Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Three hundred and seventieth chapters very abnormal

This sentence is extremely difficult. But everyone knows that if Lao Liang is really resurrected as a zombie, they will fall into a terrible war again. After all, the combat power of the zombies transformed into third-order new humans cannot be underestimated!

Shen Shen stood up tremblingly, his hands were too weak to lift the steel knife! He muttered in his mouth: "This damned world...this bastard world...damn...all damned..."

This is the damned doomsday, this is the damned corpse poison. This virus that cannot be eradicated makes everyone terrified. Even someone as strong as Chu Li had no choice but to declare in his previous life that there was no antidote or immune potion. If you don't want to become a zombie, don't get infected, don't die!

This is the natural umbrella of zombies, and it is also the bad news of human beings.

Shen Chen slowly raised the knife, looking at the dead old Liang with bitter eyes, the way he passed away safely made him unable to bear to strike! Everyone looked at Shen Shen, and couldn't help but panic in their hearts. However, at the next moment, Yuan Hong suddenly shouted: "There is a corpse smell!"

But Lao Liang's eyes suddenly rolled out! The pale eyeballs suddenly opened! A discordant ferocity instantly appeared on the originally kind face!

In less than a minute, it turned into a zombie! The speed of this corpse was unexpectedly unexpected!

Lin Weiran, who was closest to her, let out a shrill scream in an instant, and Lao Liang's hand firmly grasped her ankle, and the force of his grip crushed her ankle in an instant! At the moment when Lao Liang was about to stand up and start!

"Shua!" A cold light flashed!

Lao Liang's head fell to the ground in an instant, and his slightly changed face was covered with dust! Only then did everyone feel relieved, but looking at the two corpses of Lao Liang, several people felt a chill in their hearts. A person as strong as Lao Liang could die in an instant battle, so what about them? What about other humans?

The hand holding the steel knife is still weak, but there are no tears in Shen Shen's eyes: "I don't want to be sad, don't die! I must continue to be strong."

All of them together felt an unprecedented sense of crisis spontaneously. Everyone clenched their fists involuntarily. Yes, they were too weak and had no ability to protect themselves. If they didn't want to die, they had to continue to grow stronger!

Shen Shen slowly withdrew the knife and stood up straight. At this moment, everyone felt that this man was shrouded in deep bleakness and sadness!

Chen Wupan looked at the corpses of zombies scattered all over the place, and suddenly asked, "What about these zombies?"

"Burn them!" Shen Shen ordered lightly: "I don't want their evolution fluid,

Save it for Lao Liang to be buried with him! "

This sentence was extremely deep, and everyone nodded involuntarily, but they knew the intention of Shen Shen's move, and paid homage to this respectable man.

Thick flames rose, and the sound of crackling exploded in the air. After Shen Shen watched for a long time that the corpse that hadn't completely decomposed turned into a coke, he turned around and left in strides.

"Boss Shen Chen! What shall we do next?" Chen Wujuan asked cautiously.

Shen Shen said lightly: "You go back first, the evolution fluid reminds your confidants not to drink it for the time being, tell me on the trading day, and I will come over."

Chen Wujuan asked suspiciously: "Boss Shen Chen, do you want to come to the trade fair too? But you don't need evolution fluid?"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Shen Shen's mouth: "I, come here and have a look!"

The heart-piercing voice made everyone shudder, and immediately they drove away again.

When passing by the boundary of the zombie of a pregnant woman, I saw that the zombies all over the ground had only their bodies without their heads, except for the huge zombie of a pregnant woman. It must be the big man who picked his feet and took away the heads of the zombies.

"Tie the pregnant zombie to the roof of the car and take it away!" Shen Shen ordered lightly.

On the way back, no one spoke anymore, and everyone fell into great sorrow. When they came out this time, they encountered powerful zombies and encountered an unprecedented crisis. Although in the end they successfully rescued Zhao Zhen and killed the two mutants zombies. But it broke the old beam. But they are more aware that in the end, it is not so easy to survive.

When the car drove into J Da, the huge zombies on the roof made everyone in the base stare.

"Did you see? As soon as Shen Chen made a move, he brought back so many things when he came back. I am no longer awesome!"

"So he is the boss of the captains!"

"Okay, let's work hard!"

Countless people were waving to Shen Shen, but Shen Shen was standing upright, his eyes were fixed on the front, and there was no expression on his face. In this battle, he killed his comrades at any time and lost a capable general! In his heart at this moment, it was like thousands of troops galloping.

When the car drove into the research institute, all the researchers involved in the zombie experiment were shocked. How long has it been since another new species of zombie appeared!

As the person in charge, Chu Li naturally also came out. I haven't seen him for a few days. This guy looks a little different from before. He is usually vigorous and smooth, his hair is messy, and the blue bags under his eyes let people know how bad Chu Li's mental state is.

Seeing the mutated zombie, he didn't show any emotion, but just nodded. "The zombies this time are completely different from the ones we usually see." Chu Li pushed his glasses: "Did it mutate again over time?"

Shen Shen nodded, and then told Chu Li again about the situation of the zombies. After listening to Shen's words, Chu Li rubbed his nose: "Evolutionary weapons have a long way to go, and mass production must be carried out immediately."

Shen Shen nodded: "The battle suit should be developed as soon as possible. With the protection of the battle suit, we don't have to worry about being scratched by zombies in battle and causing corpse transformation."

"It will take time. You can't expect me to conjure it out of thin air." Chu Li replied, his haggard face made Shen Chen nod in Shen Chen's eyes. Indeed, it took almost a year for the previous life to appear. Chu Li can't be expected to get out the new combat uniforms and weapons now.

After saying this sentence, Chu Li didn't say much, just handed over the mutated zombie to the people below for analysis and testing, and then strode to leave.

"Wait!" Shen Shen suddenly stopped Chu Li, and then said: "How are you doing with the spider web weapon?" He paused: "I'm going to kill a very difficult zombie tomorrow. I need this urgently."

"I don't have time!" Chu Li suddenly pushed his glasses, ignoring Shen Shen at all, striding towards his laboratory as if there was something urgent.

Everyone couldn't help being a little bit surprised. After all, Chu Li's attitude towards Shen Shen was quite good, but today, it seems that Chu Li is not only quite indifferent towards Shen Chen, but even showing a trace of impatience and avoidance?


A pair of hands grabbed Chu Li's back collar fiercely, but he suddenly pulled Chu Li to him in front of him, his eyes were calm but with turbulent waves hidden in the bottom of the sea: "Chu Li, I'm going use!"

However, soon, Shen Shen's figure quickly retreated, and saw a gun in Chu Li's hand, aiming straight at Shen Chen!

The researcher who was still exclaiming fell silent for a moment, and everyone found that Chu Li's state was very abnormal today.

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