Shen Shen's figure kept leaping across the field, although he only wanted to trouble Xie Yao, but in the process, there were always unwary guys rushing up viciously with their weapons raised, and the result was naturally self-evident. Shen Shen was also very measured in his attacks. The opponent was lenient to him, and he flew out of the circle directly, erasing his qualification for the competition. Of course, he also saved the opponent's life. And those who were cruel to him were basically killed by headshots, which also saved the work of the group of people who dragged the corpse.

At this time, the fight had been going on for more than ten minutes, and the dust was flying, and the eyes of the crowd were red! Howling! Attacking! Every punch, every kick is extremely brutal. Shocking bloodstains were all over the ground around the field, on the fences, and even on the bodies of the nearby spectators.

The onlookers were already crazy, they shouted loudly as if they had been drugged! It seems that at this moment, the feast of ghosts has begun! Blood and violence are the most beautiful poems at this time!

In the field at this moment, some people could no longer lift their hands, and they were gritting their teeth to support themselves. There was also a person whose leg was broken by his opponent, and was screaming desperately while holding his leg bent at a strange angle. That voice, like a wounded and howling beast, is miserable and desperate.

But unless you leave the circle consciously or unconsciously, the competition is still going on! At any time, someone will suddenly make up for it from the side!

Some high-ranking new humans are aggressive with the ferocity of wild beasts, and they strike mercilessly, punching to the flesh, and all they hit are the weakest places of their opponents, until the opponents admit defeat, or blood foams from the corners of their mouths.

Yaya's so-called harmless life is all false, here... there is only cruelty... only what Shen Chen is used to seeing... the end of human nature!

Soon, Shen Shen's figure was about to approach Xie Yao, Xie Yao suddenly spat fiercely, and then said to the big king kong beside him: "This bastard obviously doesn't care about us, Fuck them!"

"You go first, we follow."

Eight King Kong's words made Xie Yao almost stumble, but at this moment, he gritted his teeth and jumped out without saying a word!

Xie Yao is very confident in his ability. He even knows that although his evolution ability is not pleasant to say, it is already a symbol of strength if it is so weird that he can become the Four King Kong. In a few moments. Two people have passed by!

In an instant, fist to fist met together!

The audience who paid close attention to this Shen Shen immediately shouted! This guy,

They actually met the Four King Kongs! Amazing! ! But who are the Four King Kongs! His power is not comparable to that of ordinary people!

Not to mention anything else, just for this courage, death is worth it!

Boom! It seems that there is a wave of air gushing out! Shen Shen's fist retreated inch by inch, and Xie Yao's fist approached step by step! Seeing Xie Yao's fist slowly retract Shen Shen's fist! A ferocious smile flashed across Xie Yao's face: "Surrender to death!!!"

"I think so!"

Shen Shen said unhurriedly, Xie Yao raised his head, with a grin on his face: "Only a fucking bitch can do such a thing!" The shells hit it.

With a "boom", Shen Shen couldn't avoid it, the two collided in the air, and a terrifying loud noise erupted. In an instant, Xie Yao's fist swung out like a cannonball, and Shen Shen's figure could be seen continuously retreating! Suddenly there was a burst of exclamation!

Shen Shen, who was retreating quickly, was extremely calm in his heart, but there was a burst of contemptuous booing from beside him! These audiences had only one thought at this time, thinking how powerful this guy is, and his emotional pretense is good, but in fact his level is extremely poor!

Even Liu Jing, the Six King Kong next to him, suddenly said in disappointment: "This guy is nothing more than that!"

But Eight King Kong was suddenly startled: "No! It's not that simple!"


There was a very majestic man here, after killing a contestant lightly, he turned his head slowly: "Tang Yan, what did you see?"

"Every time that guy retreats, it seems to be in a hurry, but in fact, he didn't receive any damage at all. Instead, it was Xie Yao. He used too much force, causing his energy to vent. I'm afraid it's the end!"

"Impossible, I think Xie Yao alone is enough to deal with that guy, besides, he hasn't shown his housekeeping skills yet!"

Xie Yao raised his head abruptly at this time, with a malicious smile in his eyes: "Scrap! Die!!!"

With a sound of "boom", Shen Shen felt a heavy impact force hit him instantly, and his figure was lifted up at a high speed. Shen Shen, who was rolling in the air, looked at Xie Yao calmly. At this time, Xie Yao had already flew into the air. One leg, if this kick kicks the center, I'm afraid that internal bleeding will occur on the spot, and there will be no strength to fight back.

All the audience watched in horror, fearing that Shen Shen would be kicked to death directly with this kick, but they suddenly opened their eyes wide, and saw Shen Shen's waist twist unexpectedly in the air, and then his legs shot out, a block, The two legs hit each other, Shen Shen immediately flipped out of the air and landed firmly, while Xie Yao fell back four or five steps unbelievably.

"My god! What kind of kung fu is this? How could he exert force several times in the air?"

"This is not scientific!!"

All of a sudden everyone was clamoring, but Shen Shen stomped his feet again, and he was only a few meters away from Xie Yao, and he immediately rushed up! Xie Yao also had an expression of disbelief at this time, because Shen Shen's actions just now were too weird! But he was still extremely confident in his abilities. With a roar, he fisted with both hands, and hit Shen Shen like a storm.

Tang Yan touched her chin slowly: "Xie Yao, I don't know yet, the other party is touching his bottom!"

"I think you are too unconfident in Xie Yao," Liu Jing said coldly, "It's not what I said, if Xie Yao can be defeated, then he has no qualifications to be the Three Diamonds."

Tang Yan smiled slightly, but did not answer. At this moment, the four of them were concentrating on the battle situation. The ordinary contestants around were already dead and wounded everywhere, screaming, and Shen Shen and Xie Yao, who were fighting on the scene, had already become the focus of attention!

The two people came and went, their figures dazzled, but the person who could clearly see the situation of the battle began to look serious. Shen Shen looked as if he was being violently besieged, but there was no injury on his body. On the contrary, it was Xie Yao, who was already angry at this time. blow!

At this time, Xie Yao felt a little guilty. Why is this guy so difficult? Although he didn't use his strongest strength, he was more than enough to deal with people of the second and fifth stages! But when it came to him, the continuous high-intensity battles didn't hurt him even now?

What is going on!

boom! ! !

However, Xie Yao suddenly shouted angrily, fisted with both hands, and hit Shen Shen like a storm.


Suddenly, Eight King Kong spoke suddenly. happy reading every day

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