a very tough attitude, and he directly confronted Han Bin.

Fu Yuelin behind him smiled comfortingly at the fried Renault, and said, "Let them fight for these things, let's just follow the arrangement."

Renault's clenched fist was released, and to be honest, the last thing he liked was the way these guys were on top.

But the truth is that he can't beat the gate on the other side, so he has to give up.

Han Bin didn't know what kind of existence it was, but it was indeed the same as what the Jiemen said, and the attitude of the Jiemen could determine their final choice.

The Jiemen is exactly what Han Bin meant, and he doesn't like to grind and chirp for a long time.

"Meow. (Say, how to convince you.)

"Simple. The eyes of the Boundary Gate lit up at this moment, and the mysterious power of the seal spread out from the eyes of the Boundary Gate.

Before everyone could react, the power of the seal had already covered Han Bin.

At the same time, on the power of the seal around Han Bin's body, there seemed to be twelve circular star wheels slowly emerging.

Several people sitting in their seats looked at each other.

The Boundary Gate actually used the Twelve Star Seal Gate.

They all guessed that the boundary gate might test Han Bin's strength, but they didn't expect it to be so tempted.

The Twelve Star Sealing Gate can be said to be the strongest sealing technique of the Sect Clan, this is no longer a temptation, it can even be said that there is a great enmity of life and death.

Although the boundary gate is strong, it will never do anything out of the ordinary, and everyone began to guess about Han Bin's identity.

What kind of person is it that deserves such a big deal from the realm.

The Sealing Gate slowly took shape, and Han Bin's figure became more and more illusory in the Sealing Gate.

If you want to talk about the door of the twelve-star seal, Han Bin has also seen it before, after all, the sealing technique of sealing the Emperor of Resentment before is the door of the twelve-star seal.

And the boundary gate in front of him should be the clan of the clan that sealed the resentment clan at that time.

Although the Emperor of Resentment was not solved by Han Bin, of course, even if Han Bin encountered most of it, it was solved with one move.

But the Emperor of Resentment was definitely the number one enemy in the row among the opponents Han Bin encountered.

Being able to seal such an enemy's sealing technique, Han Bin is still willing to give it a try.

The twelve light wheels rotated rapidly, and Han Bin's figure dissipated in the twelve light wheels.

"Meow. (Hopefully, when I come out, you'll keep your promise.) )

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