"Eh? Did I say that? Zero articles." Jing Yu's face was calm, but his heart skipped a beat.

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"0 articles. It sounds like the name is a work that is distinguished from the main story of Steins;Gate, right." Cheng Lie's eyes were curious, and his huge body gave off a slight sense of oppression.

"I'm curious"

Like Chitanda Eru, Cheng Lie stared wide-eyed.

It's just too weird

Jing Yu's goosebumps rose.

"That is to say, in your concept, Mr. Jingyu, is there a sequel to Steins;Gate?"

"Ahaha, Producer Cheng, you are thinking too much."

Jing Yu hastily fooled around.

This summer, he was almost exhausted by filming three dramas in a row. At the beginning, he felt uncomfortable when Qihun was attacked by the three major TV stations in the last season. body.

But now that two months have passed, most of Jing Yu's anger should have been vented, and now he only feels tired.

Two months, two full months, all kinds of schedules were fully arranged, who knows the feeling of being woken up by assistant Zhong Xiang's phone call at 5:30 in the morning?

Speaking of which, when Jing Yu came to Yunteng for two consecutive seasons, the first and second seasons of Chess Soul, plus Steins Gate, and doubles, the donkeys in the production team were not as diligent as him, but Cheng Lie still felt that he was not diligent enough. I actually asked him if he was interested in publishing some short works this season.

Jing Yu didn't want to die of exhaustion on the set. After all, if you have a life to make money, you have to have a life to spend.

Steins;Gate 0 is indeed of film and television value, and even in the eyes of many Steins;Gate fans, Steins;Gate 0 is no worse than the original.

But even if there is a chance to make a sequel, you have to slow down, otherwise Jing Yu can predict that in the next half month, Cheng Lie will definitely hint in various ways that he will create the script of Steins;Gate 0, and then fall Strike while the iron is hot

Then in the autumn file, I have to devote myself to the hard work of the crew, and I don’t even have time to play a game

"Well, I see." Cheng Lie narrowed his eyes, looked into Jing Yu's eyes, and then smiled.

"Indeed, Teacher Jing Yu has worked hard during this time, man, I really need to rest, I just need to know that Teacher Jing Yu has such an idea." Cheng Lie acted as if he understood.

"Speaking of which, I'm also a game lover. When will Mr. Jing Yu buy a game and invite me to join you?" Cheng Lie said with a smile.

Jing Yu looked at him silently.

Forget it, no more explanations, the more he explains, the more excited he gets

This guy looks rough, but his mind is really delicate, he knows everything, but he doesn't show it easily.

In the next week, the ending of the stand-in, the seventh episode of Steins;Gate, and the sixth episode of the second season of Chess Soul will be broadcast one after another.

The sixth episode of the stand-in is a big fight. Everyone in class three of three years finally found a way to eliminate the curse, which is to make the extra "non-existent person" in the class disappear.

So who is the person who does not exist in the class?

That's just a wild guess. The whole class mistrusted each other, and fell into the horrible massacre where you kill me and I kill you.

Well, the picture is very bloody and novelty-seeking. During the filming of this episode, the blood in the crew ran out many times, and the final plot double was roughly similar to the operation of a normal suspense drama, which led the audience into a misunderstanding.

Everyone thinks that the people who do not exist in the class refer to the classmates in the class, but who would have thought that the head teacher in the class is the person who should not exist in the class?

In the end, the ending of the stand-in ended after the female protagonist Jian Qi and the male protagonist reasonably killed the female head teacher.

Well, most viewers have a slight sense of unfinished business after watching this episode.

It feels like there is still room for the story to continue, but in fact it ends like this.

The average ratings of the sixth episode of the stand-in, 4.30%, and the sixth episode of the handbook in the same period, are also in the slow growth of the ratings. It closed at 6.19%.

