Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 708 Human Wisdom

d Chu Li nodded slightly, while Elder Sun smiled indifferently: "Hello, General Zhang, thanks to Elder Jiang's concern. When the affairs of my research institute come to an end, I will naturally visit."

General Zhang smiled slightly, and said dignifiedly but kindly: "This meeting invites two people to sit in charge, so the No. 1 chief can rest assured! Perhaps Mr. Sun has been working in the research institute, and he still doesn't know the importance of this meeting. I would like to say a few words here, and at the same time, I would like to ask you two. Now, if we present China's strongest targeted scientific research results on zombies and mutant monsters, it will have a profound impact on the fate of our country.

"Whoever comes up with a targeted plan, the world's resources will be tilted towards that country. For us, the areas that produce basic building materials and large weapons on a large scale have basically fallen, so we need a lot of manpower and material resources to support We regained the lost land. Today's meeting is not just superficially friendly. To put it bluntly, we need other countries to become cannon fodder to restore our own land. The same is true for other countries, those who cannot produce scientific research results The country is bound to be divided up by us, this is cruel politics. In short... everything is up to you two."

Chu Li and Old Sun didn't show any emotion yet, but Feng Pengchen's face changed a little. He was just ordered to attend the meeting at this time and was responsible for handling all matters with Old Sun, but he didn't know that today's meeting was still like this With the deep meaning, my heart was shocked at the moment, and I began to worry extraordinarily.

Chu Li nodded, and said calmly, "Naturally."

Since returning to the research institute from S City, Chu Li has spoken less and less often. It seems that apart from scientific research, there is nothing worthy of his concern in the world. Of course, except for the matter about Shen Shen. However, Sun Yanze's eyes were full of worry, and he was deeply worried about Chu Li's current situation.

He was worried that Chu Li would start to become less and less human. Although this would be of great benefit to scientific research, it would also lose the original intention of science and technology being people-oriented.

Everyone chatted for a few more words, but saw that all the participants had already taken their seats. The first black president in the history of Myrikan stepped onto the podium and coughed.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Today is the first day of a catastrophe for our world. In six months we have lost almost 400 million brothers and sisters who may have died or returned to life, bringing Give us endless disasters. And here, what I want to emphasize is that the remaining 400 million people, a large number of people die every day in front of various disasters. Under such circumstances, we must break the previous race , ethnic, national obstacles, and re-examine the world with a fair and equal identity. What should we do in order to retain the fire of human beings, and to preserve our human rights to survive in the world again. "

"This is the reason for this meeting. I hope that this scientific research meeting can bring us a solution to the problem. In half a year,

With our current level of scientific research, there should be a breakthrough. As far as I know, the scientists of Jiepeng have successfully developed a medicine to suppress the tyranny of zombies. And Russian experts have developed an extremely lethal individual weapon... After a while, we will let you all show your scientific research results one by one, and everyone sitting here, we will choose the most suitable solution among many solutions. kind of. Then next. Here, I leave it to you. "

The applause was not light or heavy, but it had already given the poor president the greatest respect. He could have resigned, but at the last moment, he caught up with the doomsday outbreak. It is not that no one is gloating. It is possible that this is Merikan The last black president, and maybe, could be the last.

Soon, people from small countries went up and began to show their scientific research results. At first, everyone watched with interest, but when they saw scientists from India performing juggling on the stage, such as crushing boulders on their chests, everyone was very excited. Drunk no no no no. The funny nature of this country has not disappeared until now, even in the end, it still brings laughter to everyone.

As Chu Li said, the countries basically have no finished products that can be sold. After all, in half a year, if the whole country did not divert resources, it would not be possible to have any leap forward development under the sudden disaster.

The only surprising thing is that Germany exhibited a mechanical arm whose grip strength can reach the palm strength of ten tigers, and the grip strength of an adult tiger can reach 2 kilograms. Then, the grip strength of the robotic arm can reach 2 tons, which is already real. It's quite scary.

General Zhang tilted his body: "Xiao Chu, what do you think of this?"

"As expected." Chu Li pushed his glasses calmly: "Germany takes industrial production as its pillar, and all scientific research is biased towards this. The key to producing a robotic arm lies in the human's control device for the robotic arm. Half a year's time , It is not enough to solve this problem. The use of mechanical arms in force still needs to go a long way.”

General Zhang nodded in conviction, and suddenly, his expression changed: "Except for the countries that have already been destroyed, there are still four countries that have not gone up."

"There are only three already."

Chu Li said calmly, General Zhang suddenly turned his head, only to see that Tanaka from Japan had already walked onto the stage.

He seemed to be shaking a little, and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief in his hand. No matter how you look at it, you look out of tune.

Sun Yanze suddenly poked his head over and asked, "What do you think, Chu Li, about the medicine that suppresses the instinct of zombies?"

Chu Li looked at Tian Zhong on the stage, and suddenly replied indifferently: "How can human wisdom be compared with natural wisdom?"

When Sun Yanze heard this, his heart trembled, he felt that there was a lot of meaning in it, and when he looked at the stage again, his heart began to churn.

Tanaka quickly said into the microphone: "As we all know, our country has always been at the forefront of science and technology in East Asia. The quality of scientific research personnel is far from being comparable to other countries in East Asia."

After saying this, General Zhang's face suddenly changed, and he stood up abruptly. This fucking guy is not a thing. He praised himself and stepped on others. Tangtang Huaxia is not those Korean sticks, and he immediately became angry He stood at attention to criticize, but soon someone sent a message from President Merikan: "Now the overall situation is the most important thing. Please be patient, general, and it will not be too late to settle accounts after autumn."

General Zhang's face turned blue and purple, he clenched his teeth and sat down angrily.

Feng Pengchen sneered at the side and said, "Meirikan will not offend anyone."

"Look carefully." Chu Li said a word, but everyone stopped talking and looked at Tanaka intently, wondering what the hell he was going to do.

Seeing General Zhang sitting down, Tanaka had a villainous smile on his face, and then he waved his hand, but everyone saw ten iron boxes placed in the hall, and they were slowly pushed to the center of the hall . c

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