Early the next morning, Ji Yuanhai woke up, picked up the watch on his pillow and looked at the time, which was only half past six. Then he washed himself, got dressed, took out his book and sat at the window to read slowly.

Zhou Heng's eyes were red, he yawned and sat up. He saw Ji Yuanhai under his bed reading a book in the morning light, so he got out of bed and washed his face.

Zhou Heng came over and took a look at the book Ji Yuanhai bought at Xinhua Bookstore, and then looked at the watch Ji Yuanhai just bought. Zhou Heng felt that he should have guessed about the same.

This roommate on the lower bunk should be from a cadre family in Qingshan County.

"Ji Yuanhai, why are you reading so early in the morning?" Zhou Heng asked.

"Yeah." Ji Yuanhai raised his head, "What's wrong with you? Your eyes are red?"

Zhou Heng yawned and said, "I've never left home before. I didn't sleep much last night. I'm really sleepy now."

"There's still more than an hour until eight o'clock. Take thirty or forty minutes to catch up on your sleep and at least feel refreshed." Ji Yuanhai suggested to him.

Zhou Heng immediately shook his head: "Maybe I overslept."

"Anyway, I won't be in class today, and I don't have anything to do. I mainly want to listen to the teacher's general instructions, and I can still hold on to these."

"If I really go to class, I'll be miserable."

Ji Yuanhai smiled and said, "You will definitely get used to it by the time class comes."

Zhou Heng nodded, but couldn't help turning his head and yawning.

As the two of them talked, everyone else in the dormitory woke up. After all, they were new to the university dormitory and didn't sleep well.

Zhao Youtian finished washing, washed his face and rinsed his mouth, wiped his hands with a water-red towel and walked out.

"Era Hai, what book are you reading? Our book?"

"No, I was thinking about something related to our major, so I bought two books." Ji Yuanhai said.

Zhao Youtian nodded, a little envious.

Buying books, two at a time, so thick...it must be a lot of money, right?

It was almost seven o'clock when they were talking. Ji Yuanhai took the rice bowl and walked out, greeting his roommates: "I'm going to have breakfast first... Please pay attention to the class time, don't be late."

Zhou Heng also came over with his rice bowl: "Shall we come together?"

"I still have friends waiting for me." Ji Yuanhai said, "I'm sorry, Zhou Heng."

Zhou Heng was a little surprised, then smiled and said: "That's okay, I'm going to eat anyway, so let's just drop by."

"That's right, let's go together." Ji Yuanhai smiled.

Bai Chengzhi, Zhao Bo, Yang Jianguo, Qian Tai, and Sun Limin also quickly took their rice bowls and walked out.

It's already seven o'clock, and class starts at eight o'clock; after dinner, it's time to find a seat in the classroom.

Zhao Youtian said to himself, "If I only have three meals a day, my living expenses will not be enough... I don't know when the subsidy money from the school will be paid to me."

He felt a little unsure, so he did not eat with them. Instead, after they left, he opened the package and took out the white-flour steamed buns that his family had made to celebrate his admission to college.

The weather is still a bit hot, and the white flour steamed buns are also slightly sour, so they won't taste good if left for another two days.

Zhao Youtian broke off the steamed buns and ate them slowly with the boiled water in the dormitory.

Compared with the steamed buns in his hometown, it was still a good breakfast. He quickly felt full and drank enough. He cleaned up the dormitory and headed to the teaching building.


Ji Yuanhai and Zhou Heng were not walking very fast, so Bai Chengzhi and the other five people also caught up one after another. Occasionally, someone among the seven said a word, which felt pretty good.

When he walked to the door of the university cafeteria, Ji Yuanhai saw Lu Heling waiting for him, so he greeted them and walked towards Lu Heling.

After the two met, they walked into the cafeteria talking and laughing.

"How did you sleep last night?"

"not too good……"

The two figures walked away, and Zhou Heng and the other six people looked at each other in confusion.

"Ji Yuanhai...did you learn to fall in love?" Zhou Heng said, "He is really good at it! Yesterday I swore not to fall in love or watch TV movies -"

Sun Limin smiled and said, "It doesn't matter what you swear."

