?The crowd suddenly burst into laughter, "Okay, Mayor Su, who doesn't know you, isn't it frightening?"

"Try again? Ahahaha!"

"The mayor wants to protect us!"

There was laughter and laughter for a while, and the chill that had been in everyone's hearts due to the attack of zombies disappeared instantly at this moment, and the town began to restore its former vitality.

Mayor Su, who is busy with everything, went down the city wall and moved Yuan Hong and others into the city lord's mansion, but soon, Su Bai broke into the heavy iron room with a mournful face: "Wait a minute!" , Brother Shenchen, are you cheating me? I just remembered that there are no supplies in the town right now, there are few men, and there are no weapons. If those zombies come back again, what shall we do? Since you put I'm at the front, you have to help me!"

But he raised his head heavily in the flames, and he smiled slightly under the white mask: "In two days, someone will come to help you."

"What?" Su Bai didn't understand and blinked his eyes, but saw that Shen Chen had continued to ping pong pong and continued to lower his head and strike the iron. Su Bai was about to ask again, but he heard a voice coming from the door: "Mayor Su, come out quickly, there is a lot of work waiting for you!"

"Mother Xipi! Wait!" Su Bai shouted loudly, he turned his head and saw that Shen Shen didn't want to talk to him anymore, he shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to go out.

"In two days? Can someone help me?" Su Bai shook his head in doubt, not quite understanding what was going on, and who else could help him here. It's worth sighing and sighing, while going to deal with chores.

The city has been defended, but there are still many things to do, and Su Bai's reconstruction work is also very busy.

However, for Shen Chen, the harvest is quite rich. Not to mention that the corpses of so many zombies outside the city wall have not been destroyed, at least thousands of evolution fluids can be extracted, which is the hand cannon picked up by the laughing owl. Being able to use it was a huge surprise to Shen Chen, after all, the ability of the hand cannon is much higher than that of the evolution gun. Shen Chen once obtained three hand cannons in the confrontation with the man in black, but he couldn't use them due to genetic restrictions. This time, this hand cannon can be used, which means that if he finds a biological scientist, he may be able to use it because of this. And unlock the genetic restrictions of other hand cannons. This is definitely a huge strength improvement for his own team.

However, what puzzled Shen Shen was why this pistol didn't have a genetic lock?

He knocked on the table pensively, his thoughts soaring, and suddenly, a blank face wearing glasses appeared in his mind, and there seemed to be a mockery of himself in his eyes.

Shen Chen stopped his fingers suddenly, "Could it be Chu Li?"

His eyes grew deeper,

Like the vast ocean, suddenly, he stood up from the chair and tapped his palm with his fingers: "Judging from the battle just now, the abilities of these men in white are around the fourth level. If two men in white Attack at the same time, just like last night. If I didn't have the ability to laugh at the owl at that time, I'm afraid I would have escaped death. So is it... Chu Li unlocked the hand cannon on purpose, just to give me a weapon, for fear that I would be in the second Death from being pinched by someone?"

After much deliberation, this is the only suitable explanation. The corners of Shen Shen's mouth rose slightly, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

However, his expression soon became serious. Chu Li might not know the changes that happened to the men in white. If it was accidental that one man in white became the zombie king, then it is obviously not such a simple matter for both of them to become zombie kings. Why is there such a big flaw in the production process of the men in white? Did Chu Li know? These are all unknowns. But no matter what, I have to find a way to remind Chu Li to know.

But the most important thing right now is to kill that zombie king first and clean up Tangjia Town!

The next day, Shen Chen rushed into Tangjia Town with ten of Yuan Hong and the others. Chen Yijian, Yuan Hong, Pan Di, Dou Xiaoqian, Xia Weili and others, who had been holding back for several days, saw the zombies , Just like a tiger descending a mountain.

All kinds of weapons shone with halos, sharply brought out bursts of whistling, aimed at the zombie's head and chopped it off!

The out-of-control zombies were obviously not as ferocious as yesterday. Although they were far more ferocious than ordinary zombies, they couldn't stand the evolutionary guns and weapons in the hands of these ruthless men, and slashed desperately. They waved their weapons and rushed towards the corpses. Their strong third-tier bodies and the will to win made them slam into the corpses like a bull, and were knocked down by them. !

Countless zombies were thrown into the sky, and as swords and swords flashed out, the heads of the zombies immediately exploded like rotten tomatoes with a "hula", red and black sprayed all over the wall, and the corpses were completely dead before they hit the ground. It took only a blink of an eye for one zombie to die, and the remaining zombies looked so fragile under the almost crazy slashing. At this moment, it was already a one-sided massacre! If the zombies had even the slightest sense of self-protection, they would definitely choose to leave this terrifying burial place immediately.

On a tall building far away, the woman in white looked at all this indifferently. She sighed deeply, and slowly lowered her eyelids.

Regardless of whether she admits this fact or not, everything shows that the zombies in Tangjia Town are finished! If Shen Chen is a tiger, then the people around him are all wolves.

And this group of useless zombies are slaughtered like sheep under their hands. Obviously, she is not interested in such incompetent zombie subordinates. Seeing everyone getting deeper and deeper into the town, the woman in white finally sighed quietly: "Forget it, it's time to leave here!"

"Stay here."

The body of the woman in white suddenly stiffened, and she turned her head in disbelief, only to see the young man in the white mask standing indifferently behind her. shirt.

The woman in white couldn't help but take a step back. Three thousand strands of artificial hair stood up on end. Her forehead was icy cold, and her eyes were full of stars. She seemed to be tightly grasped by an unknown fear.

At this moment, she only had one thought, which was that she really couldn't think of when Shen Chen stood here, why didn't she have any sense at all?

But she has no time to think, the intense fear of Shen Shen and desire for life made her just about to run away, when suddenly, a strange laughter sounded, 018 couldn't help looking up, but suddenly saw a A beam of light shoots from the eye of a hovering owl.

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