Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 754 Who is Xiaoran?

d The unstoppable brilliance illuminated the entire dark and cramped valley like daylight. Facing Xiaoran's pain, Shen Shen had no choice but to rush upwards desperately, the sooner he could leave this cliff , Xiaoran is more likely to survive.

Because the giant eye's attack can only be within the range of the cliff, otherwise it can break her down in Xiaoran's residence, there is no need to plunder her consciousness, control her, and let her fall into the cliff, so as long as you get out On this cliff, Xiaoran can save her life.

He is like a giant spider or a gecko, constantly climbing on the rock wall. His forehead is covered with sweat. In his arms, Xiaoran's cry of pain is slowly suppressed. At this moment, she has already Feeling that her body seemed to be hollowed out by the luster of the book, and there were no organs anymore, but at this moment, she suddenly smiled: "Brother Shen Chen, I know you didn't lie to me so , you really will come to save me... I shouldn't have believed you in my last life..."

"Don't talk!" Shen Shen gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you talking about this at this time? You have to admit your mistake and admit it when you go back!" At the same time, another boulder crashed down on top of his head. All of a sudden, the stone shards hit like blades wantonly, and Shen Shen's body twisted in the air, kicking these stone pieces completely under his feet.

The giant eyes were obviously unwilling to let Shen Shen leave so quickly, followed by another violent earthquake, the rolling rocks tilted down like a flood!

Looking at the huge boulder that split the sky and cover the earth, at this moment, the word "must die" pressed down on Xiaoran's heart like a heavy mountain. She knew that Shen Chen would definitely be able to leave this place of death alone, but she brought her with her. With his own burden, neither he nor himself can survive.

Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly heard an angry reprimand: "Shut up! Don't speak!"

Shen Chen knew what Xiaoran was thinking since she said those words, but since he said he wanted to save Xiaoran's life, he had to do it!

Shen Shen gritted his teeth, as if a low roar erupted in his heart, the power contained in his body was running at a high speed, and he might have sensed the danger Shen Shen and Xiao Ran were facing in his body, deep in his body, suddenly , there seemed to be a sudden burst of power hidden in the depths, and the figure suddenly rushed out.

Pan Di and Ah Feng, who were lying on the edge of the cliff and tried their best to look down, were stunned for a moment. Their gazes were all fixed on a figure that was constantly shuttling in the flood of falling rocks. The latter either avoided or met him. , unexpectedly received all the ferocious attack launched by this giant eye, his whole body seemed to be full of sharp blades, and the falling rocks were instantly lifted up by the air lifted by the speed of his whole body, and shattered into pieces. Stones, wherever they go, are like wind and clouds.

Xiaoran also stared at Shen Chen dumbfounded, forgetting the pain on her body for a moment, brother Shen Chen's speed seems to have increased again? If not mistaken,

According to the standard of the previous life, this should be a perfect speed?

The soaring speed made it take less time for Shen Chen to appear on the edge of the cliff. At this time, although Xiaoran's body has been fragmented by the light, at least it still maintains a human body.

Just when the giant eye was about to prepare its final attack... "Boom!!!!"

Like a bolt of lightning going up against the sky! Accompanied by an extremely strong luster, it seemed as if it exploded suddenly like a thunderbolt, producing a sudden vortex of bright brilliance. Immediately afterwards, a figure stepped out of the vortex, with two eyebrows raised slightly, like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, and the originally resolute face was bloody and bloody due to the attack of falling rocks, but it looked even sharper.

"Boss! Boss!"

Pan Di rushed over eagerly, but saw that Shen Shen slowly put Xiao Ran, who was covered in rays of light, on the ground. Sure enough, once Xiao Dye touched the cliff, the glow on her body slowly dissipated.

"Take care of Xiaoran! Take her back and remember to watch her, and tie her up if necessary, and don't let her go out of the house." He commanded in a deep voice, "I'm worried that that giant eye will rob her of her thoughts again."

"Okay." Pan Di nodded hastily, and then asked eagerly, "What about you?"

A look of murderous intent flashed across Shen Shen's gaze: "Kill that giant eye!"

While speaking, he glanced back at Xiaoran who had fainted, and resolutely jumped off the cliff again.

Pan Di didn't even say a word, just watched Shen Shen's figure disappear under the cliff again, feeling mixed feelings for a moment.

Ah Feng suddenly sighed softly: "I know this time, why all of you are so devoted to Shen Shen, especially Xiaoran. Even if I meet such a person who treats me, I'm afraid I will follow him wholeheartedly. "

Pan Di was silent for a while: "That's why I told you just now that blind tyranny is useless, what is the aspiration of the people, this is. If you still don't believe me, you still bite me."

Ah Feng gave Pan Di a blank look, and immediately commanded: "What are you talking about, we were enemies before, but now we are companions. Hurry up and move Xiaoran back."

The two hurriedly carried the fainted Xiaoran to their bodies. At this time, Shen Shen sank down the cliff three times, and the originally terrifying cracks were no longer dangerous to him. When he stepped on the stone surface again without any danger, When she was on the bed, Shen Shen suddenly moved her eyelids.

The place where the giant eye was originally located has been completely covered by the boulders thrown down from the cliff. After moving a few boulders heavily, I saw that the place where the pupil of the eye was originally was was muddy, like a swamp, and there were various kinds of mud on it. A squashed moss. It doesn't look like giant eyes ever existed.

How can it be? Why is there no feeling about the existence of the giant eye, the luster just now, the attack just now, it seems to be an illusion, it never existed at all.

Shen Chen then moved a few boulders again, and worked under the cliff for several hours, only to find that the giant eye had disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, a deep chill shot out from the bottom of my heart. Facing such an unknown and terrifying creature, I felt very heavy, and there was also an unspeakable fear in my heart.

He stayed under the cliff for a while again, until he was sure that the giant eye had disappeared, and then he climbed up the cliff.

When he dragged his tired body back to Xiaoran's residence, he saw Pan Di and Ah Feng anxiously waiting at the door.

"How is Xiaoran?" Shen Shen asked.

"Xiao Ran?" Ah Feng and Pan Di blinked and looked at each other suspiciously.

"Who is Xiao Ran?" Pan Di asked curiously. c

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