Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

One hundred and ninety-third sheet: Inhuman Chu Li

"what happened?"

The same question also rang out in the research institute! The tense look of the soldier made all the researchers present look changed drastically!

Chu Li's expression became more dignified than ever, and he repeated again: "What's the situation now?"

The soldier said hurriedly: "A large-scale zombie wave has occurred in the lawn gathering place at the school gate. Due to the crowd and the large number, the situation is very critical!"

"Notify the teacher quickly, and immediately separate that area. [For more exciting novels, please visit]" Chu Li said immediately, "How is the spread of zombies?"

"Yes! The division commander has sent troops to kill the zombies! Dozens of people have been infected! It is expected that the number of infected people will continue to expand!"

"Just annihilating is not enough," Chu Li stood up, his voice was steady, but his tone became urgent: "The gathering place is completely sealed off, remember, not a single fly can escape!"

"Yes!" The soldier replied immediately.

Chu Li walked a few steps in the room, then pushed his glasses, and asked slowly: "Has our rocket arrived at the designated position?"

"Arrive at the designated location immediately!"

"Order immediately to cover the area with indiscriminate firepower in all directions!"

With an order, Chu Li's eyes immediately flashed a glint of indifference to the extreme. At first glance, it was like a human's eyes suddenly flashed the color of a machine, and it felt that there was no human taste at all.

"Yes! What?" The soldier just agreed habitually, but when he realized it, his eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Even the researchers who gathered together were too frightened to speak.

Indiscriminate attack? That is to say, directly bombard that area with rockets? But there are still thousands of survivors there!

The soldier hesitated for a moment, but immediately turned around to execute the order, but the researchers around Chu Li jumped up.

"Deputy President Chu, there may be survivors there? There is no need to attack collectively? This is the lives of thousands of people!" Finally, someone couldn't help but came out fiercely and began to question Chu Li's decision!

"That's right, it's too cruel to do so!"

"They are life, not data. Is it really good to abandon them like this?"


For a while, there were different opinions, all of them were questioning Chu Li! Their eyes were full of disapproval of Chu Li's inhumanity. Even though Chu Li is extremely good at scientific research, it doesn't mean that all his decisions are right! What's more, thousands of lives were involved!

Before Chu Li had time to express, the male researcher who spoke first saw the soldier about to pick up the communicator, and immediately sternly shouted: "Wait, this order is suspended!"

The soldier raised his hand and paused for a moment, then turned his head to look at Chu Li. It can be seen that he does not want to carry out this order.

Chu Li's gaze immediately turned to the researcher who stood up: "Do you have any objections to my order?"

The tone was very flat, but it was this flat voice that made the hall that was still noisy just now become silent in an instant!

The young researcher only felt that Chu Li's eyes seemed to have an indifference that could freeze a person's soul!

It seemed that he had been thrown into the coldest depths of Antarctica in an instant, imprisoned in endless darkness.

The body and even the soul trembled for no reason.

The researcher couldn't help taking a step back, his head looked at the people around him in a daze, then finally gritted his teeth and said tremblingly: "It's not that there is an opinion, it's that this decision is too hasty. It's too inhuman. up!"

The voice he said was trembling, but he persisted incomparably.

"What do you want me to do?" Chu Li asked again.

"What does our army do? They are fully capable of killing those zombies. We all know that newborn zombies are very fragile, and one bullet is enough to kill them! Just a few zombies, the army is enough to deal with them!" The research institute shouted excitedly Said: "We can't kill other people's lives in vain! This is a crime!"

"This is your plan?" Chu Li turned his gaze to the others: "You think so too?"


A few courageous ones nodded, and more hesitated!

Chu Li let out a chuckle: "Stupid humans..."

He turned his gaze to the soldier, and then said in a firm and irrefutable tone: "Fire covered, execute immediately!"

"Yes!" The soldier resolutely picked up the communicator, and he could hear the voice of the opponent's communicator who was surprised at first, and then resolutely obeyed the order. The room was suddenly quiet, and the atmosphere was filled with uneasiness, worry, and anger!

For a moment, the air pressure dropped to the lowest point, pressing down on everyone like a mountain.

Thousands of people! With just one order, his life is about to be ruined!

"Vice President Chu, we need an explanation!"

"Why are you doing this!"

"We can't be that cruel! What's the difference between this and the Nazis!"


Chu Li pushed his glasses, turned and left without saying a word: "I don't have any need to tell you anything! But... With your IQ, you didn't even think of this. I doubt whether you can afford it." This job of a researcher."

He strode out of the hall with no disdain in his tone, but it was such a tone of lightly stating the facts that made those who remained panicked for no reason! Only a group of researchers were left looking at each other.

"What does he mean? Are we wrong?"

"This guy only knows how to immerse himself in research. He has no emotions, no family, he is a Frankenstein, but he doesn't know human nature at all!"

"What should we do?" Someone asked with a frown.

Suddenly, there was a soft sigh from the crowd, and the sound was beautiful.

The researchers immediately seemed to have found the backbone: "Su Qing, tell me! What should we do!"

Su Qing, an elegant-looking woman, is about twenty-six or seven years old. It is the most beautiful age for a woman, who has the charm of a mature woman without losing the refinement and aura of a woman.

She walked out slowly, then bent down, and gently turned on the button of the big screen.

A beauty mole is on the edge of the mouth, which moves slightly as the mouth is closed.

Her voice was extremely nice: "Why don't you take a look at the situation?"

Following her words, the pictures on the screen switched quickly, and soon, it landed on the camera on the lawn.

From the big screen, you can see the situation on the lawn. Although it is not very clear, it is enough to see some clues!

The outside of the tent is still peaceful and there is nothing unusual, but the further you go into the lawn area, the situation becomes more and more wrong! It was clear that a dozen or so zombies were wandering in the central area, and several tents had collapsed within their range!

"Look, there are only a dozen zombies!"

The researcher who spoke first sneered: "There are more than twenty zombies, they must be fully covered by firepower! Isn't this guy Chu Li a murderous maniac?"


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