Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 700: Zhang Zimeng Strikes

d The tail lights of the first car turned red, and then a car stopped. Everyone felt something was wrong at this moment, and their faces immediately became serious.

"Everyone get out of the car and prepare to fight!"

Said in a deep and stern voice, killing intent appeared in the depths of everyone's eyes, turned over one by one, picked up their weapons and got out of the car, leaning close together.

Liu Changwei was about to climb out of the car, but was shoved into the car by Shen Shen: "You will only cause trouble if you come out, so stay inside."

Liu Changwei immediately stopped talking, and hastily and carefully hid himself.

"There are about a hundred meat mountains in front of us, more than 10,000 starving ghosts on the left side, and starving ghosts and meat mountains attacking on the right side respectively." Shen Shen said: "Can we successfully get out of this situation?" For the city, it depends on today's battle. You still have ten minutes, adjust your status immediately."

After Shen Shen gave an order, everyone began to check the equipment, and after a few minutes, they all looked around eagerly.

There is no need to say too much, everyone understands that this battle is absolutely thrilling, there are nearly a thousand meat mountains, and tens of thousands of starving ghosts, this is clearly Zhang Zimeng's hatred, and vows to bury them here. I was a little nervous, but fortunately, everyone had successfully changed their muscles before, and while I was nervous for a while, there was a feeling of eagerness to try.

Ten minutes later, he said in a deep voice, "Here we come!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a sharp and sinister laughter slowly drifting from far and near, that voice was like the coldest poisonous snake, as if walking on his own back, it was frightening.

Liu Changwei in the car was taken aback for a moment. How could he be so familiar? It sounded like Zhang Zimeng's voice. He hurriedly leaned on the car window and looked forward, only to see that there seemed to be an extraordinarily huge meat mountain slowing down in the vague mist. Slowly appearing from the front, a woman with flying hair like a snake is sitting on the meat mountain. It is too far away and foggy, so I can't see the woman's appearance clearly, but for some reason, Liu Changwei is almost sure in his heart, that is Zhang Zimeng.

How is it possible... Zhang Zimeng didn't run away, why did she come back with Roshan?

Liu Changwei, who had never seen the diary, fell into a severe confusion for a moment, and his body trembled uncontrollably for a moment.

There were rustling sounds from all directions. It was a strange sound, not like the footsteps of thousands of troops, the besieging starving ghosts and meat mountains, nor the violent pounce on them. Their footsteps were very light, and every starved ghost had a sinister look on his face, his eyelids were lowered, and the whites of his eyes looked at everyone, and his teeth were grinding in his mouth.

A huge and almost desperate momentum,

It seems to destroy everyone's hearts psychologically.

They came step by step like this, and slowly surrounded everyone in all directions.

With Zhang Zimeng leading and commanding, these starved ghosts and Roshan's combined army no longer acted blankly by instinct, but had a careful plan, completed the siege, and then obeyed Zhang Zimeng's orders , Launch a general attack.

"Shen Chen, we meet again!"

?? Zhang Zimeng sat on the top of the meat mountain, and let out a terrifying cry that didn't sound like a human voice, like the roar of a wild beast.

"Zhang Zimeng, stay safe." Shen Shen greeted with a smile.

"Are you surprised?" Zhang Zimeng giggled, the flesh on his face looked extremely terrifying: "Unexpectedly, right? You failed to kill me that day, and now, I plan to give you a big gift. And you."

"It's nothing unexpected." Shen Shen smiled: "You should know that we have already been to your father's laboratory, and we have made a clean record of your affairs."

Zhang Zimeng waved his hand indifferently: "Oh~ that damned old man has the habit of writing a diary, and I didn't pay much attention when I killed him. So, you also saw that **** Yueyue gone?"

"What do you think?" Chen Yijian immediately scolded: "Besides, you are the stinky man who hooked up with his best friend, you have to be ashamed!"

As soon as Yueyue and Liu Changwei were mentioned, Zhang Zimeng immediately screamed like he had touched some mechanism, "Brother Changwei and I knew each other before, and it was that bitch who took Brother Changwei away! Damn her! She owes it to me! If she hadn't betrayed me first, how could I have anorexia! Can you understand the pain of lying in bed, quietly waiting for yourself to be starved to death? You don't know anything, I don’t understand anything! If my father hadn’t found the medicine for me, I would have been killed by that bitch!”

Liu Changwei looked at the crazy girl outside the car window in shock, and for a moment, the pure and beautiful girl in his mind seemed to be broken by her own hands.

What is she talking about, why can't I understand anything?

"So, it's not your fault that you killed so many people?" Shen Chen asked with a cold smile.

"What did you say?" Zhang Zimeng frowned.

"You, who became a combination of Roshan and Starving Ghost, deliberately concealed the truth in order to be by Liu Changwei's side. Because of your love for Liu Changwei and your ability, you quickly organized an organization behind Liu Changwei for him. A surviving team. You look forward to this kind of love that lives and dies together in adversity. Because of your existence, Liu Changwei quickly established a foothold. This team hardly has to worry about food sources. Because you can mobilize a meat mountain at any time. Liu Changwei’s Be around for them to capture."

"But Roshan began to evolve with the X substance in the air. Even if you can drive Roshan to the side of the surviving team, you can't avoid casualties. Therefore, you start to use your ability to drive some survivors to join the survivors There are many people who want to leave, in order to keep these people, so you will turn the family members of these people who want to leave into starving ghosts, and then use your identity as the eldest lady of Anyuan Group to tell them this They are all curable. As long as they stay here with peace of mind, they can save their families when your father creates an antidote. So, these people were kept by your means. You have killed so many people, Do you still think that you are innocent?"

Everyone looked at Zhang Zimeng in shock. If at first they thought that Zhang Zimeng had eaten a lot of servants, but now when they thought that the hundreds of starving ghosts in Liu Changwei's gathering place were all done by Zhang Zimeng, they would all be shocked. It was already beyond shock.

What a deformed love, to do such a crazy thing!

Liu Changwei has been stunned. He has always thought that he is the core of the survivor team, the leader of force and spirit, but it turns out that every time he goes out, he can hunt Roshan, and every time someone is willing to stay with him The battle was all because of Zhang Zimeng. He suddenly thought that Zhang Zimeng would smile and say to himself: "Brother Changwei, I see that Roshan will spray black water in ten seconds when he opens his mouth, you have to be careful!"

"Brother Changwei, there seem to be five fewer people today, and we need to replenish our combat power."

For a moment, Liu Changwei felt that the world was spinning, and everything he trusted seemed to be not what he thought at all. At this moment, it was as if the world had completely collapsed. c

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