Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 468 Capture the Evolution Gun (14th round)



"Don't come here!!! Run away!!!" The hoarse shout made the three people who were about to rush over stop immediately! But Shen Shen shouted frantically: "Don't worry about me, run away!!! There are two mutant zombies!! Don't stop, run back all the way! Run away!!!"

The three of them were already feeling cold all over their bodies at this time, the pain in their hearts and the weakness in their bodies made them almost unable to stand still, and then, Zhao Zhen suddenly wiped his face; "Flee!!!"

He rushed out first! Xu Ziying grabbed Pandy: "Pandy, boss let us go!"

"I'm not leaving!!" Pan Di suddenly shook off Xu Ziying's hand. At this time, he didn't have any impulse in his heart. Pan Di knew very well that Shen Shen didn't mean to let them turn around to save him at all, otherwise, he would be under control. His own self will definitely go up, but it is because he has no impulse that he wants to go up.

Not for anything else, but because Shen Chen came to rescue them alone. When he was in danger, he only wanted to let them escape first! !

Shen Chen is still gritted his teeth and persisted! The zombie's fangs had already bit Shen Shen's neck, but fortunately, Shen Chen had learned the ability of the Russian man to control the body's skeletal muscles. At this moment, he shrunk his whole body and became a ball again. The mutated zombie gritted his teeth, and unexpectedly found that his sharp teeth would not have left a single white spot on his skin if he hadn't broken the heavy skin!

At this time, another mutated zombie had also appeared. This mutated zombie had countless centipede-like feet on its feet, but its body was covered with something thick like spiritual tablets. When the multi-legged mutated zombie saw this fourth-order mutated zombie, it let out a roar in an instant! Immediately afterwards, the mutated zombie who was holding down Shen Chen and trying to bite Shen Shen to death, roared. Immediately turn back and prepare for the battle.

Most of them were stunned in Da J before, and these fourth-order zombies naturally couldn't fight, but once they woke up, they immediately started the domain battle. When the two zombies were fighting fiercely, Shen Shen also struggled to remove his thigh from the sharp steel bar, and then, his eyes were constantly looking around. At this time, Pan Di had already thrown off Xu Ziying and rushed Coming up, looking at Pandy deeply, the warmth in his heart couldn't help rising up again, he didn't care to say anything more. It just said: "Go find the evolution gun, otherwise we won't be able to escape!"

"Evolution Gun! Where can I get the Evolution Gun?"

At this time, more and more zombies have rushed out, dragging their crippled bodies ferociously and starting to attack, countless miserable cries rang out loudly,

The whole hell on earth reappeared.

Shen Shen stared at the direction the helicopter was taking off: "Go to Ghost Street!"

Ghost Street, that is the only place where helicopters take off. It is absolutely impossible for these men in black to die together with the common people. It is easy to deal with only one mutant zombie, but the existence of three or four mutant zombies may catch up with them at any time Eat them straight up. Therefore, if those men in black escape, they can only pass through Ghost Street!

To deal with such fourth-order zombies, even Shen Shen at this time has no way to do it. The best way is to shoot with an evolutionary gun!

At this time, Xu Ziying's figure had disappeared, and Shen Shen and Pan Di immediately headed towards the ghost street. Sure enough, there were still two helicopters parked on the ghost street. This kind of helicopter could take more than a hundred people. The men in black are preparing to retreat in an orderly manner. There are no zombies around the research institute for the time being, and these men in black obviously have no intention of saving the people with evolutionary guns, but are in a very leisurely state.

Pan Di cursed suddenly: "Damn, you are so cruel to your own people, and you plan to run away from zombies!"

"Three hundred and twenty thousand zombies, they can't resist at all!" Shen Shen said lightly, and then his eyes aimed at the end of the line. Shen Shen gestured to the two men in black at the end, and they met each other's eyes, but saw the figures of the two swayed, swept on the spot, and immediately rushed into the last two, with a wave of hands, only heard a sound There was a crisp "click", and the bones on the heads of the two men in black were snapped cleanly!

"Enemy attack!" "Enemy attack!"

In an instant, the man in black immediately turned his head, his uniform appearance and constant shouting were even more terrifying than zombies. At this time, Shen Shen had already evolved a gun in his hand, and he pulled the trigger fiercely. The light was like a shining crescent moon, directly blasting towards the crowd in black!

There were screams and dodging sounds immediately, and the shot even directly killed two men in black. At the same time, Pan Di also succeeded, looking at Pan Di deeply. Immediately ordered: "Quick retreat!"

Pan Di was very vigilant. After blowing away a man in black with one punch, he took another shot and rolled over first. He immediately hid himself in the shadows and disappeared.

At the same time, the evolution gun in Shen Chen's hand kept firing, and the black-clothed crowd could only keep dodging! Relying on the cover of the bullets, Shen Shen shot while retreating. His figure continued to walk through the darkness. After experiencing a short period of panic, the people in black immediately started to fight back, and countless lights came straight to his body.

Shen Chen's double-limit ability was once again improved due to the increase in rank, and his figure kept shuttling through it. Even he had to be careful, because once he was hit by these evolutionary bullets, he might really be left here!

But at this time, a sharp voice suddenly came from the plane and shouted: "Leave him alone, retreat quickly!"

The men in black immediately put down the talking guns in their hands, and Shen Shen almost felt relieved. Taking advantage of the half-second gap, he flew up immediately. Seeing Shen Shen leave safely, one of the men in black suddenly asked: " Why?"

"University J has fallen, and City S has no meaning to exist. Evacuate quickly!"

"The order has been changed, survival is the first task. Activate. Evacuate!"

"Activate! Evacuate!"

"Activate! Evacuate!"

Hundreds of men in black put down their evolution guns in unison, and quickly walked towards the helicopter!

At the same time, Shen Shen shouted in a low voice: "Follow me!" and rushed in the other direction. Pan Di emerged from the darkness and followed closely behind Shen Shen. Zombies surrounded them. With the constant roar, the earthquake was still going on, sand and stones were flying on the ground, one piece of land was broken, and the crumbling or collapsed houses greatly hindered the speed of Shen Shen and Pandey.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The evolutionary gun kept killing the blind zombies coming from all directions, and the gasified zombies did not leave any traces, so Pandy couldn't help scolding: "Hey, it seems that we have to kill zombies with cold weapons, so let's go on like this , the evolution fluid is gone!"

"That's right!" Shen Shen nodded, one after another zombies were killed by Shen Chen and flew out, the power of the evolution gun was already extremely tyrannical at this time! With one shot, the upper body of three or five zombies would disappear immediately, leaving only the lower body which was still in the attacking posture and fell down weakly. WWW.GEILIWX.COM Happy reading every day

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