"That's true, it's just a little weird." Zhou Heng said, turning to look at Bai Chengzhi, "Bai Chengzhi, you are the oldest, have you ever been in love?"

Bai Chengzhi is twenty-nine years old this year. After hearing this, his expression was a little strange: "My eldest son is six years old."

Zhou Heng looked shocked. He then looked at the other roommates. They were all in their twenties. They had probably been in love, and maybe even Bai Chengzhi was not the only one who was married.

So...I vowed not to fall in love, but I sent it to a group of people who have already been in love, or even married?

Zhou Heng was completely embarrassed, and even the sleepiness of yawning was gone - if this was a group of sixteen or seventeen-year-old classmates, he had sworn not to fall in love, so he had quite a lot of self-control.

The key is that among this group of people, everyone has been in love and even got married.

He is a young man who has never been in love, so what's the point of swearing?

"Let's go, let's eat quickly and then go to the classroom."

Bai Chengzhi almost blushed when he saw this young man, and quickly changed the subject, and the six of them went to the canteen to eat.

"Hey, Lu Heling!"

Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling were walking when someone at the table beside them greeted them.

Ji Yuanhai turned around and saw several girls calling Lu Heling with smiles. They must be Lu Heling's roommates.

Lu Heling smiled sheepishly at them and raised her hand to say hello.

Ji Yuanhai also smiled and nodded, saying hello.

Then the two of them made a meal and talked.

Lu Heling was not with Ji Yuanhai yesterday, and she was indeed a little sleepless.

As for the roommates, they didn't have any other thoughts when they first met, and they all looked pretty good.

Just like the atmosphere in the boys' dormitory, the girls' dormitory also seizes the opportunity to study and is reluctant to let go. They all want to study hard and study again, and they all have a high degree of self-consciousness.

Lu Heling felt quite stressed just looking at it.

Ji Yuanhai said: "Don't worry, we are no worse than them."

"Besides, no matter what, you have me; no matter what, you are much better off than staying in Xiaoshantun for the rest of your life."

Lu Heling nodded, indicating that she understood.

After eating, they cleaned their own rice bowls and went to their respective classrooms.

On the way, Ji Yuanhai and Zhou Heng met again, and Zhou Heng was obviously a little resentful.

"I also swear to you not to fall in love..."

"You are all different from me."

Ji Yuanhai smiled and said: "You can't be wrong if you swear not to fall in love. After all, given your age, studies are still the most important thing. If you want to find someone to accompany you for life, you have to wait until you are twenty years old. At that time, you will be just right. Graduated from college.”

Only then did Zhou Heng feel comforted.

A group of seven people arrived in the political and legal class. Roommate Zhao Youtian was already in the classroom. The seven people went over to say hello, and the eight roommates sat down in two rows.

The classmates also arrived one after another.

There are a total of thirty-five people in a class, including ten female classmates and twenty-five male classmates. The average age is in their twenties.

There are only seven others who are as young as Zhou Heng. They are all high school seniors and passed the top class of the college entrance examination.

After the counselor arrived, he called on all the students and explained various life matters.

We also talked about the preparations for the next military training. The military training will officially start tomorrow. All freshmen will wear uniform military training uniforms tomorrow and gather on the playground according to their classes.

After saying these things, the counselor said: "Classmate Ji Yuanhai."

Ji Yuanhai stood up: "Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

The counselor said: "During the military training, the class will not elect a squad leader. After the military training, our class will choose a squad leader. Classmate Ji Yuanhai, for the time being, you will help me and cooperate with my work. You can be regarded as the temporary squad leader."

Ji Yuanhai was a little surprised: "Teacher, why... why did you suddenly call me by name?"

"When you first entered school, I heard that you had outstanding performance." The counselor explained, "Are you willing to help the teacher and the classmates during this time?"

Ji Yuan Haixin said that this is what I like.

Before entering the Department of Political Science and Law, the future path he thought for himself was nothing more than politics and business. No matter which path he took, if he united with his classmates and forged friendly relationships, he would always go right in the future.

Ji Yuanhai is willing to serve as squad leader temporarily.

