Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 1016: The real second way of evolution

Sure enough, it was the first checkpoint, killing people like hemp, and I don't know what secrets this Xinxintang hides.

Shen Chen had an indifferent expression, and the thin monkey couldn't understand this person, only felt that this person was unpredictable, so he didn't dare to say anything more, and led the way respectfully.

The thin monkey walked through the creepy spider web with a heavy heart, but saw a dark iron door in front of him.

The thin monkey knocked lightly a few times, and the iron door immediately revealed two holes for the eyes to expose, but the hole was covered with blood red, and when the blood red color disappeared, the door opened.

The thin monkey made a gesture of invitation, and entered first, followed by Shen Shen, his eyes slightly rolled away, but he saw a woman in white standing expressionlessly at the iron gate, her lowered eyes turned out to be red.

This woman... something is wrong!

Shen Shen subconsciously thumped in his heart, walked a few steps, and then looked back, the woman in white had disappeared.

"Are you scared? That woman is like this, with a pair of red eyes. It is said that when the end is approaching, the pink eye disease is not cured. Her ability is to see through a person's whole body, that is to say, everything, even if there is a barrier, is in front of you." There is nowhere to hide under her eyes." The thin monkey introduced with a smile.

Shen Shen narrowed his eyes slightly, but felt in his heart that this woman must not be what Shouhou said. The feeling of danger she gave herself was far better than others, even far better than the so-called warrior who saw the Holy Spirit Sect for the first time. Soldier's sense of crisis.

You need to pay attention carefully, the water in this place is far deeper than you imagined.

After passing through the iron gate, there was a din of voices coming from inside. Before walking a few steps, Shen Chen actually saw the most expensive way of entertainment during the Taiping years.


This obviously brought the casinos in Las Vegas here, and they were drunk and drunk.

A woman in a bunny dress, with chips and crystal nuclei piled up on the table.

Madness, arrogance and desire are written all over everyone's face.

It's hard to imagine that the outside is still like a primitive society, but the inside is like a modern society. It's no wonder that people from all the villages are willing to come here to gather. This place is simply a gentle township, a gold-selling cave. It is even the only thought that makes people feel that they are still living in modern society.

Shen Shen took a deep breath,

He paid more and more attention to the girl who was familiar with her figure.

"You can play a few hands here, because the loot still needs to be made. We will provide your chips for free. Who will let you be the first warrior to destroy others. By the way, about the taste of the loot, what flavor do you like? "

What else does booty need to taste?

Shen Shen suddenly realized that he was about to come into contact with the truth inadvertently, he casually straddled a high stool, and casually picked up the fruit from the hands of the bunny girls who surrounded him: "Oh? What flavor? Recommend."

The thin monkey laughed: "If it's someone else, I still recommend the original flavor. Although it's unpalatable, and many people still have resistance, but there is no handling fee. But you are rich and powerful, I recommend the dessert flavor, or you Do you like a cocktail?"

Shen Chen laughed loudly: "Then pick the one with the most expensive handling fee!"

"Okay!" The thin monkey's eyeballs burst into light immediately, fearing that he would regret it, he said anxiously: "You have a total of 18 trophies. Excluding the most expensive handling fee of 6, you can get a total of 12 trophies." The two trophies are all cocktail-flavored, but the taste is slightly different. Do you think it's okay?"

Eighteen... eighteen trophies?

This number unit is really strange, although I killed eighteen people, but where did I start with eighteen?

Wait... eighteen heads?

This loot, this taste... what does this have to do with a human head?

Xu Shi saw that Shen Shen's complexion changed slightly, and the thin monkey hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the nourishing effect will not be bad, let's not talk about others, just say that the condensate in that stupid big man's head has been mixed into a cocktail , firstly, you can enjoy it with peace of mind, and secondly, the efficacy will not be compromised. You also know that nourishing this thing, a loot has to be absorbed for a month, but there is no way to preserve it, and those condensate will soon be useless. But if we use our method, how long can the wine be stored, how long can the condensate be stored, and you can nourish it for a longer period of time, this is a good deal! As long as you can absorb more than 50% of the twelve trophies , No matter what, it is enough for you to upgrade to another level, and you also know that nourishing, but it will not turn into a monster!"

When Shen Chen heard this, if he didn't understand the joints, he would have lived two lifetimes in vain!

That's it, that's it!

It turns out that the reason why the so-called "Xinxintang" does not care about life or death is because the living can dispose of the head of the dead at will, and there is something called condensate in the head of the new human being. This condensate can be absorbed by humans, and then the same Has the ability to evolve. And this Xinxintang is a place that provides one-stop services for killing people and dealing with condensate!

That's why when I first came into this stockade, I always felt that those people would look at them like they were looking at food.

Because in their eyes, this group of people is the food for them!

Shen Shen trembled all over, this was simply too terrifying... This is simply cannibalism!

No... even scarier than cannibalism! If it is said that cannibalism is just involuntary to survive, but killing people and swallowing the condensate in the brain in exchange for evolution, this has already wiped out conscience!

But... why didn't I know that there would be condensate in the head of the new human being? In the previous life, I didn't even know that new humans would have this kind of thing in their minds, not to mention that this condensate could even allow people to evolve without causing sequelae!

If this kind of news leaks out, wouldn't the world be in chaos!

Suddenly, Shen Shen was stunned, he suddenly thought of Xiaoran who had disappeared in this life, and curiously asked himself why he didn't use the second evolution method, he suddenly thought of the group of pirates floating on the ocean, how would they do without zombies? Evolving so quickly.

No... It seems that this news is not as closed as I imagined. Perhaps, many people and places have already secretly carried out such activities!

And the self in the previous life, could it be because of this second evolutionary method...

Shen Chen didn't dare to think about it anymore. Whether these missing memories disappeared because he didn't want to think about them or how they disappeared is no longer important. The most important thing is that the current self cannot accept such an evolutionary method at all!

"Mr. Shen, have you made a final decision? I'm telling you this. Apart from our village, there is also Wang Fa, who needs to fight in the Xinxin Hall to nourish himself. When he goes outside, he will kill anyone on sight. If it is not for nourishment This time limit, when it takes a few months for the average person to absorb one, the people in our area will have died long ago. But it doesn’t matter! There will always be people born, right? Besides, there are people in the nearby villages. More zombies, less zombies. If you want to evolve, it depends on who has a hard life." The thin monkey said with a smile: "You make up your mind quickly, it won't be new if it's too late."

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