Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 784: The bait has been dispatched

d "This huge octopus expends a lot of physical strength when it moves, which is why when it attacked the ship, it only deployed less than half of its tentacles." Shen Shen calmly analyzed : "This is a relatively lazy octopus, so it will only curl up near City J and never go out. And the sensory system of such an octopus is also very dull. So I guess..."

There was a hint of a smile at the corner of Shen Shen's mouth: "The reason why Chen Kebei was attacked was because the air pressure generated by the ship was too high, which disturbed the dull senses of this octopus. Big, or even tiny, maybe it won't move the octopus at all."

Pan Di's eyes lit up immediately, and he patted his thigh hastily: "Yes! Why didn't I think of that."

He hastily continued: "If the big octopus is not disturbed, we can pass through this river area smoothly."

Shen Chen nodded with a smile and said, "Not bad."

Pan Di said happily: "That would be great. Thanks to that octopus, the zombies on the pier over there were also cleaned up. As long as we go ashore, there is no danger at all."


"But the pressure on our ship is probably not small, and the sound of the engine is also loud. Even in the past, I'm afraid it will startle the octopus, right?" Pan Di frowned suddenly and asked.

Shen Chen pointed to the top of his head and said with a smile: "You forgot that there are two hovercraft above our heads, which are specially used for escape."

This kind of motor sailing boat is always equipped with a life raft. When Shen Shen said it, Pan Di immediately understood.

"That's right! Then let's paddle over manually! Although we are a little tired, but there is no risk." Pan Di immediately reacted, and said with a smile: "This matter is settled like this."

"Well, it's already very late tonight, we'll leave early tomorrow morning." Shen Shen said.

But Pan Di quickly frowned: "But there are two hovercrafts, and we are probably already full. What about Liu Yang and Lu Xiaoxi?"

"It's okay, just go back and forth a few more times." Shen Shen said lightly.

Pandey just nodded, expressing his understanding.

After the two chatted, Pan Di walked out of the heavy room, and when he opened the door, Chen Kebei also opened the door. When he saw Pan Di come out, he was slightly taken aback, then nodded and greeted with a smile.

Although Pan Di didn't like Chen Kebei, even with a bit of disgust in his heart, he still frowned, nodded with his lower lip pressed, and then walked to his room without saying a word.

At this time, the night has fallen, and the silvery moonlight shines on the river surface, with layers of luster like silver, and everyone slowly falls into a deep sleep. The boats rippling on the river surface are like cradles, and soon, There were grunting sounds one after another from the sailing boat.

Shen Chen put his hands on the back of his head, and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was closing his eyes to rest his mind. Suddenly, there was the sound of rustling clothes rubbing against each other not far away.

There was a smile on the corner of Shen Shen's mouth with his eyes closed, and the fingers crossed behind his head tapped lightly on the other wrist, and then he began to sleep peacefully.

About an hour or two later, there was a sudden "thumping" sound from outside the boat, as if something heavy had fallen into the water, and soon there was another sound.

After a day of fighting, everyone was exhausted. So I didn't take it too seriously, just fell asleep. I don't know how long it took, and suddenly I heard the sound of hurried footsteps and a series of cursing voices.


The door was violently pushed open, but Lu Xiaoxi rushed in, with a look of panic and mistakes, and hurriedly shouted: "Boss Shen Chen, Chen Kebei has escaped!"

Liu Yang followed closely behind, rushed in with a serious face, and said: "Not only Chen Kebei, but the remaining five of us have all escaped!" His face was covered with cold sweat: "These gangsters are probably two A few hours ago, I secretly put down the hovercraft and left by paddling the hovercraft, shall we chase it back?" He said coldly, "Let's chase it back at this time."

Shen Shen slowly opened his eyes, with peace in his eyes.

At this moment, Pan Di rushed in angrily: "Boss, Chen Kebei and those bastards must have heard our conversation. They stole the hovercraft and ran away. What should we do?"

He was really very angry at this moment, the veins on his temples were bulging, and there was nowhere for the anger to spurt out, making his bulging cheeks tremble slightly.

This group of people eavesdropped on what they were saying, and it didn’t matter if they ran away cowardly. They had clearly agreed that they would come to pick up these people after they passed, but they escaped while everyone was asleep. It's okay to escape, there are only five or six people in total, it would be fine to take a hovercraft, but in the end they took all two boats away, what the hell are they not human.

Only then did Shen Chen turn over and sit up on the bed, there was no anger on his face, instead he was as calm as water, and said lightly: "Go out and have a look."

He was surprisingly calm, completely unable to see the anger after someone disrupted his plan. On the contrary, these three extremely angry guys were a little surprised, and they suddenly felt that Shen Shen was an unfathomable person.

In the night, the two hovercraft can be seen about a few kilometers away from the motor sailing boat, and people on the two hovercraft can be vaguely seen rowing the boat vigorously. Swipe forward. The direction is exactly the place of city j.

"Boss, do you want to chase them back? Without a hovercraft, how can we get to City J?" Pan Di asked seriously.

Not to mention Pan Di, even Liu Yang and Lu Xiaoxi also looked angry,

Shen Shen stared at the two hovercraft that were about to disappear, suddenly chuckled, then turned to Lu Xiaoxi and Liu Yang and said, "No, our boat, stop. Wait..."

His ending sound was a little weird, like looking forward to something, but also like regretting something, more like a kind of disappointment.

"Waiting for what?" Lu Xiaoxi asked curiously.

Shen Shen looked at the river meaningfully, and said slowly, "Wait for the octopus to come out!"


Shen Chen's words rang loudly in everyone's eardrums, and everyone seemed to lose their ability to think.

Liu Yang asked word by word with difficulty: "Wait...the octopus comes out?"

"Yes." Shen Shen nodded, and then said to Pan Di: "Wake them up, take the evolution gun, and prepare more evolution fluid."

He tapped his finger on the mast lightly, and said slowly: "Look, there are so many baits, when do you think that octopus will come out?" c

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