As for "excellent performance", of course Ji Yuanhai understood it after thinking about it for a while.

It is definitely not a matter of growing orchids to make money. It can only be that the police comrades at the railway station said that they would write a letter of praise to Ji Yuanhai, which has already reached the provincial university.

For counselors, such an impressive and good classmate is of course willing to help.

"Teacher, I am willing to help." Ji Yuanhai said.

The counselor nodded with satisfaction: "That's good. If anything happens in the class from now on, you can go to the office and report to me; if there is anything I need your help with, I will also ask you to cooperate."

"Say hello to the classmates and get to know them."

Ji Yuanhai stood up and introduced himself to the students: "My name is Ji Yuanhai. From now on, students can come to me if they need to report anything to the teacher or if they have any difficulties."

"My personal abilities may not be enough, but I am willing to do my meager strength to convey and convey my thoughts and opinions to everyone, and I am willing to help as much as I can."

Zhou Heng clapped his hands at this time, and then other people in the dormitory also clapped their hands and applauded to express welcome; other students also turned their heads and looked over, clapped their hands and applauded to express welcome.

Ji Yuanhai smiled at the classmates and looked at the counselor.

The counselor nodded: "Okay, this matter is settled."

"I'll go to the next class to talk about things. Ji Yuanhai will help maintain discipline. Don't make noises, fight, or whisper to each other."

Ji Yuanhai said: "Teacher, I feel that the students have just met, so it is okay to get to know each other."

"Let's chat, it shouldn't be too loud."

The counselor gave him a surprised look - at this time, shouldn't you use my words as a command arrow to tell the whole class to be quiet and stop talking?

Why are you still bargaining with me?

After thinking for a while, he said to Ji Yuanhai: "You must control this strength. If there is any noise, fight, or anything that affects order, it will definitely not work."

"Don't worry, teacher, we are all classmates who have just met. Even if you ask us to shout loudly, chase and fight, we are not so shameless." Ji Yuanhai said with a smile, "Don't worry."

The counselor always felt that something was wrong.

Have I cultivated a "rebel"? Why aren't you the kind of obedient and obedient student who listens to me?

Following Ji Yuanhai's words, there was a burst of chuckles throughout the class.

Ji Yuanhai finally put his words into their hearts.

They are no longer children, nor are they thick-skinned. They have worked hard and studied hard to get into the provincial university. How can anyone shout, chase and fight?

Something is even more wrong...

The counselor looked at the smiling Ji Yuanhai and the way the atmosphere in the class was obviously much more relaxed. He thought to himself that this classmate Ji Yuanhai looked like he could not only be the temporary monitor, but he might also be the monitor in the future.

A bit not on the same level as other students...

"Okay, then I'll go to the next class." The counselor took the list and information to the next class.

After he left, Ji Yuanhai said with a smile: "Students, do you all know each other? Is anyone willing to go to the podium and introduce yourself?"

"No one is willing to introduce themselves, so let's chat quietly with our roommates and get to know everyone at the front and back desks."

"I just promised the counselor that everyone must help, don't speak too loudly, and don't act like children. We are all top students who have been admitted to the provincial university. We are here to change our destiny and have a good life." A better future is here, not for fooling around.”

Zhou Heng said: "The monitor said it well!"

Then he took the lead in applauding, and the students in the class also applauded in a dignified manner.

After Ji Yuanhai sat down, he looked at Zhou Heng with a smile: "Thank you, Zhou Heng."

Zhou Heng smiled: "That's right."

The relationship between the two has taken a big step forward from roommates to friends.

Afterwards, the students in the class were indeed talking in low voices and getting to know each other. No one grinned and laughed, or slapped the table in excitement - because of Ji Yuanhai's reminder and the assurance to the counselor, the students all Very conscious from the beginning.

Roommate Zhao Youtian asked Ji Yuanhai in a low voice: "Ji Yuanhai, the counselor just told you that you have outstanding performance. What does it mean to be outstanding? Did you do particularly well in the college entrance examination?"

"It's not particularly good, about three hundred and eighty points." Ji Yuanhai said, "What about you?"

