Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 147: The Mercy of the Robber


A man with a slightly crooked mouth looked at the supermarket, and then said to the people around him, "Damn it, they took everything away! The broken supermarket has nothing left!"

A few people beside him sighed, and then seven or eight people stared at Shen Chen and his group like hungry wolves!

They were obviously a team of survivors. The seven strong men still looked extraordinarily strong. They obviously lived well in the apocalypse. Look at their hands, each holding a machete!

This kind of machete with a length of 1.2 meters is obviously not common in a place with good law and order like City S. (starting)

Shen Shen narrowed his eyes, and there was a little guard in his eyes.

The man in the middle waved his hand, and the crooked man immediately shut his mouth.

This man has a kind of bearing in his gestures, Zhou Zheng seems to have been trained. Everyone involuntarily turned their gazes to that person.

The man in the middle has an unshaven beard, from left cheek to right cheek. His thick hair obscured his eyes. But Shen Chen could clearly feel this guy's eagle-like eyes.

A powerful person, no wonder he can lead so many people to survive!

Shen Chen's vigilance was even deeper. It seemed that there were far more than one or two survivors here, and they might have formed a primary organization.

"Little brother, don't talk too much." The bearded voice was very magnetic, and the hoarse voice was extremely sexy. It doesn't match his rough image at all, take a ferry \u003c\u003e\u003cwatch\u003e watch the \u003cmost\u003e new \u003cchapter\u003e chapter

He walked over slowly, fixed his eyes on the boxes held by several people, and said to Shen Shen in a very blunt tone: "We will give us half of the supplies. Let you go."

Very domineering! Very arrogant!

"Why?" The corner of Shen Chen's mouth curled up, and then he said coldly.

A whistling whistle sounded in the supermarket, and the crooked mouth flicked the knife in his hand with a smile, then squinted his eyes, and looked at Shen Chen casually: "What do you think, why should we?"

Seeing this proficient appearance, it is obvious that he has done a lot of things like robbing houses.

Guo Yuan and Zhao Zhen turned their eyes to Shen Shen instantly,

They are not afraid of these people, as long as Shen Shen speaks out, with their strength, they will instantly blow up these ignorant guys.

The person in the lead frowned as if he felt something. He turned his head suddenly: "Shut up!"

Then he turned his head again: "Everyone is here to survive, there is nothing to say, we have more people than you. We are stronger. If there is a fight, you will not even be able to share 10% of what you have."

The voice was still stiff, but unexpectedly it was very reasonable, which made Shen Chen feel a little interesting.

Guo Yuan looked at the man in front of him with a smile: "So confident that you can knock us down? Hey, speaking of it, I haven't exercised for a long time! Try it out, will you beat me down, or I will beat you down?"

Zhao Zhen also laughed at the words. For Guo Yuan, who had the second highest evolution rate and was about to break through to a first-order new human, it would not be a problem for this person in front of him to hit three with one.

The next moment, Guo Yuan's laughter stopped abruptly. A pistol was slowly raised, and the bore of the Type 92 pistol was firmly aimed at Guo Yuan's eyebrows.

"Heh, those who have survived to this day are not cowards. You have a fire axe, but I have a pistol. By the way, my score is 5 rounds and 48 rings."

The complexions of the few people who didn't care much at first changed a little. Because the distance between them was no more than five meters. This is too close. They were all holding boxes in their hands, no matter what they couldn't escape the power of this bullet!

Guo Yuan's face changed instantly, because no one wants to have a gun pointed at their head.

Someone next to him was impatient: "Boss, what nonsense are you talking to them, just grab it! You have to say a few words when you meet a group of ****!"

"Shut up!" The boss turned his head and cursed again, and then turned his head, his tone became calm: "Little brother, don't talk nonsense. It's not worth getting shot for these things. I only need half of the supplies, and you can survive .Obviously fair, and, merciful enough.”

Yes, this is the fairness of Doomsday!

Whoever is strong can grab it!

It is the kindness of the heavens to spare you from the robbery. It is for your own good that they rob you and kill you, lest you starve to death. And it is cruel to use you as bait after robbing something.

The bearded man is very confident, and his gun has been held steadily and accurately. A sturdy and blood-drenched aura emerged spontaneously.

Guo Yuan, Zhao Zhen, and Zhang Hongtao subconsciously shook their bodies, obviously feeling the danger. This kind of aura must have been fought with live ammunition!

It was quiet for a while, the person on the other side tilted his head and smiled, slapping the machete on the palm of his hand, making a "puff puff puff" sound, extremely confident, obviously in their eyes, these supplies are already in their pockets things.

Shen Shen smiled slightly and broke the deadlock: "I can handle the supplies for you. But I have a request."

"What the hell, I don't have any requirements, let me put it down quickly!" The crooked mouth instantly raised the machete, but seeing the bearded man stare sharply, the crooked mouth immediately shrank back in arrogance!

"Say!" The bearded man was also a little impatient: "Don't go too far!"

"I want ten machetes," Shen Shen said with a smile, "Two knives for one box. I'll give you five boxes."

"It's impossible!" The man immediately refused flatly: "If the lion opens its mouth like this, I'd better grab it directly!" As he said, he loaded the pistol.

The person next to him already had a bored look on his face: "Boss, hurry up, it's over if you go up and grab it, hurry up! It's a waste of time!"

Saying that, several people were shocked, and the machete in their hands was raised again! The sharp machete reflected the cold light!

"Don't move!" The angry man turned around and shouted loudly! Then he took a deep breath: "Four knives, eight boxes, you can take one box away. This deal is very good deal!"

Shen Shen still wanted to talk, but the bearded man was already impatient. He suddenly pointed the gun at Shen Shen, and then added: "Although I am easy to talk, my gun has a bad temper. Don't talk nonsense to me! Either die or get out!"

Shen Shen was silent for a moment, and then said unwillingly: "That's fine." Then he signaled Guo Yuan and the others to put the box down.

An angry look suddenly appeared on Zhang Hongtao's face: "Boss! You... how could you do this!"

Zhao Zhen and Guo Yuan also looked annoyed: "What the hell! Why should we give them the supplies we have worked so hard to get!"

For a while, the crowd was excited, everyone blushed and their necks were thick, as if they were about to go up and do their best!

Shen Chen was also angry, he suddenly shouted: "Here I am the boss and you are the boss! Do you listen to me!"

A burst of shouting silenced several people, only Ye Xiaoyu lowered his head, his shoulders kept loosening, and a cry came out of his mouth.

This kind of pleasure of forcing others to submit filled the faces of the bearded and crooked people with joy, watching the eight boxes being put down with difficulty. Character-character anti-filter-filter Please use Chinese characters to enter the ferry once to watch, see the latest chapters \u0026 chapters


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