As for the ninth episode of Steins;Gate, the story is a little liberated from the depressive atmosphere of the previous episodes. Knowing that Yin Lingyu, a migrant worker, cannot bring back an old-fashioned computer from the past to the hero Zhou Gang is also a kind of world line closure. In the end, he wanted to find the old-fashioned computer. Zhou Gang had no choice but to change his thinking. After all, he had obtained this prop in the beginning. He just asked several members of the research room to send their own text messages to change the world line. That's why this prop is far away from him

Now, he only needs to find a way to disable the text messages that changed the world line in the past, and he can return to the world line where he found the old computer.

This also means

Yuan Liuhua, who finally got her wish, wants to return from her world as a woman to his world as a man, and Phyllis also wants to return to the world where her father died from the world where his father did not die accidentally.

The final ratings of the ninth episode are fixed at 4.96, which is growing rapidly as before.

As for You Under the Cliff, even though Vision TV increased its publicity efforts this week, the ratings still didn't improve at 6.85%.

Completely and Steins;Gate are dragging each other's ratings, no one can run away, everyone loves and kills each other.

Also because of this, after the ratings of the sixth episode of the game soul rose to 6.79%, the entire three major TV stations were completely panicked.

After all, the week Soul of Chess appeared, although the ratings are still ranked second in the summer, but there is only less than 0.1% difference in ratings from you who are under the cliff.

Half of the summer time has passed, but now, the top five dramas with the highest ratings are basically clear at a glance, Soul of Chess, Cliff, Manual, Black Cat, Stone of Destiny.

However, among these five dramas, it is completely impossible to predict who will win the top ratings in the summer season.

[The double ended this week, and the main drama handbook of Imperial Capital TV finally ushered in the spring, but whether this drama can rise against the trend in the second half of the summer season depends on how many viewers the handbook can absorb after the double is over. up! 】

[Among the three main dramas on the summer schedule, Black Cat, the only one without interference from a strong competitor, still had a strong growth rate in the ratings in the sixth week of the summer schedule, and kept approaching the No. 2 throne of the soul of chess. 】

[You Under the Cliff's ratings were severely affected by Steins;Gate, but from the first week of the summer show until now, you have firmly controlled the No. 1 ratings. I still think that the chess spirit cannot surpass you who is under the cliff! 】

[The strongest spoiler in the summer file, Steins;Gate, although the ratings of the latest episode is only ranked fifth in the summer file, but the audience rating is ranked first in the summer file. Many people think that if Steins;Gate is not going to be with You under the cliff are dying at the same time, and the ratings of this work may be close to 6% now. 】

In a series of newspapers and online promotions, Jing Yu, the screenwriter of two of the top five dramas with the highest ratings in the summer season, has been written by him. The audience knows.

On the official website of Jingyu’s former owner, Jinhui TV Station, the sales volume of the video discs of White Album 2, Tomorrow, and Your Lie in April has once again shown a skyrocketing trend after one year. From a month ago to now, almost Almost all works have sold millions of copies again.

This made Jinhui TV Station and Chuyou also confused!

Never encountered such a thing ah!

Of course, Jing Yu, Xia Yining, and Yu Youqing also feel confused. After all, although they left, they each own several copyright shares of different works. When they wake up and count, oh, there are millions more in income. The feeling. Maybe this is it.

The number of Jing Yu's fan base also began to show a trend of crazy growth.

Viewership ratings will be affected by the broadcast platform, but audience ratings will not. Now, everyone looks back and finds out

Among the many works that Jing Yu has created since his debut, the one with the lowest viewer rating is actually the one that just finished. The highest ratings of the last episode was once close to 4.9% for the double. Only 8.9 points.

If you leave this drama aside, the other White Album 2, Tomorrow, Soul of Chess, Steins;Gate, Your Lie in April all have audience ratings above 9.0

This data is simply terrifying.

On Yindou.com, an authoritative rating website, as long as there are more than 100,000 ratings, it can be called a high-quality drama if it has a rating of 8.5 or higher. There is a screenwriter who has created works since his debut, and only one drama is lower than 9.0. Others All above 9.0.

And this guy's drama is now being broadcast on a platform like Yunteng, and it is already very close to reaching the top of the season in terms of ratings.

What is this concept?

A little Calvin, there will be a chapter later, but it should be an hour later.

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