Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 305 Technical geeks are king

This is a place where four railroad tracks intersect. The large rail transit hub makes the whole structure very complex and changeable. The turning points of going up and down the stairs are very complicated. The old man and the little boy have obviously lived in it for a long time, and all the roads are clear It's incredible. [For more exciting novels, please visit] Soon, the two of them led Shen Shen and Chu Li around to the bottom of the subway!

This should be Line 6. It is located at the bottom of the four tracks. The waiting corridor looks very quiet. There is a subway parked here on the platform. Greeting with a smile, the little boy knocked on one of the doors of the subway, and after a while, the door was opened with effort, revealing a person's head.

"The brat is back! Huh? A newcomer is here!"

"These two people are really brave! They even broke into their territory!" The little boy looked very mature: "If we hadn't seen him, I'm afraid we would have been eaten by spiders!"

"Come in and talk!" The man shivered!

Looking at each other, the two followed the old man and the little boy in without saying a word. There were sixty or seventy survivors in this six-stage subway car. As soon as he saw the little boy and the old man coming back, he immediately greeted them with a smile: "Our warrior is back?"

"Yeah! I'm back!"

"Have you brought back something to eat?"

"Of course!" The little boy said to the old man, "Grandpa, take off the backpack!"

Shen Chen and Chu Li squinted their eyes at the same time. There are not a few middle-aged people here, so they let a little boy and an old man get food? But looking at the appearance of the little boy and the old man, it doesn't look like they are reluctant! This is really strange!

I saw these two people turned their backpacks upside down, only to see countless thick spider legs more than half a meter long falling down!


"There is something to eat!"

"Thank God!"


For a moment, the subway car was as happy as a frying pan, and the little boy immediately yelled: "Don't worry, don't worry, according to the old rules, one per person, line up to get it!"

Seeing everyone ecstatically took one of the many spider legs, each sat back to his seat with a smile on his face. The little boy is picking and picking again,

Then he threw one to Shen Chen and Chu Li.

"You're welcome, this food is delicious! And as long as you eat one, you won't feel hungry all day!" The little boy said with a smile, perhaps because he felt that Shen Chen and Chu Li looked so embarrassed.

"We have seen a lot of you poor outsiders. The world outside is not easy. Stay here and you will be safe!" Someone said with a smile.

Shen Chen and Chu Li instinctively thought it was a little funny, a group of people living in the subway station and eating raw spider legs, but they were teaching them a lesson?

But Shen Chen didn't speak, instead he picked up the spider leg and looked at it carefully.

The half-meter-long spider legs mean that this spider is at least as big as 1.2 meters, and there are more than one hundred legs in it. This is nearly twenty spiders! This is already quite a threat!

How did the old and the young get it! It seems that this gathering place is a bit weird!

"Alas!" The little boy hurriedly said: "Master hasn't eaten yet, so don't eat it first!" The little boy said: "We can eat after Master has finished praying and allowing us to eat!"

Shen Shen put down the spider leg in his hand, and found that the people holding the spider leg around him seemed very excited, but after they got it, none of them ate it, but watched the little boy and the old man eat the rest The spider legs wrapped up, and then slowly walked into the innermost carriage.

Shen Chen and Chu Li looked at each other slightly, it seems that the master master is the real leader here!

After a while, I saw the little boy and the old man running out with excitement on their faces!

"The master said, you can start eating!"

Deep cheers sounded, and Shen Shen saw that everyone began to smash the shell of the spider leg vigorously, and then saw white meat and thick white juice dripping down.

This is their daily ration!

Everyone who understands this is like seeing a full banquet of Han and Han, greedily eating the meat that is bigger than a palm. For a while, the only sounds in the subway carriages could be the sound of eating meat and smashing shells.

Chu Li also imitated the example and smashed the spider legs together with everyone. Instead of eating rashly, he pointed some fresh meat with his fingers, and then dipped some gravy into his mouth.

As soon as he made this move, Shen Shen keenly felt the instant relaxation of the surrounding atmosphere! All the guys who looked at the two of them from the corner of their eyes were relieved, like, is this a recognition?

Shen Chen also frowned. Although the spider's feet have meat and can be eaten, they also contain a lot of toxins. Without high-temperature treatment and disinfection, once the toxins accumulate, it is easy to cause disease.

When I was very hungry in my previous life, I also went out to find these foods, and they tasted really delicious, just like eating hairy crabs. However, this is not a long-term solution. How many people died tragically, and he could vividly remember the crying and screaming. He looked around deeply, and found that many people had black eye sockets. Obviously, their lives were not long.

But now seeing that Chu Li had eaten too, Shen Chen stopped insisting, pried out the shell familiarly, twisted it, and took out the meat. A series of movements were performed extremely skillfully, and soon, the white and tender flesh of a whole spider's leg was completely taken out. At the same time, even the gravy was full in the leg shell, without spilling a drop!

The people around were stunned for a moment! It was simply shocking!

The same is eating spider legs, how can this guy do this? Look at Shen Chen eating the leg meat unhurriedly, elegantly as if eating some western food!

Immediately, everyone looked at the incomplete spider legs and the wasted meat and juice in their hands, and they were almost ashamed to eat any more.

Chu Li looked at Shen Chen's quite skilled technique, then looked at the pitted spider legs in his hands, paused for a moment, and then handed over the spider legs. The meaning is already obvious.

Shen Chen looked at Chu Li, without saying a word, brought it over and dealt with it again, when Chu Li also started to chew a long leg, the others really couldn't sit still.

Big pieces of meat are delicious! A few people hadn't had time to pry the shell, you pushed me and I pushed you, and then walked over embarrassingly.

For the purpose of making a good friendship, Shen Shen also dealt with them in a very friendly way.

After these guys got the whole meat, everyone looked at Shen Shen differently. These days, technology geeks are king!


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