Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 777 What's Coming?

The heavy ship followed the ship far behind and moved forward. At this time, everyone's hearts were still very relaxed, as if they didn't take Liu Yang and Lu Xiaoxi's tension and fear into their hearts at all. The only thing I prayed for was that the shot Shen Chen just now did not shoot too hard, in case the ship sank halfway, it would delay Shen Chen's affairs.

At this time, on the ship, Ke Bei was still in cold sweat. He kept listening to the people below reporting the damage to the cabin, even if the lowest cabin was closed in time to ensure that the damage rate of the ship was maintained within an acceptable range. But one after another, the bad news made Ke Bei feel powerless for the first time.

"Boss, the water leak has basically been solved. Now we can reach City J as long as we survive this hour. What shall we do then? If we need to repair it, I'm afraid it won't be able to be repaired in a short period of time. Why don't we..."

Ke Bei gritted his teeth and said sharply, "Abandon the boat and go ashore!"

"Go ashore?" The confidant said nervously: "But there are still a lot of zombies on the shore!"

"I don't know that there are zombies on the shore? I need you to tell me!" Ke Bei slapped him hard, and instantly turned his new subordinate into a pig's head: "Even if you find a new ship in J City, That group of sailboats will come to us sooner or later under the instigation of Liu Yang and Lu Xiaoxi. Go ashore first, save our lives."

His subordinates didn't dare to say anything after being slapped. He knew very well that even if he followed Ke Bei's wishes at this time, it would be impossible to protect himself from being accidentally injured. He hurriedly found a reason and rushed out of Ke Bei's room.

Ke Bei sat alone in the room, he gritted his teeth and wreaked havoc in the room angrily, trying to vent the lingering shadow in his heart.

Whether he admitted it or not, he couldn't avoid the fact that he was indeed frightened by Shen Shen's look and ran away, so that he lost his fighting spirit.

Ke Bei unconsciously rubbed his hands nervously, watching the time without blinking his eyes, and waited until his subordinate Zhan Zhan just popped out a head and said: "Brother Bei, we can see the shore. It seems that there are no zombies!"

"There are no zombies?" Ke Bei was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately cursed: "What the hell are you talking about? Stop the boat and go ashore!"

The subordinates were about to nod and bow in agreement, when suddenly, the ship jolted violently, and the two of them couldn't stand still, and they fell to the ground unexpectedly.

"What's going on?" Ke Bei firmly clung to the wall. At this time, the ship was already shaking very badly, and the furniture, decorations, and even the wooden boards on the wall were thrown off.

The people on the ship didn't figure out what was going on for a while,

Liu Yang, who was following the ship far away, suddenly grabbed the mast nervously: "Here we come! We come!"

"What's coming?"

Everyone hurriedly approached, and Shen Chen had already waved his hand to order the boat to stand still. Suddenly, in front of the ship, a small black spot formed from the surface of the river. Before everyone could react, the black spot was getting bigger and bigger, gradually forming a vortex.

"Why did the vortex suddenly appear?"

Although everyone has no common sense on water, they also feel that this time is very strange. The vortex is like a pot of boiling hot water. It began to rotate and roll continuously, and suddenly a layer of white splashes exploded. Countless fish, shrimps, and sundries in the water were driven to roll.

The people on the ship had obviously discovered the vortex, and the huge suction force continuously sucked the ship towards the center of the vortex, everyone screamed in panic, Ke Bei immediately stumbled to the deck, and frantically bared his teeth and claws to command Move the ship backwards.

At this moment, he still has some hope in his heart, after all, the vortex is not too big, and the suction is not too strong. Withdrawing early, it is obviously possible to escape from this vortex.

However, his imagination was soon ruthlessly crushed by the reality. The vortex was so weird that it was so fast that it simply surpassed the human reaction process.

But a minute later, the vortex became bigger and bigger, like a gradually forming tornado, it made a louder and louder roar,

The sharply spinning vortex, chasing after each other, rushed forward frantically. The vortex is constantly rotating, like a huge funnel connected to the center of the earth, around it, the waves are surging, like thousands of troops, galloping and roaring.

Even if they were on a motor sailing boat far away, everyone felt that the surface of the river suddenly boiled, and each body began to sway with the shaking of the motor sailing boat.

"Come on, what the hell is going on here? How could there be a whirlpool?" Chen Yijian held onto the mast tightly and shouted in horror. As a true northerner, he didn't even know that there was such a terrifying whirlpool in the world. exist.

"It's common to have a vortex on the river, but this vortex is evil!" Liu Yang said in fear: "Boats, big and small, have swallowed a lot, and they are fixed in this position. It's so frighteningly terrifying." !"

At this time, he also told the truth: "This is not a natural phenomenon that humans can overcome at all, that's why I said that you can't get close to City J,"

The earth-shattering vortex became more and more urgent and deeper, and the originally huge ship seemed so small under the ravages of the vortex.

Shen Shen's face has changed from relaxed to dignified, he held the mast firmly, and said in a very serious voice: "'s not a natural phenomenon, it's something in the river..."

"Is there something?" Everyone's face paled for a moment. Originally, everyone's mood and body were very nervous when facing such a terrifying vortex, but after hearing Shen Shen's words, for some reason, everyone couldn't help shivering. With hands full of sweat, his tense legs were almost numb.

"I don't know, maybe the end is coming, some underwater creatures have mutated." He said in a deep voice, he quickly turned his head, and asked quickly, "What kind of fish are there near you?"

Liu Yang said with a bitter face: "Who knows, with such a large amount of fish caught every day, there will be many people unloading in J City..." Suddenly, Liu Yang's face turned gray and blue, and the pain on his back Suddenly, a gust of cold air passed through, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"What's wrong with you?" Yuan Hong saw that Liu Yang's state was not right, and immediately asked, "What did you think of?"

"I... I don't know, Ke Bei once threw that murderous octopus into the water... Do you think... Could it be?" Liu Yang put his hands on his heart, and opened his mouth wide like a stranded fish breathing.

When everyone heard this, their hearts trembled as if being swept by a cold wind. At this moment, it was as if something sticky and greasy appeared in my heart.

At this moment, Xia Weili's eyes widened suddenly, as if struck by lightning, and he screamed: "Front, ahead! Look!" Opinion, if you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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