Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 162: Old Classmate Fang Yi


Zhao Zhen gritted his teeth and said: "Remember, I will never forget it in my life. [First release]"

"This man is that fat man's brother!" Shen Shen said calmly, Zhao Zhen's eyes widened instantly: "Is it him?" Immediately in his memory, the fat man howled and hugged the severed limb and shouted, "My brother is a major " screen.

"So that's how it is!" Suddenly everything was understood, Zhao Zhen immediately said coldly, the rest of the people didn't know much about Zhao Zhen, so they immediately asked. Zhao Zhen said the previous thing again, and several people immediately frowned!

"No wonder he targeted us so much!" Zhang Hongtao said.

Guo Yuan was even more indignant: "Fuck! Boss, this guy made it clear what to do, what should we do?"

"Yeah, this time he thought of this way to harm us, and he will definitely harm us again in the future!"

"What should I do?" Shen Chen smiled, before speaking. His eyes froze suddenly.

He frowned, as if he saw something disgusting, and then he said to the others indifferently: "Let's go first, we'll talk when we go back."

This reaction was a little abrupt, and the brothers were a little strange, but following Shen Shen's eyes, they saw a woman walking over with a lot of flair.

The eyes of several people instantly enlarged, especially Guo Yuan and Zhao Zhen, they couldn't believe their eyes!

Fang Yi?

This woman turned out to be Fang Yi?

Although they knew what happened, and knew that Fang Yi must have played some role in it, Zhao Zhen and Guo Yuan really didn't know how to deal with the boss' "ex-girlfriend" when they met him like this. After all, more than a month ago, They are still very sweet. Please Baidu \u0026#x9ed1;\u0026#x2d;\u0026#;\u0026#x2b;\u0026#x9601; is the greatest support for us, thank you!

These people didn't know that Shen Chen's memory of Fang Yi didn't stop at last month. Shen Chen's disgust towards Fang Yi made them think that Shen Shen still had complicated feelings for Fang Yi in his heart, and they all looked strange at the moment.

Guo Yuan was really worried about Ye Xiaoyu in his heart. In his opinion, Ye Xiaoyu was a hundred times better than Fang Yi, but...a man's first love is not so easily forgotten!

Fang Yi's expression was also stunned.

She came to look for Chen Jianwen, and was told that Battalion Commander Chen was in the war room. She walked all the way, her legs and feet were already numb, but she didn't expect to meet these familiar classmates, especially those surrounded by them heavy.

Fang Yi opened her mouth in a daze, Shen Chen seemed to be more handsome and extraordinary than before! Then, Fang Yi hurriedly brushed her hair like a conditioned reflex, and suddenly remembered something, and quickly lowered her head again.

Shen Chen had already seen the bruises on her face, he frowned and didn't speak.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, Guo Yuan and Zhao Zhen knew what Fang Yi meant to Shen Shen, Shen Shen was regarded as a goddess by Fang Yi in the past. Now that Fang Yi is in such a mess, she doesn't know what Shen Shen is thinking?

Will Fang Yi be allowed to join the team? Could there be two sister-in-laws in the future?

Guo Yuan disapproved very much, and looked at Fang Yi with critical eyes, full of disgust. Hmm... This goddess has become fatter, no, she has become plump! Can you still gain weight in the end? Having a good time with that fat man!

Maybe Guo Yuan couldn't see anything, but Zhao Zhen could clearly see that Fang Yi was different. Fang Yi's eyebrows are wide open, and her walking posture is completely different from that of a girl. Coupled with the obesity caused by estrogen secretion, a woman can live to this day. The relationship between her and Chen Jianwen's two brothers is self-evident...

In an instant, the bewilderment on his face turned into contempt, and the distance between the group and Fang Yi got closer and closer.

Fang Yi's mood is really complicated, she didn't expect to see Shen Chen here, if she had known earlier, she might have washed up a bit and changed into a clean dress.

Shen Chen is very powerful, this is what she heard from the soldiers at the door after she came in, each of them was talking about Shen Chen, saying that Shen Chen met a big man here, how powerful Shen Chen is...

At first, I thought that Chen Jianwen was just exaggerating, but only now did Fang Yi realize that Shen Shen was a celebrity in the army at the gathering place, and even the idol of many soldiers, while that bastard Chen Jianwu was nothing compared to him. He was fat and had body odor...


Fang Yi's eyes lit up! If he could regain Shen Shen's heart, maybe Shen Shen could treat himself out of the sea of ​​suffering!

He should have loved me all the time. His feelings for me before could not disappear all at once. Didn't they say that the first love is the most impressive... yes... definitely!

At this time, Fang Yi obviously forgot how she told Chen Jianwen about Shen Chen before, and all she could think about was that she wanted to be with Shen Chen.

A group of people passed by Fang Yi, all of them kept their eyes on each other, as if they didn't know Fang Yi at all, their eyes were indifferent, revealing a unique temperament.

To him, Fang Yi is just a fleeting moment, and the most cherished thing in front of him is Ye Xiaoyu who has accompanied him through life and death several times now!

"Shen Chen!"

With a scolding sound, Guo Yuan and Zhao Zhen's hearts froze. Familiar voice, familiar tone, with a bit of arrogance and unique ending, high cold and Fang Yi's unique sweetness, Shen Shen has always been irresistible.

Shen Chen didn't stop, and still walked forward, but Guo Yuan and Zhao Zhen stayed behind because of the stunned just now.

Fang Yi gritted her teeth, her face was instantly flushed with embarrassment after being ignored.

She was a little unwilling to give up, so she yelled loudly: "Would you stop for a while when you see your classmates?"

This classmate called her very heartbroken, as expected, Shen Shen turned her head. Looking at Fang Yi.

Tears streamed down Fang Yi's face, like pear blossoms with rain, breaking the hearts of the viewers.

Her face had lost a lot of weight, and her face was haggard, but her body was indeed fuller.

Shen Shen didn't show any expression, then nodded politely: "Hello."

After several years of doomsday sinking, Fang Yi's image has faded to the point where he can barely see her. If it wasn't for the phone call before the doomsday when he was reborn, he probably wouldn't be able to remember this woman.

Therefore, his reaction to Fang Yi was nothing more than looking at a stranger who had a slight reflection.

A gleam of joy flashed across Fang Yi's face, as long as Shen Shen was willing to talk to her, she hurried forward and took two steps forward: "I didn't expect you to be here too. How have you been this month?" Seeing an acquaintance in a strange place is like joy, but in fact she has long known that Shen Shen is here. These actions are just acting.

"Well enough."

The voice is neither high nor low, neither fast nor slow.

"Don't you seem very happy to see me?" Fang Yi bit her lower lip, twitched it a few times, and lowered her head, revealing a woman's graceful neck. She remembered that as long as she acted like this, Shen Chen would definitely feel distressed come over.

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