More than half an hour passed, and the wave of zombies continued, with no end in sight. net;

The donkey's heart became cold, and he suddenly realized that it was impossible to detonate the building and stop so many zombies with just a few shells in his hand!

Shen Chen, what method did he use to protect them! In order to protect Li Yan, he did not hesitate to kick him down! In order to protect such a big person, he would not hesitate to put himself in such danger!

The donkey couldn't figure out why, why Shen Shen did this. What is he thinking in his heart!

"What do you think?" Shen Shen waved the steel knife viciously, and the head of the mutated zombie in front of him was immediately cut off, and the body of this colossal creature quickly fell to the ground, billowing a thousand layers of dust and smoke!

The helicopter hovered above Shen Shen's head, and the pilot's emotions were on the verge of agitation. At this moment, he could no longer see what Shen Shen was doing, but he could only see heavy objects falling in the endless dust and fog. The sound of the ground and the deep explosive roar!

Every time it roars, there is always a monster's corpse thrown out, falling back into the bottom of the building, killing a bunch of zombies!

However, as time went by, Shen Shen's speed became slower and slower, and the driver knew very well that Shen Shen had obviously reached the limit!

When the biggest monster adjusted its angle and rushed into the battle, the driver's body suddenly fell on the driving seat.

Shen Chen, he couldn't hold on any longer!

Struggling to avoid the siege of monsters, Shen Shen leaned on a monster's body as a cover. He kept panting heavily, and his whole body looked in a blood-stained mess.

The monster behind was caught by the monster's hand in an instant, and turned into a rain of flesh and blood again. Shen Shen had to withdraw immediately and change to another bunker to hide again.

His hand slowly touched a small cold bottle in his arms.

Do you want to drink? This nearly third-order evolution fluid?

The moment the hand touched the ice cold, it retracted again.

Can't drink any more, there is still a small amount of evolution fluid in the body that hasn't been absorbed, so drink this again. I'm afraid that I will soon become a more terrifying existence than this huge monster in front of me!

The bunker behind him was blown up again, this time, Shen Shen was suddenly sent flying by the impact! It hit the ground hard!

"Shen Chen! Shen Chen!"

The helicopter suddenly landed,

The machine guns kept firing!

"Bastard! What do you want to do!" Shen Shen was angry and annoyed! This bastard, does he know that he will die if he does this!

"Shen Chen, hurry up to me!" The driver's voice was hoarse: "You don't need to do this, our mission has failed!"

"Failure? Under that roar, how could it be possible to fail? The number of zombies who heard the voice must have already exceeded 50,000. We must have completed it." Shen Shen said flatly. At this time, it was already difficult for him to get up again. Behind him, the huge monster had already rushed over!

But the driver couldn't hear Shen's voice at all, and he continued to shout crazily: "You don't have to be responsible for Big J! You don't have to save them! There's no need to work hard for them! Shen Chen, get up quickly, let's go! "

These are definitely not words spoken by a soldier, because J University also has his comrades-in-arms, and the reason why he can say these words is because Shen Shen's actions have exceeded his understanding.

"There is no need to work hard for others..." Shen Shen's eyes suddenly became blank, and the expression on his face suddenly became extremely strange: "You always think that I am working hard for others...but in fact, I am doing it for myself ah!"

Following the words, he suddenly stood up, without any cover, without any precautions, he just held the steel knife like this, and walked slowly forward step by step from the cover that could have been hidden for a while! Walk towards that behemoth!

"Chen Chen! Chen Chen! Come back! Come back!"

He didn't hear the driver's shout at all!

"Actually, I just don't want to see people I know die." Shen Shen walked forward, and the steel knife drew a deep mark on the ground! His tone was light, as if his soul was no longer there, and he said lightly: "It sounds hypocritical, but it is the truth."

"In the final analysis, I am a very cold-blooded person. I really hate a kind of emotion called sadness. This emotion is very troublesome. It makes people weak. At the moment of sadness, people are extremely fragile, from the heart to the body. , almost a baby."

With a flash of the knife, a four-legged zombie who rushed up first had been torn apart again. Drops of blood even splashed onto the fuselage of the helicopter.

"But it is almost unavoidable. Birth, old age, illness and death, every moment, you may fall into this kind of emotion and cannot extricate yourself, especially in the last days, especially when you see your companions die tragically one by one. When the soul is struggling and burning!"

"It's so sad that I wish to die together!"

"At that time you will be very helpless, and your mind seems to be dominated by inexplicable things, but that time is also the most dangerous. Monsters, zombies, enemies... They will choose this time to deal a fatal blow to you! It cannot be avoided! "

"I don't want to be dominated by such emotions, to be vulnerable, to be in danger."

"The only way, is not to be sad, and the way not to be sad, is to protect my friends, my family. Never be sad!"

"To protect them is to protect myself. In the final analysis, I am still a very selfish person."

"That's all!"

Accompanied by the deep whispers, the lights of the swords around him were as dense as lightning, and every time the lights of the swords flashed, one could see the rapid death of a monster.

Shen Shen's gaze is very deep, and sometimes he even wields the knife light purely by instinct.

Suddenly, the whole person seemed to enter a strange feeling, as if he no longer existed, and as if his soul had come out of his body.

His consciousness extended to the knife in his hand, and he could even clearly feel the rhythm of the knife.

As if a person is a knife, and a knife is a person, the cold air cuts across the bare metal skin, and the sound of piercing the air makes a "hehe".

In an instant, the cold air was freezing to the bone, and the hairs all over his body trembled.

There seemed to be a feeling of being excited by electricity all over his body, as if a lion was buried in his body, awakened at that moment, and then roared!

The light that streaked across the air even burned his eyes, as if the air had been split in half by a knife, as if there were some invisible waves of light rippling away. Even the surrounding environment looks distorted.


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