Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 174: Salt Depot

Shen Chen didn't realize that his kindness was misunderstood by Xu Chaoyang, and he didn't even know that Xu Chaoyang's brain had become more and more conspiratorial!

At this moment, Shen Shen's mind was running rapidly: "Where will Chen Jianwen go!"

Suddenly, Shen Shen's eyes turned from bright to dark, and his expression became tense, and then he suddenly picked up his speed and rushed towards the tent. [For more exciting novels, please visit]

In the tent, Ye Xiaoyu was nursing by Pandey's side, while Zhang Xiaoya was patting Duoduo to sleep.

This little guy would cry several times every night, if Zhang Hongtao was not by his side, Zhang Xiaoya had to accompany him.

Zhang Xiaoya's love for children comes from the bottom of her heart, and her love for Duoduo sometimes makes Zhang Hongtao feel ashamed. What made Zhang Hongtao even more gratified was that although Duoduo had been frightened some time ago and kept silent, he was willing to say a few vague words only when he was by Zhang Xiaoya's side.

Either way, it's a good change.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the tent, and Duoduo was awakened immediately, crying and throwing himself into Zhang Xiaoya's arms, Ye Xiaoyu and Zhang Xiaoya hurriedly looked up.

But the back of the tent was opened, and a familiar figure of a man leaned in.

Seeing Shen Shen, both of them were relieved.

Ye Xiaoyu smiled: "What are you doing here in our tent in the middle of the night, it's scary!"

But he didn't know how nervous Shen Shen was. The sweat from running at a high speed was slowly seeping from his forehead. Seeing that the two of them were fine, Shen Chen felt his heart drop quickly.

People who have been bitten by zombies, especially those who know that they have been bitten by zombies, can do crazy things. Shen Shen knows very well that when Chen Jianwen ran away, his biggest enemy was himself. Maybe he will kill him directly!

It's just that Ye Xiaoyu's level may still be able to escape, but Pan Di and Zhang Xiaoya still have a lot, obviously they can't escape.

So Shen Chen hurried back, seeing that few people were gone,

A stone fell to the ground in his heart, but he was still unwilling to be safe, and hurriedly said to Ye Xiaoyu: "Clean up, we will leave here immediately."

"Leave here?" Zhang Xiaoya was taken aback

"Yes, I'll arrange you to go to Mr. Sun's side first. The bastard Chen Jianwen ran out. I'm worried that he will attack you. You go to Mr. Sun's place to hide first." Shen Shen said succinctly.


The two looked at each other.

The two women knew about the grievances between Battalion Commander Chen and Shen Chen, and Ye Xiaoyu immediately understood Shen Chen's worry. "Xiaoya, you report a lot, let's leave quickly. Don't pack anything!"

"Where's Zhang Hongtao?" Shen Chen asked again: "Where did he go?"

Ye Xiaoyu said: "It seems that I went to the medical building to find a senior who majored in mental illness as a minor."

Shen Chen frowned: "Going so late?"

"It's said that they are very busy there, so I only have time to meet Zhang Hongtao in the evening." Zhang Xiaoya continued, "Zhang Hongtao said something about it when he sent Duoduo over."

Shen Chen said "hmm": "You go first, he is at the medical building, there may not be anything wrong. Instead, it is you."

Zhang Xiaoya immediately hugged Duoduo, while Shen Shen picked up Pandy, and a group of five people rushed away under the cover of night.

When he got to Elder Sun's room, Shen Shen didn't have time to say anything, he just said: "Chen Jianwen is out, Elder Sun, I will take shelter at your place." Then, he turned around and quickly hid in the night.

"What's going on?" Elder Sun who was woken up was shocked again, he looked at the few more people in the room at a loss.

Ye Xiaoyu hastily said apologetically: "Old Sun, I'm really sorry, I'm not very clear about today's affairs, Shen Chen just told me that Battalion Commander Chen ran out and would probably come to kill us!"

Sun Yanze was stunned for a moment: "What kind of enmity is there between you and Chen Jianwen? Besides, Chen Jianwen's blood sample hasn't come out yet. He may not be a zombie. Why is he so restless! This is a violation of discipline!"

Ye Xiaoyu smiled wryly, and told Mr. Sun about the fact that he had cut off Chen Jianwen's younger brother's arm, and Mr. Sun suddenly realized it. After a long time, he sighed and shook his head: "No wonder... this bastard is so outrageous." Already!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly raised his head: "This matter must be told to the teacher, and you all stay here safely. I'll go back as soon as I go!"

"Thank you for your hard work!" Ye Xiaoyu and Zhang Xiaoya said sincerely.

At this time, Shen Shen was still sprinting in the night. His eyes are extremely dazzling in the dark, shining like a cat's eyes.

Chen Jianwen did not come to the tent to cause trouble, which means that he has more important things than looking for himself,

Shen Chenjue didn't think he was looking for his younger brother to arrange funeral arrangements. Well, there is only one possibility!

He needs salt!

It seems that he was infected very quickly, otherwise he wouldn't need salt so urgently. The screening must be there! No one is allowed to enter the school gate at night, and the screening room must be empty. If Chen Jianwen chooses to need salt, he should go there.

Shen Chen's feet are still accelerating! The tiptoes touched the ground, and then the body sprang forward a long way.

Soon, Shen Chen came to the screening room, and his figure quickly entered...


At this time, Chen Jianwen was so excited in the salt warehouse that he was so excited that he kept tearing open bags of salt and applying them on his body. His face flushed suddenly, and he let out a cry inhuman howling,

So cool!

This is more comfortable than how many top-notch women!

Packets of salt were opened one by one, and wiped all over his body. Fatty Chen didn't think it was good enough, and even started pouring it into his mouth.

His body was trembling uncontrollably, and all the facial features on his face were crowded together, as if he had received a lot of damage, but the next moment, he fell to the ground in excitement, his whole body twitching.



Packets of salt were spilled on the ground, and Chen Jianwen rolled all over the floor like a mad dog. Every bag of salt was pierced by him, and behind him, white salt sprayed down like running water!

Chen Jianwen spread his hands under the continuously pouring salt as if taking a bath, with a happy smile on his face.

The salt quickly covered the forehead and slowly moved towards the door.

A squad of soldiers outside the door fell to the ground, staring at Chen Jianwen, who was already extremely perverted inside. Their faces were full of shock, fear, and disbelief. Those expressions merged together, staring straight at Chen Jianwen's ugly appearance.

The blood and the white salt grains gathered together, like red flowers blooming on the snow.

"Fuck! What are you looking at!"

Chen Jianwen suddenly frowned. The eyes of these soldiers made him feel a little uncomfortable. He suddenly walked out of the salt pile and walked to the nearest soldier.


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