The roommates all commented on their scores—no one was lower than 360 points.

Sure enough, going to one of the top ten key universities in the country and majors with high requirements does require very high scores.

Then the roommates all unanimously said that this year's national unified test paper was really too difficult.

In their usual simulation tests, according to the college entrance examination level of the previous two years, they could all score more than 420 points. However, they found it difficult in the examination room. Afterwards, they still found it difficult to estimate their scores and compare the answers.

After talking for a while, Bai Chengzhi, the oldest, also curiously asked Ji Yuanhai what his outstanding performance was.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just saw bad guys robbing an eldest sister's child when I was at the train station. I went over to help. The police at the train station said they would write a letter to praise me."

"This should be it."

When Ji Yuanhai said this, the roommates were all surprised. They didn't expect that he would have such an experience.

After about half an hour, there were signs of recess in other classes. Ji Yuanhai went to the door to take a look and said to the students: "Let's also take a break. Let's do some activities and come back to wait for the counselor's arrangements. "

The female students met to go to the restroom together, and the male students also went out for activities or went to the restroom one after another.

It only lasted for more than ten minutes, and the students continued to come back with nothing else to do.

On this first day, the counselor had a lot of work, so the whole class still had little to do.

Zhou Heng was already feeling sleepy and fell asleep on the table.

After more than ten minutes, the counselor appeared at the door, greeted Ji Yuanhai, and asked Ji Yuanhai to follow him to the office.

After arriving at the office, the counselor took out three letters and handed them to him.

"On the first day of school, there are five letters waiting for you, which is pretty impressive."

Ji Yuanhai was surprised: "Five letters?"

The counselor nodded.

He reached out and took the three letters. The first letter was sent by Yan Huifang and Shi Kaishan from the Northeast. It was addressed to Ji Yuanhai, a freshman in the Department of Political Science and Law of the Provincial University. The letter expressed his gratitude and said that once the army has During the holidays, the couple and their children will definitely come to the provincial capital to express their gratitude to Ji Yuanhai in person.

The second letter was from the Ji family, and the content was written by Ji Baotian.

The letter has been received. Everything is fine at home and there is no need to worry too much. If there is an urgent need for money, you can send an urgent letter to ask for it.

In addition, a production brigade in the Kaoshan Commune has started to pilot household contracting, and it is Chenlou Village. Now everyone in Xiaoshantun village knows that the work of the production team is getting less and less every day. In the future, the production team will definitely turn into individual households farming.

Seeing this paragraph, Ji Yuanhai laughed secretly in his heart: Well, Chenlou Village will be chosen as the first pilot project.

Now, Chen Xiaobao and Wang Jinhua are more confident than ever to work. It depends on how hard grandpa, grandma, and second aunt will work in farming in the future.

Anyway, Ji Yuanhai's mother has given up on helping Chen Xiaobao and his wife.

Also, Chen Liangxian, the "uncle" who built a house for Ji Yuanhai, can finally relax now - he has a good ability in building houses. In the past, he could only contribute to the production team and hide it to make some money to improve his life. Tuck in; next, it will not be difficult for him to be liberated from the land and embark on the road to wealth. He may become the first ten-thousand-yuan household in Chenlou Village.

The third letter was written by Liu Xianglan. The handwriting was her own, and it was not very good-looking. There were even typos.

The general meaning is: the letter has been received, she and Wang Xiaohong are both very good, and they will definitely help Ji Yuanhai take good care of the flower shop.

In addition, I feel very guilty because since Ji Yuanhai left, the business of the flower shop has dropped a lot.

Ji Yuanhai couldn't do anything about it - without him, the flower and plant shops in the county wouldn't have much business. That is to say, when Ji Yuanhai was around, the flowers and plants were really fresh and pleasing to the eye, and it was particularly easy to make money.

After briefly reading the three letters, Ji Yuanhai looked at the counselor: "Didn't you say five letters?"

"There are two official letters, so you don't need to read them." The counselor said, "One is an official letter from the provincial railway station police, and the other is an official letter from the Northeast Army. They both praise you. Please give praise and encouragement from the school.”

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