Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 290: The Critical Moment

"Yes! Hold them accountable!"

The scene suddenly exploded!

"What! So this person actually used people as bait!"

"I just said, how could it be possible to kill so many zombies with such a great ability. Net"

"This person is too hateful, such a bastard, scum, even let him be a hero! I'm yuck!"


For a while, the crowd was furious, and I didn't know who it was, and suddenly raised their arms and shouted: "*****, such a person should be walled!"




Louder and louder voices began to gather together. Once the emotions of hundreds of thousands of people were ignited, they would gather into the most powerful voice!

Xue Pihua's hands were trembling, Xu Chaoyang, he is cooperating with the public and forcing the palace! The tragedies caused by the pressure of public opinion have happened frequently before the end, and it is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong!

But Zhang Hongtao, with his personality, he would never do such a thing! Because he is a good old man! ! ! !

Why did Xu Chaoyang target Zhang Hongtao so much!

Zhang Hongtao already knew that he was obviously designed! Under such strong public opinion, he could hardly save his life at all!

He was shocked and looked at Xu Chaoyang in disbelief: "Why? Why?" Was he here targeting Shen Shen? Or is there a bigger conspiracy!

"Because you broke the law!" Xu Zhaoyang's voice was as upright as ever: "If you didn't make a mistake, I won't target you!"

Xu Chaoyang was extremely serious. He listened to Su Qing's words and began to investigate Zhang Hongtao's problems seriously. Zhang Hongtao was almost a good person, and he would even give food to a poor mother and child. However, as the investigation deepened, he finally discovered the problem. Zhang Hongtao once used people as bait in the medical building, this despicable behavior is almost outrageous!

Such a scumbag should be killed!

But his position is already very high. To some extent, he is obviously unable to move him due to the improvement of his rocket speed. But it doesn't matter! He will mobilize public opinion against him! Just like what he prepared for Shen Shen.

First hold it to a high place, and then let the people see his ugly face clearly! hehe,

No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot fight against the angry people!

This is justice!

Xu Zhaoyang smiled slightly. Facing Zhang Hongtao's question, uncontrollable excitement flashed across the man's face, and the twitching muscles on his face showed his excitement at this time: "Zhang Hongtao, you should feel sorry. If Shen Shen dies, He is the one standing here today!"

"Deal with Shen Chen! Do you still want to deal with Shen Chen?"

Xue Pihua couldn't believe his ears, this was the jealous Xu Chaoyang he knew, this soldier's face was full of paranoia, full of aversion to crime! But how dare he do that! What he did was not only aimed at Zhang Hongtao. If this is not done well, it will cause riots among the people!

Underneath, the public has obviously seen that something is wrong. The din became louder and louder, and some people sitting on the lawn had already stood up, and they even started to attack the army's defense line!

"Prevent me! Bring Zhang Hongtao to the scene immediately!" Xue Pihua shouted hastily!

The scene is going to be chaotic! The scene is going to be chaotic!

Xue Pihua's heart was trembling, but Zhang Hongtao must not die, his role was far greater than that of Xu Chaoyang! Seeing that several soldiers were preparing to cover Zhang Hongtao's departure.

Suddenly, Xu Chaoyang pointed his pistol at Zhang Hongtao!

Xue Pihua, Sun Yanze and other people sitting on the high platform, including the soldiers, broke out in a cold sweat at this moment! Xu Chaoyang, he is crazy!

"Xu Chaoyang! Are you crazy!" Xue Pihua was almost trembling with anger, his hand was already on his waist: "You still dare to shoot? Huh?"

"I'm not crazy! In troubled times, heavy codes should be used! If such a scum is not killed, the common people will not be angry!" Xu Zhaoyang smiled. In the eyes of normal people, there was a neurotic smile on his face.

Hearing Xu Chaoyang's "pu", he said softly, very distorted: "Unless! He's dead!"


The high-speed spinning bullet seemed to turn into a beam of light in everyone's eyes! Shoot at Zhang Hongtao!

Zhang Hongtao's eyes narrowed immediately, and then his body twisted strangely, and he dodged the bullet directly! With a bang, the bullet hit a boy who got through the soldiers' defense and climbed onto the platform to attack Zhang Hongtao!

In an instant, blood splashed everywhere!

The boy's body stiffened suddenly, and he stared at Xu Chaoyang blankly. The boy didn't know how he got a bullet for such a heroic act before he died!

"Ah!!! That executioner kills again!!!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic! Everyone is screaming and yelling like crazy!

Both Zhang Hongtao and Xue Pihua's hearts were bleeding! It took them more than a week to rectify their hearts, and it was crippled by Xu Chaoyang's bullet! ! ! !

"Xu Chaoyang! Damn you!"

"The damned person is you!" Xu Zhaoyang smiled slightly, and the pistol in his hand started shooting continuously! Every bullet went towards Zhang Hongtao's eyebrows with great precision!

Zhang Hongtao's cold sweat dripped instantly, Xu Zhaoyang's marksmanship was so accurate that it was not like an ordinary soldier at all, even though his figure kept dodging, Xu Chaoyang could accurately find his vitals every moment!

new human!

Words like this came to mind almost immediately! Zhang Hongtao's expression changed immediately when he looked at Xu Chaoyang!

Xu Chaoyang smiled slightly with his hands behind his back, and he looked very ethereal, as if he was about to complete a great cause: "I don't believe you can dodge the next shot!"

The bullets roared in front of me! Zhang Hongtao's scalp suddenly exploded! How can it be! Where did this bullet come from! The tricky angle made it impossible for him to dodge at all!

The most important thing is that Xue Pihua is behind him. Once he dodges, this old man will definitely be hit and killed! ! !

Can't dodge!

Zhang Hongtao's heart was trembling, could it be that today is his own death day! Watching the bullets whizzing by! Zhang Hongtao desperately looks for Duoduo, his last attachment...


The huge noise came with the violent hurricane! The imaginary death did not come!

Zhang Hongtao opened his eyes in shock, only to see a figure standing in front of him, with two fingers tightly pinching the death bullet! ! !

The big screen faithfully recorded this moment, and in an instant, the noisy venue immediately became quiet!

Everyone looked at the big screen stupidly, the indifferent man caught a bullet with two fingers. His fingers twirled slightly. Then, everyone could clearly see the bullet slowly shattered into powder and fell from his fingertips.


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