Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 716: Their Cities

d "According to our speculation, it should take 4 to 6 years for zombies to finally evolve into adult intelligence. ∽↗,... During this period, the basic intelligence of zombies is equivalent to that of a one-year-old child." Chu Li said: "But Jie Peng The researcher's potion has very well supplemented the zombie's missing nerves and complemented the zombie's IQ in a short period of time. At this point, we are ashamed."

Everyone froze for a moment, trying to determine if Chu Li was mocking him, but Chu Li pushed his glasses, as if he really thought that Jiepeng's scientists had done a good job.

However, this kind of behavior made Jiepeng feel extremely ashamed, as if he had been slapped in the face countless times. Such admiration was like a basin of water for washing feet, and he wanted to go directly to the cracks in the ground.

"So, you're saying that the potion supplements the intelligence of the zombies? In other words, these zombies have IQ? Are they always pretending to be docile?"

"Yes." Chu Li nodded.

Immediately someone asked again: "Then why couldn't they hold on just now?"

"Threat." Chu Li pushed his glasses, "I said in front of them that I would kill them at the beginning, and then I killed six of them as quickly as possible. The last four have already understood that if they don't resist, they must be The end of death, so they can't pretend anymore."

They can't fit anymore...

This sentence hit everyone's hearts like a bolt from the blue. It turned out that this was Chu Li's intention. What he said and what he did was to force out the prototype of these zombies.

These zombies have been lurking for a long time, so they are definitely unwilling to be exposed. Maybe there will be a zombie king leading them, but Chu Li's constant fighting makes these zombies finally unable to face the threat of death.

However, Chu Li's words were not finished yet: "I'm very curious about what medicine Jiepeng has developed. I need to further test the medicine for the ability of zombies to consciously suppress their own level. In addition, if I guess correctly , These zombies may be specially waiting for the meeting time to erupt, so as to wipe out all the politicians and scientists here."


Everyone was completely shocked, how could the zombies have such a strong IQ, and they still wanted to kill them? However, they soon thought that if what Chu Li said was true, and if there was no Chu Li today, or the power of Huaxia's evolutionary gun, everyone would probably die here.

And thinking that once there is no research and development by scientists, when human beings face zombies with IQ, I am afraid that a catastrophe will really be imminent.

Thinking of this,

Everyone began to tremble uncontrollably. At this moment, they deeply questioned who is the prey and who is the hunter. Once the status is destroyed, it may be human beings who will be driven to extinction!

"Impossible! What you said is all your guesswork!" Jie Peng's foreign minister roared angrily, his neck flushed like a toad about to explode: "What evidence do you have! What evidence do you have!"

On the side, Yuno suddenly said with a bitter face and trembling: "My lord, it is true that researchers are not taboo in front of zombies. I have heard them say in front of zombies that they want to select zombies to participate in this meeting..."

"Baga!" A loud slap suddenly sounded, and Yuno flew out screaming. The only question in everyone's mind has been dispelled by Uno's answer.

Sure enough... these zombies were premeditated!

"This proves nothing at all! We will never admit it! Our medicine is absolutely effective, and those zombies are repairing the city wall now, what do you say!" the foreign minister shouted sharply. He knew that if he failed this time And back, what is waiting may be the end of seppuku.

"There is no need to be afraid of the consequences of failure, because someone has already borne it." Chu Li calmly looked at the last photo of the city wall being repaired on the big screen: "As long as the city wall is repaired, everyone in you will die. That city wall, It is what they built for themselves!"


Endless fear overwhelmed like mountains and seas. When everyone looked at the city, they felt as if they had already entered Shura Hell.

"no no!!!!"

Kishida Fumio's eyes were full of horror. He backed away completely unacceptably, trembling all over: "Impossible, you lied to me! You lied to me! That city still has a population of more than 100,000, my daughter, my granddaughter It's all in! It's not real! It's not real!"

At this moment, he seemed to have aged ten years suddenly, like an old man with tears on his face.

But at this moment, suddenly the staff beside the president hurried over, and immediately after General Zhang's arms, there was a long-lost phone ringing.

The faces of the two were equally solemn, and when General Zhang hung up the phone, President Merikan raised his head. The two of them stared at each other and nodded heavily.

"Everyone... According to the news just now, Jie Peng's Sapporo City has lost contact."

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Kishida Fumio, and from the moment the old man's eyes suddenly widened and his ashen expression appeared, everyone understood.

Everyone's heart sank violently, and sourness and pain suddenly emerged from the bottom of their hearts. Hundreds of thousands of people... have thus become the rations of a group of intelligent zombies. How they will retaliate against human beings, and whether they will regard themselves as human beings... It's all unclear.

However, everyone knows that this is not the failure of one country, but the failure of all mankind. We use the technology we are most proud of to create monsters that can destroy us, but instead become prey and let others slaughter us.

Someone immediately asked in a deep voice: "General Zhang of Huaxia, we must know all the power of the evolution gun, whether it can fight against zombies. This is already a matter of our human survival, please stand on the front of all mankind .”

General Zhang looked solemn: "This is inevitable, and the intelligence performance of the zombies has also exceeded our expectations. In the next time, we will discuss the complete data of the evolution gun with everyone."

At this point in the meeting, although they got the good news about the evolution gun, they also understood that even with such a killer weapon as the evolution gun, the evolution of zombies is not stagnant. However, there is still a little comfort in the hearts of the countries. Because of the barrier of the ocean, the zombies that have produced wisdom only appear in Jiepeng. .

The result of this meeting is clearly that China has won a big victory. The benefits and resources promised by the various countries made General Zhang unable to close his face with a smile.

The people from Merikan and Russia could only look at Huaxia with pained faces, but they had to lower their status to ask for the price.

On the other side, the old scientist from Myrikan walked up to the smiling old Sun: "Sun Yanze, long time no see."\u003c/dd\u003ec

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