Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2037 unexpected harvest

Remember for a second【】

Any company that can run an advertisement during this time period is likely to have better results than if he advertises everywhere in a year.

Of course, because of this, its price is naturally ridiculously high, and ordinary companies simply cannot afford it.

A few seconds of advertising may cost millions, and some small or poorly managed companies may not be able to make this money in a year after expenses are excluded.

The advertisements of CCTV Spring Festival Gala have always been highly sought after, and there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them. It is said that ten minutes of advertising revenue can reach 200 million yuan!

In this day and age, it's definitely an exorbitant price.

This year, Chen Jianghai also competed for advertisements in this time period.

The invested capital has reached 80 million, and the advertising time is also five minutes.

This was originally the normal operation of the company, but I did not expect that there would be unexpected gains.

Since there is such a good opportunity, Chen Jianghai is naturally willing to experience the atmosphere of the Spring Festival Gala, which can be regarded as a dream of his wife Lin Wanqiu.

Although Lin Wanqiu just gestured with her eyes, Chen Jianghai could feel that she was really looking forward to being able to watch the Spring Festival Gala at the scene.

As for traveling abroad, you can do it at any time, and you don't have to rush it for a while, and then you can make appropriate arrangements at the right time.

However, Chen Jianghai had to determine another thing, so he asked, "How many seats can you give me here?"

If Chen Jianghai was only given a seat by himself, then he would rather not go.

Without the company of his family, even watching the gala at a close distance at the Spring Festival Gala doesn't mean much to him.

Moreover, during the Spring Festival, Chen Jianghai originally planned to accompany his family well, and he was even more unwilling to be separated from them.

Zhao Gaoxiang seemed to have guessed that Chen Jianghai would ask this question for a long time, and immediately laughed and continued: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, we have already considered this, and we have arranged ten places for you."

Hearing this answer, Lin Wanqiu jumped up excitedly like a little girl who got a toy.

A smile appeared on Chen Jianghai's face unconsciously, and nodded slightly to the excited Lin Wanqiu.

Only then did Lin Wanqiu react.

He blushed and stuck his tongue out in embarrassment.

Chen Jianghai didn't care about it either.

That's the benefit of status.

For ordinary people, it is hard to get a ticket at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, but Chen Jianghai has an exaggerated ten seats.

I have to say that CCTV is still very good at doing things, and they are very thoughtful.

So Chen Jianghai nodded and agreed and said, "Okay, I agree, thank you for your invitation."

Afterwards, he and Zhao Gaoxiang had a few more polite words before hanging up.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Lin Wanqiu couldn't wait to run up, hugged Chen Jianghai, and said happily:

"Oh my God, Jiang Hai, I'm not dreaming. Teacher Zhao Gaoxiang invited us to watch the Spring Festival Gala live! I used to watch it on TV. I don't know if the scene will be different."

"By the way, shouldn't this matter be the invitation of the director of the Spring Festival Gala or the senior management of CCTV? Why is it Mr. Zhao Gaoxiang?"

Chen Jianghai smiled and explained to the excited Lin Wanqiu, "Do you think people are just as simple as the host?"

"Being able to host the Spring Festival Gala and have several programs on CCTV is not only because of his ability, but also because he has an actual position in CCTV. And the position is not low."

"So, it's not surprising that he called. After all, they are also the leaders of CCTV."

"Of course, the main reason is that he is relatively famous. To invite us in his name is to give us enough face, so it is easy for me to agree."

Chen Jianghai shook his phone and said, "If it's another acquaintance, they may be afraid that we will reject it directly."

"Look, weren't you excited just now? This is Mr. Zhao Gaoxiang, Mr. Zhao! Right?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's joke, Lin Wanqiu deliberately gave him a stern look, and then puffed out her chest arrogantly:

"That's right, that's Mr. Zhao Gaoxiang Zhao! I grew up watching the Spring Festival Gala hosted by him when I was a child. I suddenly called and asked us to go to the Spring Festival Gala. Can you not be excited?"

Lin Wanqiu's voice just fell, and before it was Chen Jianghai's turn to say anything, the voice of his father-in-law Lin Jianguo suddenly came from outside.

"Jiang Hai, what are you talking about? How did I hear Zhao Gaoxiang's name?"

While speaking, Chen Jianghai's father-in-law, mother-in-law, and parents all appeared in the living room, looking at Chen Jianghai and Lin Wanqiu with curiosity on their faces.

Without waiting for Chen Jianghai to say something, Lin Wanqiu immediately stepped forward and grabbed her mother Xue Chunli's hand, looked at her mother-in-law Wang Shufen and her father-in-law Lin Jianguo happily and said:

"Mom and dad, now I'll give you two choices. One is to travel abroad for the Chinese New Year as originally planned, and the second is to go to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala to watch the Chinese New Year show together. Which one do you choose?"

All four old men made the same choice without thinking.

"Of course I'm going to the Spring Festival Gala, that's more of a New Year atmosphere." Xue Chunli said with wide eyes, her excitement was the same as Lin Wanqiu's.

"Just what's going on? Can we really go to the Spring Festival Gala? If that's the case, that's great! I can't even dream of such a thing."

Lin Jianguo rubbed his hands together and looked excitedly.

^0^ Remember one second【】

Xiang Lin Wanqiu hopes to get a positive answer in her mouth.

Although Chen Liye and Wang Shufen didn't speak, they both looked straight at their daughter-in-law Lin Wanqiu, waiting for her answer.

Lin Wanqiu smiled and nodded: "That's right, Mr. Zhao Gaoxiang called just now to personally invite Jiang Hai to come over, and he can bring all of us. There are ten seats in total, and everyone can come over."

"What? Teacher Zhao Gaoxiang personally sent us ten seats! This is really great!"

"We never thought in our whole life that we could go to the site to watch the Spring Festival Gala. If we have to come back and tell others, we shouldn't be so arrogant?"

Xue Chunli asked suspiciously, "Just, why did CCTV invite Jiang Hai?"

When Lin Wanqiu heard her mother-in-law's question, she couldn't help but pouted at Chen Jianghai and said, "Who made me a well-known entrepreneur in Huaxia now? It's amazing! CCTV wants to curry favor."

Chen Jianghai smiled and waved his hands: "Why do people want to curry favor with me? Just to be polite. Anyway, they invite people from all walks of life to the scene every year. Maybe they just thought of us this year."

Although he said that, in fact, Chen Jianghai is very clear in his heart that with his current status, CCTV really needs a lot of attention.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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