Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 710 I am waiting for you to destroy the country

d "Jiepeng people are good at bringing their servility to the extreme. I think it's normal for them to do such a thing." General Zhang joked, but then his eyes became serious: "But I don't know what other countries think about this matter .”

Chu Li was still as calm as water: "Someone will question it." General Zhang glanced at him, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. Before the iron cage was opened, Chu Li suddenly reminded him that the experimental zombies were imprisoned inside. ,Don't worry. At that time, he still didn't believe it. After all, it was an incredible thing to bring zombies to the venue. If a zombie got out of control, how many people here could escape? One's own soldiers can be sacrificed, but if these scientists have something wrong, they are really sinners of mankind, and Merican will not allow such a dangerous thing to happen.

But when the zombies really appeared, General Zhang felt that what Chu Li said was so accurate, he deserved to be the scientist named by the chief.

Soon, as Chu Li said again, the scientists of Merikan took the lead in launching an attack, to the effect that the effect of the drug could not be determined and they needed to see the effect on the spot.

Tanaka clearly seemed to have a plan in mind for Mairikan's attack. Tanaka said humbly and arrogantly: "Next, I will demonstrate the power of our country's scientific research achievements in front of you."

Everyone looked anxiously at the five injections in Tanaka's hands, and then at the five cages, and they already knew something in their hearts.

Needless to say, those five cages were filled with real zombies. After realizing this, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. But surprisingly, everyone has a glimmer of expectation.

Soon, the five iron cages were opened again. This time, the real zombies were locked inside. When the iron box was opened, there was still a thick layer of wire cages inside. The zombies inside went crazy as soon as they saw the light. It seemed to be slapping the iron cage, making a shrill roar.

Those present here are all people who are used to seeing zombies, they just frowned and continued to read.

But Tanaka was holding the potion, and with the help of his assistant, he injected the potion into the zombie's body. After about twenty minutes, the zombie stopped roaring and became docile.

None of the five zombies failed, such a success rate is simply astonishing.

The field was vacant for a few seconds, and finally, all the dignitaries began to clap their hands uncontrollably. In an instant, there was an extremely enthusiastic cheer on the court! It seems that a new era of mankind is about to begin!

Only every scientist has disbelief and unwillingness on his face. The old doctor of Merikan said a few words with a cold face, and immediately a staff member stepped forward to negotiate with Tanaka. Tanaka's proud face immediately changed, and he sternly rejected Merikan's request for on-the-spot testing of the medicine.

At this time, the politicians of other countries have already started to surround the Jiepeng country, and seem to have begun to inquire about the cost of introducing this technology.

General Zhang looked at the stiff and embarrassing faces of Mirikan and the Russian representatives, and smiled wryly: "It seems that this meeting ended early. We didn't even have a chance to play."

Elder Sun also frowned: "To be honest, I still don't think it's scientific."

General Zhang sighed slightly: "Jiepeng's understanding of science may indeed have something that is difficult for us to understand, but this time, Merikan and Russia have not benefited either."

The clerk next to General Zhang asked, "Then do we need to contact Jiepeng?"

General Zhang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "No need for now, go back to the hotel first, report to the chief and then discuss."

Here, Tanaka has begun to accept the warm applause and cheers from everyone, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Fumio Kishida has excitedly started to discuss business in public, but the quotations from various countries are not enough for him, and he has not made a clear statement.

Just at this time, General Zhang and others had already got up and were about to leave the venue. Fumio Kishida's eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted: "If Huaxia can return the three eastern provinces to our country, and let our army station in the Central Plains area at the same time. I think , we will consider the possibility of everyone introducing technology.”

As soon as this remark came out, the venue, which was still fierce and enthusiastic just now, suddenly became quiet.

The expressions on everyone's faces froze, and everyone's eyes turned to Huaxia's representative team.

At this moment, Huaxia also became the focus of being pushed out.

There was a complex look on General Zhang's face, and from his undulating shoulders, it could be seen that the anger in his heart was far stronger than it appeared on the surface.

"What did you say?"

Every word, as if bursting out from the jaws, a powerful breath of iron and blood emanated instantly, clanging and iron bones, making everyone feel as if they were returning to the battlefield for a moment.

Kishida Fumio bent over with a smile: "For the fire of all mankind, Huaxia will not be willing to make some small sacrifices, right?"

He smiled like an old fox, but all the political leaders and scientists present at the meeting knew that Jiepeng was facing a predicament at this time, and once such a disaster broke out, it could almost be said to be a catastrophe. Although Jiepeng escaped the first disaster, everyone knows that under the influence of x-substances, it is almost an unavoidable fact that biological leaps are inevitable.

The ocean, as the most mysterious place where life is bred, is the first among them. Jiepeng is surrounded by the sea on several sides, and it will be destroyed sooner or later. No wonder they set their minds on Huaxia.

Even though many people want to refute something, it is obviously not a peaceful time at this time, and there is no concept of territory in the end of the day. Especially when it concerns the security of their own country, everyone shut their mouths tightly and did not make a statement.

Fumio Kishida seemed very satisfied with the current atmosphere. He smiled and looked at General Zhang provocatively: "What's more, you have a large population in China, and many people died. Now, there is no need for such a big place, right?"

"You're looking for death!" Feng Pengchen cursed immediately, his face was flushed, sparks of anger would burst out from his eyes, he immediately took out a pistol, and pointed it at Fumio Kishida fiercely.

Fumio Kishida didn't move at all. Behind him, the ten injected zombies stood far away, as if they were his support.

"I'm sorry, but that's the truth." Kishida Fumio smiled: "If Huaxia doesn't agree to this condition, I don't think I will hand over anything."

"Yes!" Tanaka waved his arms excitedly on the stage. This is where the Minister of Foreign Affairs is full of charm. Under the current situation, Huaxia couldn't help but bow his head.

The scene came to a sudden stalemate, but General Zhang suddenly sneered coldly: "Okay, then you will never pay. I want to see which country will wait until the end! You are right, our country has a large population, and the number of casualties is high." It is extremely tragic, but our population base is huge, even if God does not favor us, the hundreds of millions of us who survived have the ability to survive until the last moment of human extinction! And before that... Fumio Kishida, I am waiting for you in City B , I heard the news of your Jiepeng destroying the country!" c

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