Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 225 Chen Jianwu's Bad News

The words caused everyone to fall into speculation, and everyone began to whisper. net;

"Who can guess this! Could it be that the zombies are besieging it?" Someone said nervously.

"It's possible!"

"I think it's more like zombies appear inside!"

"Maybe a fart!" Chen Jianwu suddenly said with disdain: "This incident must be man-made!"


"What do you mean?"

Chen Jianwu's words immediately made everyone's ears prick up!

"This fat man, what do you know, tell us quickly!"

"This is a secret in the army," Chen Jianwu felt extremely proud when he saw everyone surrounding him, so he simply lowered his voice, looking very mysterious: "Do you know the salt water outside the house? That is to identify who is Zombies are ordinary people. I guess, there must be someone who didn't identify them clearly and accidentally put them in, and the result... turned into a corpse!"

Chen Jianwu made a grimace, which looked extremely ferocious under the shadow of the light, and immediately fell to the ground timidly in fright.

"What, that's not bad."

"Is the salt water of emotion differentiating between zombies and humans?"

"My God, isn't this a joke? How can there be salt water to distinguish, these soldiers are simply too nonsense!"

"that is"

"If you want me to tell you, you shouldn't let people in when you write about being a soldier. It's useless to screen any people. If you close the door, nothing will happen." Some people began to talk, but forgot that they were suffering in front of the school gate. Bitter waiting to enter, mouth abusive everything.

"That's it! That's it!"

All the people who didn't know the truth began to agree, and a smile appeared on Chen Jianwu's face. He was very proud, and his eyes lit up.

Shen Chen, no matter what, I want to make things difficult for you. Isn't it the screening method you proposed? I insist on giving you some shit on this screening method! See how you explain to these masses!

"Love, by the way, Fatty, how did you know it? It's a big secret. Who of us thought that it was to select fighters, but I didn't expect it to be to identify zombies!"

"My brother! That major who has been guarding the school gate,

Did you know? That's my brother! The fat man couldn't help but tapped his thumb: "He told me himself, you think I can lie to you!" "

"Yes, that's my uncle!" Fang Yi also followed up, looking very dignified: "He told us personally, I heard that the people who were taken away were shot dead in the end! Oh, can you imagine ? There are zombies inside!"

Everyone shuddered immediately! All of them were terrified, and suddenly, they began to rejoice that they were not taken away.

Chen Jianwu was quite satisfied with the situation he had created to lead everyone's emotions, he forgot to give Fang Yi a compliment, and Fang Yi's heart fell back into his stomach.

In any case, you must be consistent with Chen Jianwu in front of you! As for the future... Let's talk about it later!

"Wait, so it's your brother who put the zombies in?"

Suddenly, a wise man immediately thought that all of a sudden, everyone's unkind eyes were fixed on Fatty and the others! The fat man said that the soldiers put the zombies in without identifying them clearly, and said that his brother was in charge of this! Doesn't this mean that this damn fat man's brother has caused everyone to be like this!

"Are you kidding me!" Chen Jianwu trembled in shock from everyone's angry eyes, he was speechless for a while, and suddenly found that his words had trapped him. He panicked and said, "What do you mean? What do you mean?"

But Fang Yi is very smart, she immediately answered: "Of course not, these soldiers are of course strictly following the instructions above, but you know, this kind of salt water screening method is very child's play!"

Everyone immediately nodded: "These methods are like rural methods. If salt water can also be identified, my urine and sweat also contain salt!"

The rough words immediately made a group of people feel disgusted again, but they were more dissatisfied with this screening method.

"These soldiers don't care about our life or death!"

Everyone finally came to such a conclusion. At this time, a few clever people came up to Chen Jianwu and said to Chen Jianwu: "Brother Fatty, please take care of me from now on!"

Looking at the fawning faces of these people, Chen Jianwu only felt that the feeling of showing off before the end came back again. Chen Jianwu smiled, patted his chest and said: "After you go out, if there is anything you can't handle, you can come to me. Report my name, Chen Jianwu! I promise to cover you!"

"Chen Jianwu?" It's okay not to mention the name, but as soon as the name was mentioned, someone was a little suspicious, and then muttered: "Why is this name so familiar?"

Suddenly someone in the crowd raised his eyes and asked loudly, "Alas, is your brother's name Chen Jianwen?"

Chen Jianwu was a little suspicious, he quickly asked: "How do you know?"

But at this time, Fang Yi suddenly felt that the person's eyes seemed to change, as if dismissive, as if mocking. She suddenly felt a chill, recalling the soldiers guarding the door when she and Chen Jianwen were happy together. She suddenly felt that something bad was about to happen.

"I'll go, you don't know yet, your brother was beaten to death!"


Chen Jianwu immediately widened his glasses, with an expression of disbelief! "Are... are you kidding me...?"

"Who are you kidding! Your brother is dead! You don't know yet!"

"How dare you curse my brother's death, I'll kill you!" Chen Jianwu became furious instantly, and swung his fist out! In an instant, he beat that person fiercely to the ground!

"You cripple, how dare you hit me!"

That person was obviously not a useless person, so he got up without saying a word, and immediately kicked Chen Jianwu's stomach fiercely: "You useless, your brother is dead, you fucking took your anger on me You treat me as a vegetarian!"

The two fought back and forth in the crowd like hooligans fighting. The people around immediately made a circle for the two of them. It wasn't until a soldier came out to separate the two that the two guys separated like cross-eyed roosters!

The man was still panting and said: "Damn it, maybe it's your dead brother who turned into a zombie to harm everyone! You fuck with me! Let's see how I kill you when you go out!"

Both Chen Jianwu and Fang Yi saw a hint of incredulity in each other's eyes, and they suddenly trembled in their hearts. The man's gaze did not seem to be fake, but the more this happened, the two of them were really terrified.

Fang Yi hurried out to smooth things over: "Brother, we were emotional for a while, but Chen Jianwen died? How could he die?"

When the other party saw the woman coming forward to give in, he also softened his temper, and then reluctantly said: "Hey, I also heard an officer say that when he was angry, that man brought us a group of people here, and he was following us on the way. The other soldiers said that it seemed that Chen Jianwen had his neck chopped off, and someone named Shen did it."

The hearts of Chen Jianwen and Fang Yi have sunk to the bottom! I just felt a chill hit from the soles of my feet!

Chen Jianwen is dead, killed by Shen Shen!

So what should they do?

"Shen Chen!" There was a spark of hatred in Chen Jianwu's eyes instantly, and the shadow of the light made him look extremely hideous: "Shen Chen, if I don't tear you apart, I swear I won't be human!"


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