Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 414 Leave it to him

Although the Lishou Dao has an unexpected effect in this woman's hand, the Lishou Dao itself emphasizes surprise, and the attack power is determined by the woman's own physical fitness. (Baidu search gives you the fastest and most stable updates on Geli It seems that she is only at the seventh or eighth level of the second level, but the monster in front of me, after undergoing the tyranny of the evolution fluid, has reached the third level and is close to the second level ah!

However, a gleam of joy flashed across Shen Shen's face. He suddenly thought of his weird "learning" ability. He originally planned to go up and deal with the monster but stopped. After confirming that Lin Qiuyi was not alive for the time being, Start to watch every movement of Lin Qiuyi seriously!

Start, shot, wrist strength, shot direction, force and force collision point!

It's as if a hungry person sees a big meal, and it's as if a sponge needs water. Shen Shen greedily watched all this!

The Lishou Dao was used several times in an instant, but with the lessons learned from the past, the monster actually avoided it. Lin Qiuyi also did not expect that the Lishou Dao that she was good at could only cut the monster's lips, and could not even make a deeper mark.

But at this time, the monster roared and charged over! With the help of the powerful elastic force of the sudden explosion of the legs, he leaped high from the ground and charged obliquely like a cannonball!

It seems to have spotted Lin Qiuyi, even though Lao Chen crazily opened a hole in its body with his long nails, this monster still aimed at Lin Qiuyi violently, but it seemed extremely impatient, directly irritated He slapped Lao Chen and sent him flying.

Lin Qiuyi's face was pale at this time! Even her full attack could not withstand the monster's attacks again and again, and soon both shoulders were directly pierced by that terrifying tongue! "Fan Bingbing, you bastard, what is the weakness of this monster?" Lin Qiuyi hurriedly shouted.

Fan Bingbing panicked: "What did you say?"

"Don't play tricks on me! Your evolutionary ability! Tell me what the weakness of this monster is! How can I kill it!"

"I can't see it, I can only see the flaws of people clearly!" Fan Bingbing shouted anxiously, and Lin Qiuyi immediately cursed: "Trash!" At this moment, she couldn't care about why those people stood there motionless and looked at her instead of running away, she only knew how to stop the monster's attack with a sharp knife!

The forked tongue wandered in front of Lin Weiran, and the stench pervaded the air. Following the monster's attack, the entire basement building collapsed, and the ceiling above his head was broken in an instant. Countless things fell down one after another! Accompanied by a large number of sand and stones that slope straight down!

Shen Shen watched Lin Qiuyi struggle with that monster indifferently,

After finally confirming that the woman was indeed unable to defeat the monster, she turned her head and smiled at the people behind her and said, "When I go to kill the monster, don't let me know that you escaped one...or else..."

Everyone's eyes followed the heavy word "Otherwise" and involuntarily looked at a corpse that had turned into a rotten watermelon on the ground, couldn't help suppressing their saliva, and then nodded hastily.

When these guys realized that the situation was not good and wanted to escape, this suspicious man suddenly appeared at the door and stopped them directly.

These people naturally wanted to rush out, but when Shen Shen knocked a person down from the head with a punch, and really hammered a person into a puddle of cakes, everyone was stupid and sluggish. I didn't even have the courage to move while standing.

These people nodded hurriedly when they heard Shen Shen's "hmm".

But Shen Chen smiled slightly, his whole body suddenly bowed forward, and in an instant he flew out like a wild goose! But at this time, Lin Qiuyi suddenly saw Shen Shen appearing, and her heart tightened immediately. She was already at the end of her strength. If this spy wanted to hurt Fan Bingbing, wouldn't the Xinyuan community have a bad relationship with the southern gathering place? !

This woman was also really decisive, she flew directly towards Shen Chen with a "swish", at the same time her figure turned over the monster's body very cleverly, and landed directly beside Shen Shen. The monster turned its direction in an instant, and stared at Shen Shen's direction covetously!

Shen Shen raised his eyes involuntarily: "A misfortune is being brought to the east? This eldest sister is so alert."

Lin Qiuyi was only in her early twenties, when Shen Shen called her eldest sister, she snorted coldly: "Sister, you bastard! You can live to call again!"

After all, he kicked up viciously, with the intention of kicking Shen Chen in front of the monster!

Shen Shen's face was slightly moved, and at the moment when Lin Qiuyi's feet were ejected, she immediately grabbed and threw her legs, only to hear Lin Qiuyi's scream, the whole person immediately flew into the crowd like a broken sack, and landed heavily. fell to the ground.

"Stay right there!" Shen Shen said coldly, but Lin Qiuyi got up in embarrassment, raised her eyes angrily, and looked at Shen Shen.

The monster gradually began to adapt to its deformed body. With a kick of its hind legs, it instantly came towards Shen Shen's side with the help of the reaction force of the ground. The speed was beyond people's imagination. Obviously, it was already strong to almost two-thirds of the lower extremity.

However, Shen Shen squinted his eyes tightly, but there was a faint smile on his face.

How is it possible that this man is not afraid at all when facing such a monster! Lin Qiuyi looked at Shen Shen in shock, but Chen Wupan had already walked to her side: "It's okay, I'll leave the rest to him!"

Everyone looked in amazement at Shen Shen's foot kicking hard, unexpectedly leaving two footprints on the solid ground, and at the same time, his body rushed out like a shell!


At the moment of staggering in the air, the lower body of the monster kicked, and the tongue popped out instantly, and the two palms that had turned into raw palms slapped Shen Chen suddenly, as if they wanted to slap Shen Chen flat!

However, Shen Shen's body was as nimble as an ape's, and he kept climbing up the concrete pillars of the garage. Immediately afterwards, he saw a flash of silver light, and saw a saber thrust into the monster's hind legs!

In an instant, green blood gushed out like a spring, Lin Qiuyi looked at her hand in surprise, only to find that the saber in her hand had been taken away by Shen Shen at some point.

"Roar!!!!" The monster was in pain, and immediately rushed towards Shen Shen straightly. Shen Shen led the monster away all the way, and finally flew upwards. Under the exclamation of everyone, he was seen hanging upside down from the ceiling on the steel! And the monster below has slowly stopped, its blood-red eyes fixed on Shen Shen.

Shen Shen smiled coldly, and then took out something from his arms.

Just when the monster kicked up with its hind legs, and the forked tongue suddenly went towards Shen Shen's eyes, everyone screamed, that guy, is he going to die like this! WWW.GEILIWX.COM Happy reading every day

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